After Lin Mo finished speaking, regardless of their expressions, he turned around and said in a gentle voice to Xiao Mi, who was stunned on the spot: Don't worry! It will be over soon...

Xiao Mi suddenly came back to his senses, looking at Lin Mo's figure, he couldn't help but feel relieved...


Come on! Come over here if you are determined to kill me! Otherwise, you won't be able to escape! Lin Mo spread his hands and laughed.

Isn't it a wonderful thing to make his ordinary life full of fun?

The two gritted their teeth and looked at Lin Mo, making a gurgling sound in their mouths.

The two figures roared angrily, and each used their strongest strength. At this moment, their cooperation reached a perfect level.

Sato used the unpredictable characteristics of shadow to constantly harass, while the other person's body would change out various weapons from time to time, catching Lin Mo off guard!

Use all your abilities! Otherwise, you will die! Lin Mo's eyes revealed a... bloodthirsty and fierce light!

(Please collect some and have flowers!)

58 The two desperate people

Lin Mo grabbed the big hand that came towards him. A cold air condensed on his body and passed to the man's body. One hand froze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The man in black robe's expression changed in shock and he quickly backed away. He looked at his right hand that was unconscious.

What kind of abilities do you have! The man in black robe glared angrily, and the endless methods he used made him feel scared in his heart.

You don't need to know, because you are going to die soon! Lin Mo sneered.

The space around the black-robed man began to surge with ripples, and extremely violent energy rushed towards him like a tide!

He wanted to escape from this terrifying energy, but found that he could not move no matter what, as if there was a tens of millions of pounds of gravity pressing down on him.

The ground where the man was standing sank deeply, and the ground began to spread outward like a spider web, and the gravel was crushed by the pressure of this space.

The man kept struggling, a desperate expression filling his eyes. At this moment, he deeply felt how terrifying Lin Mo was!

Even if he could rely on this unusually powerful gravity, so what? The soles of his feet were frozen in place, and slowly ran up his body along his thighs.

Lin Mo squinted his eyes, and the half-smiling look kept impacting his brain. Finally, a vortex-like invisible energy in the void hit his body.

Suddenly, the body flexed, stretched and twisted in an abnormal state. For a moment, gravity seemed to have lost its effect. The man watched helplessly as he was sucked into an inexplicable whirlpool. At this moment, he suddenly figured out why Lin Mo in front of him didn't use his power to kill them in the first place. It turned out... everything was just to make him feel happy. !

The man in black robe finally let out a miserable cry and was completely swallowed up by the surging energy...

With everything reflected in his eyes, Sato's body trembled at a distance, and his pupils were wide open, as if he couldn't believe what was in front of him.

Fear, uneasiness, despair, and all kinds of complex emotions filled his brain.

Next, it's you! Lin Mo always kept smiling, as if he was a murderous demon from the depths of hell, so terrifying...

His teeth were shaking violently. This was because Sato was afraid of subconscious movements. His body turned into a shadow and hid in a dark corner, praying that Lin Mo would not find him.

Do you think you'll be safe just hiding in a corner? Lin Mo closed his eyes and quietly felt the fluctuations from space.

Do you think you'll be safe just hiding in a corner? Lin Mo closed his eyes and quietly felt the fluctuations from space.

No one can escape the space! As long as you exist in this world! As long as you are alive! As long as Lin Mo wants to feel it, he can find someone! But this ability has a limited range!

Lin Mo's spatial coordinate movement was modified based on this point.

The distance in space trembled, as if it was collapsing. Sato, who was hiding in the dark, finally couldn't bear it anymore and was forcefully forced out by Lin Mo.

Sato glanced back, and a big hole suddenly appeared in the corner where he was originally. If I hadn't felt something different from ordinary people, I might have been...

Sato thought fearfully.

Have you finally stopped hiding like a mouse? Lin Mo opened his eyes and joked.

Don't be too proud! Even if I can't kill you! But you can't do anything to me! Sato said forcefully, but his trembling body betrayed him.

But he also has his own trump card. As long as I stay in the shadow, the opponent can't attack me! So what if all the power here is turned off? Today is a full moon night!

As long as his shadow does not disappear, then he will not die!

Oh? You're really brave, let's give it a try! Lin Mo's face sank.

Sato had a very bad feeling, and this feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

Xiao Mi, wait for me here... Lin Mo turned his head and said to Xiao Mi.

Although Xiao Mi doesn't know what will happen next, it will definitely be terrifying. She may trust Lin Mo's strength!

Xiao Mi secretly glanced at Lin Mo Wei'an's figure, her face turned slightly red, and she didn't know what she was thinking...

(Please collect it and have flowers! There will be 6 updates tomorrow! Please give me everything——)

59 Black hole? Terrifying gravity!

Come on! Lin Mo said in a deep voice, slowly exhaling a turbid breath from the corner of his mouth, staring at the man in front of him.

You can't kill me...absolutely impossible! Sato laughed wildly, turned into a shadow and flowed into the ground, moving forward quickly.

Lin Mo sighed faintly: It seems that you overestimate your own abilities, so let me teach you a lesson! But this lesson will end with your death!

What a shame! A snorting voice echoed in Lin Mo's ears.

Lin Mojing stood there, and a vortex suddenly appeared in the space in front of him. At the same time, the surrounding space seemed to be guided by some kind of force, forming squares and trapping Sato in the middle.

Sato felt the terrifying energy around him. As long as he moved, he would be crushed by the turbulence of space.

The more times like this, the more Sato has to tell himself to calm down.

Let me tell you! Never underestimate the strength of your opponent! Lin Mo said lightly, focusing on the perception of the surrounding space.

Sudden! A black singularity flashed in front of Lin Mo, growing bigger and bigger until it became a small circular hole.

Lin Mo broke out in a cold sweat and took a breath: It takes so much mental energy to condense this crap!

The surrounding atmosphere was crazily swallowed up by a small black dot. Even Lin Mo did not expect that this power would be so huge!

There is not a trace of light inside, but some silence and darkness, endless darkness! Even if it's illuminated by the moonlight, I still can't see clearly what's going on inside, as if even the light can swallow it up...

What exactly will happen if time and space are jointly distorted? Others don't know, not even Lin Mo himself knows!

So, in order to satisfy his own curiosity, Lin Mo conducted an experiment in a deserted place. After countless failures, and on the verge of a mental breakdown, Lin Mo finally completed the experiment!

What is created is this small origin, even smaller than the palm of a hand! So, in order to test the black spot's capabilities, he controlled the black spot to the top of a hill, and a scene that shocked him happened.

The black spot began to absorb crazily, and even the surrounding atmosphere could not escape the gravitational pull of the black spot. In just a few seconds, the hilltop was completely absorbed into the black spot, leaving no trace.

Even Lin Mo himself couldn't believe it. He took a breath and wiped his eyes. He was afraid that the black spot would continue to cause more damage, so he quickly made him disappear.

Then he quickly got out of the way. On the way home, Lin Mo kept wondering how strong the suction power of the black dot was, which could even uproot a small mountain.

Then he quickly got out of the way. On the way home, Lin Mo kept wondering how strong the suction power of the black dot was, which could even uproot a small mountain.

Just like the legendary black hole!

Hence the origin of this trick. Although it calls itself a black hole, it doesn’t even have the capital to carry shoes for others! A small black hole like this has at best an extremely powerful attraction... Compared to a black hole's gravity, which even light cannot escape, he is still too young...

But Lin Mo always believes that as his level increases, his abilities will also increase! As for the extent of improvement, he is not particularly clear yet...

Although it is a small black hole, it is still terrifying enough. The Sato in front of me is a good example!

At this time, his eyes showed deep despair, as if he didn't want to run away... and he couldn't think of anything.

You can be considered the first person to try this trick of mine! Lin Mo smiled evilly, and the black hole slowly flowed in his palm.

Lin Mo walked step by step towards Sato, who was trapped in the space cage. Every step he took was a countdown to Sato's death...

Finally, she came to his side and looked down at Sato's shadow. The black hole in her palm automatically floated above him, and then, a fierce suction force suddenly flowed.

Sato is not willing to give in, he is not willing to die so worthlessly! But the black singularity above his head was like the scythe of death, harvesting his life.

In the end, the struggle was in vain, Sato's shadow was sucked in, and what greeted him would be an endless abyss...

Lin Mo waved his hand lightly, and the black spots disappeared. Although he had more ways to destroy Sato's shadow, he still chose the most terrifying option.

Has anyone seen their body being sucked in by a black hole bit by bit? I shudder just thinking about it. Although the majority of the experimental ingredients stand...

Glancing at the ruined room, Lin Mo suddenly smiled bitterly and said to Xiao Mi: Your dad won't come to me to ask for the maintenance fee for the house, right?

Pfft! How could it be? It's too late to thank you! Xiao Mi was amused. Is this still the murderous Lin Mo? .

That's good! Lin Mo patted his chest.

(1/6, begging for everything 24 hours a day! At the same time, I would like to thank a certain book friend for his valuable advice...)

60 care?

On the afternoon of the third the office of a certain company...

I heard what happened, Xiao Mi. The middle-aged man held his chin with his hands, not knowing what he was thinking, and his weathered eyes kept scanning Lin Mo.

As if to see him through... He sighed slightly for a long time: It's all my fault as a bad father for getting Xiaomi involved in this dispute that shouldn't have happened...

It's okay, dad... Xiaomi, who was standing next to the middle-aged man, shook his head quickly.

The middle-aged man glanced at Xiao Mi lovingly, and then said to Lin Mo: I will not pursue the matter of you almost destroying a building, and based on your excellent performance in protecting Xiao Mi, the bonus will be increased from 6,000 50,000 yuan has been credited to your account!

Although the money is not much, it is a huge sum of money for Lin Mo now. I feel so happy already. Now I really want to shout loudly: We are now rich people!

Pretending to be a gentleman, he said seriously: It is my duty and responsibility to protect the eldest lady. If you encounter any trouble, please come to me!

The best sentence, Lin Mo said it almost shamelessly, can not only cultivate feelings, but also make money happily. Is there such a good thing in the world?

Xiao Mi blushed and lowered his head deeply, not daring to look at Lin Mo's face. Because in her opinion, Lin Mo's words must have been said because he liked herself...

Xiaomi's father took a deep look at Lin Mo, who was obedient, and compared it with his daughter's shy look. As a father, how could he not see that little thought?

He showed a hidden smile: Okay! I just have something to ask you now. I wonder if you can accept it?

What's the matter? Lin Mo asked puzzledly. He had just solved one thing, could Xiaomi have encountered some trouble again?

It's about Xiao Mi. I wonder if you can accept it?

Looking at the middle-aged man's expression, Lin Mo felt as if he was seeing an old fox in the mountains.

After thinking for a while, he agreed: If there are any difficulties, as long as it is within my ability, I will agree...

What if I ask you to take care of Xiaomi?

What if I ask you to take care of Xiaomi?

The man's words made Lin Mo freeze on the spot. What's going on? Do parents nowadays like to give their children to others to take care of them?

Dad...what are you talking about! Xiao Mi said incoherently, the shy look on his face was as bright as a red apple.

What? Is there any problem? The middle-aged man stared at Lin Mo.

The problem is no, but are you so confident about entrusting your daughter to me? I'm a stranger with unknown origins! Lin Mo said awkwardly.

That's right! I was the one who was rude... the middle-aged man murmured: Let's do this! Xiaomi will be transferred to your class starting from next semester, and by then I will ask you to take more care of her!

Okay! Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly his face was startled: Have you investigated me?

If he hadn't investigated himself, how would he know the school and class he was in... let alone ask him to take care of Xiaomi from the beginning!

The man gave a slightly meaningful smile, but did not continue to say anything and ended the topic hastily.

Lin Mo and Xiao Mi stood side by side, neither of them spoke, and a quiet atmosphere surrounded them.

When Lin Mo arrived downstairs, Xiao Mi finally couldn't help but said, Don't take what happened just now to heart. It was just what my father said casually.

yes! Who would drag his daughter to someone else's care just by saying something casually? Just like giving your most beloved treasure to someone else, your heart is full of attachment and reluctance. If that person hadn't been in any trouble, he would definitely not be able to bear to think about it.

Obviously, Xiao Mi's father is that kind of person, but he was so good that Xiao Mi didn't notice it!

(2/6, please collect some and send flowers!)

61 The time that only belongs to Qiong…

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