When transporting Narakbela, Vatola, as the owner of Poseidon's Tomb, was absolutely aware that even the Black Death Emperor Faction was hiding on Poseidon's Tomb in order to cause some trouble on Xian Shen Island.

It seems that Vatola also had a hand in investigating Lan Yu Qian Cong.

Bingxue's smart Na Yue quickly thought of something. She glanced at Lin Mo thoughtfully with her unruffled eyes and said, You did a good job in this matter. I took them away first to see if I could Ask something.

In front of Na Yue, there was a metallic sound for an instant, and chains wrapped with magic power, like fickle poisonous snakes, tightly bound the bodies of several people, while the other person who was killed by Lin Mo, She was also taken away by the way.

Following a ripple in the void, Nangong Nayue and the Black Death Emperor faction completely disappeared in front of the three of them.

It went as quickly as it came, and the alley returned to its usual silence.

It's done. Lin Mo stretched and looked at Qian Cong, who remained silent: What will you do next? Your residence is likely to be discovered by people from the Black Death Emperor Faction. Go back now. Not a good decision.

Since everyone from the Black Death Emperor faction has followed them here, it means they may have grasped Qian Cong's residence.

Since everyone from the Black Death Emperor faction has followed them here, it means they may have grasped Qian Cong's residence.

Qian Cong's residence is a high-end residence near the city center. Although the defense capability is good, it is for ordinary people. Terrorist organizations such as the Black Death Emperor Faction are fully capable of breaking through.

Qian Chong’s previous plan was to return home first, and then go to the residence in the state-owned enterprise mentioned earlier to stay for two days.

After all, as a state-owned enterprise, its security capabilities are definitely not bad. Even if it wants to break through, it will take a lot of effort. If the Black Death Emperor's faction comes to attack, Qian Cong is fully capable of protecting itself.

But now that I think about it, it's impossible. Her whereabouts are completely controlled by the Black Death Emperor faction.

Thinking of this, Qian Cong's pretty face couldn't help but have a hint of worry.

Lin Mo saw this and said, How about this, you stay at Shelley's house for the next few days, and when this incident is over, how about you go home?

When Qian Cong heard Lin Mo's suggestion, he hesitated: Is this... really good?

Senior, it's okay. I still have two rooms at home, but they may need to be tidied up before I can move in. Xuecai said quickly. With her protection, even if Lin Mo is not around, he can still solve some big troubles.

But what made Qian Cong feel bad was that she had caused this incident, and she couldn't bear to trouble others any more.

Just listen to Xuecai! Otherwise, if you are attacked at night, I may not be able to get over. Lin Mo said with a smile.

Then excuse me, Qianqiong hesitated again and again, but finally agreed. As both girls, Shelley wouldn't suggest it. If she was choosing, it would be unreasonable.

Then it's settled! Shelley's face looked a little happy. It was undoubtedly good to have someone to chat with at night.

Back home, Qian Cong didn't expect that Shelley and Lin Mo's homes were so close! And she also heard from Shelley that most meals were eaten at Lin Mo's house, which meant the two met often!

This is a bit unusual, even for ordinary couples, right?

In Lin Mo's home, several plates of exquisite food were placed in front of Qian Cong's eyes, and pairs of chopsticks were placed on the table. But what was strange was that neither Xuecai nor Qian Cong made a move first, but were waiting for Lin Mo.

Qian Cong 347 finally understood why Shelley came to Lin Mo's house every day. The smell alone made her unbearable. Thinking of her nuclear bomb-level cooking skills, Qian Cong couldn't help but feel silent.

Although Xuecai is used to it, there is a lot of expectation in her eyes. It seems that every dish of Lin Mo is a treasure box that can make people change their color. After opening it, they will see what is inside. For foodies, The same is true.

After Lin Mo finished serving the last dish, he said, After you finish eating, go clean up Lan Yu's room! Shelley's house is so clean, there is not even a bed sheet. Lin Mo looked at Xue helplessly. vegetable.

Xuecai's face turned slightly red and she wanted to refute, but as Lin Mo said, it was indeed a neat and tidy room.

If Lin Mo hadn't taken Shelley to the supermarket to buy some necessary supplies last time, Shelley would probably just find a place to lie down and sleep directly.

Shelley was very stubborn on some things, but while being stubborn and serious, he was also naturally stupid and reckless.

Whether it is the last incident of annihilating teachers in Europe or the lack of common sense when going to the supermarket to buy things, it is vividly reflected. But this also just adds to Shelley's own charm. That feeling is difficult to describe in words.

Ps: The first update is a little slow. I have been adjusting my biological clock for the past two days, and I have never been energetic in updating at night. Today is the 18th. In the remaining few days, I will update three times a day. The total number of words updated this month, I at least To break through 18W! .

489 The Black Death Emperor Faction Attacks

Two days passed unknowingly. During this period, the remnants of the Black Death Emperor faction were always inquiring about Lan Yu Qiancong. With the help of Wattola, they were able to target Caihai Academy with almost no effort.

However, they did not take action rashly, but waited quietly. In the final analysis, it was because of the existence of two national magic attack masters, Natsuki Nangong and Misaki Sasaki, in the academy.

Even if the Black Death Emperor faction has never seen the power of the two of them, they have heard of it. So these days, they are waiting for an opportunity to at least separate the two of them so that they can take action. Now this The opportunity was right in front of him.

In Xiangami City, the sky is extremely blue, and the dazzling sunlight shines through the illusory white clouds, reflecting in every corner of the city. Even the corners that are always in darkness can't help but have a warm and burning atmosphere.

Lin Mo's eyes were slightly squinted, and he lay on the rooftop of the teaching building of Caihai College with a contented look on his face.

The people from the Black Death Emperor faction have not been waiting for him for the past few days. Even according to his temperament, he is a little impatient. After all, who likes to be prepared for other people's attacks all the time? However, he had a feeling that before long, the other party would lose his composure and come to visit him.

However, I have gotten along well with Lan Yu Qiancong in the past two days, and have initially reached the level of a friend.

As for Xuecai's identity, there was nothing to hide, Xuecai took the initiative to tell Qian Cong.

Qian Cong herself wasn't too surprised. She was used to seeing this in this Demonic Special Zone, especially as a programmer specially hired by a state-owned enterprise. She had seen a lot of things that others didn't know.

But when asked about Lin Mo's identity, Shelley remained silent.

Even if Xuecai didn't tell her, there seemed to be a magical force attracting Qian Cong to find out the truth, but she was smart enough not to ask. It was better not to know some things, and it would be a disadvantage to know them.

Nangong Nazuki and Sasaki Misaki didn't come to school today for some unknown reason. If the Black Death Emperor faction wants to take action, today is the best day. It depends on whether they come or not. If they don't come, I will soon die. Just keep waiting patiently. Lin Mo looked at the sky and murmured to himself.

Suddenly, an arrow shot through the air and flew towards Lin Mo like lightning.

Lin Mo didn't even raise his eyes, turning a blind eye to the arrow. In the blink of an eye, the arrow landed next to Lin Mo and made a clanging sound.

From this point alone, it can be seen that the power of the arrow is not particularly powerful, and it only serves as a warning or reminder.

It's not a good habit to move hands and feet as soon as we meet. Lin Mo seemed to have known where the arrow landed for a long time, so he did not try to avoid it, but said lazily into the void.

So what? As long as it's the one who abducted Shelley, I won't let him go! A beautiful figure suddenly appeared behind Lin Mo and said without mercy.

Abduction? Lin Mo laughed dumbly, stood up slowly, and looked at the building: Then may I ask this lady, can I abduct you?

You are indeed not a good person! After hearing Lin Mo's words, Sayaka's face darkened. She filled up her bow and arrows with embarrassment and wanted to shoot again.

It's just a joke. I don't have time to make trouble with you today. Lin Mo raised his hand indifferently.

Sayaka stared at him with an unkind expression for a while, then put away the bow and arrow in her hand: I came here to ask you, who lives in Shelley's house?

Lin Mo was startled, then said with a smile: Are you...jealous?


What greeted him was an arrow with roaring wind.

What greeted him was an arrow with roaring wind.

Lin Mo's waist twisted slightly and he dodged the opponent's blow without any risk. He raised his eyebrows and said, Isn't it just a question? As for such a big fight?

If you dare to talk nonsense again, I won't be polite! Sayaka raised her head proudly like a peacock and snorted.

Oh? I don't know if I should say something or not. Lin Mo put away his smile and looked up seriously at the girl with delicate and graceful features in front of him.

What are you talking about? Sayaka asked subconsciously.

From my perspective, the distance between us, and the slightly undulating breeze, I can tell you without hesitation. Lin Mo's voice paused and he continued.

You're gone!

As Lin Mo's words fell, the air suddenly became quiet, and he didn't know if even God was helping him. A breeze blew gently, lifting Sayaka's short skirt perfectly, and what appeared next was A great scenery.

Sayaka suddenly froze in place, and then, a light pink color wrapped around Sayaka's cheeks at an unexpected speed. She pressed down the skirt with a hand speed that even Lin Mo was ashamed of, and cried out sweetly.

Pervert, go to hell!!!

Sayaka suppressed her inner shame and shot an arrow in the blink of an eye.

call out!

This time, Sayaka showed no mercy. The blue light arrow almost turned into a stream of light, broke through the void, and flew towards Lin Mo with a fierce explosion.

I'm going, are you serious about it? Lin Mo was speechless after seeing it. But the movements of his hands were not slow at all, and the figure lightly jumped back to avoid the attack. However, the light arrow transformed by magic power fell on its original position, making a muffled sound, and in an instant, cracks in the spider web spread along the surrounding area.

Fortunately, the power has been restrained, but cracks have appeared.

Seeing that the second shot was about to be fired, Lin Mo said quickly: Stop fighting! This is not my home. When Nangong Nayue sees it, he will definitely come out to question me.

Sayaka had a murderous look on her face, and her eyes showed a cold light and a trace of imperceptible shame.

(Hello, King Qian)

If you don't give me an explanation today, you know the consequences.

Explanation? Lin Mo said with a look like you were teasing me: It was force majeure just now, okay! Besides, I am standing at such a high place, I can't see it unless I am blind.

Sayaka, who was still murderous at first, suddenly lost her momentum, but her expression remained unchanged, just a little bit embarrassed.

Suddenly, Lin Mo's brows wrinkled slightly. From his position, he could see the scene below, and his face suddenly sank: People from the Black Death Emperor's faction! Are they really here?

Downstairs, I saw two or three black armed vehicles parked beside the teaching building of Caihai Academy. A dozen orcs were running towards the building where Qian Cong was.

When Lin Mo saw this, he turned around and went downstairs without hesitation, leaving Sayaka alone in the wind.

Ps: 1/3..

490 An unexpected situation, Akatsuki Sa was taken away

At this moment, after Qian Cong heard the movement downstairs, she raised her head and glanced out the window, and happened to see several black armed vehicles parked at the door. Her good-looking eyebrows wrinkled slightly at this time, and she was in an extremely bad mood.

Damn it, why did the Black Death Emperor's people come to school? No! We can't wait here any longer, they will threaten other students.

Qian Cong didn't have time to think too much and stood up directly, ignoring the strange looks from other students. At this moment, rapid footsteps sounded in the corridor.

Tap tap tap...

From the scale of the sound, there were about 7 people. Qian Cong's face changed slightly after hearing the noise, and a haze filled her pretty face. Qian Cong knew that the target of the other party was obviously her!

The teacher who was giving the class was a middle-aged woman. When she heard the noise outside, her face was not so good-looking, and she even became angry. Just as she was about to walk over and open the door to teach her a lesson, several orcs banged. The door was pushed open roughly, each person holding a pistol as black as ink, followed by a burst of angry shouts.

Don't move!

There was a burst of screams inside the teacher, but a crisp gunshot silenced the originally uproarful classroom, and panic and nervousness filled everyone's faces.

This is a real steal! ! ! After understanding this, it was like a shadow hanging over them.

Who are you and what do you want to do! The middle-aged woman looked at the several orcs holding firearms with a horrified expression.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Christoph Galder. I just want to find someone here. A middle-aged man with scars on his face walked in from the door and scanned the classroom with an indifferent expression. , his eyes finally settled on a girl with yellow hair.

Who are you...looking for? The teacher's voice was trembling. You know, this is a real terrorist! She is just an ordinary person, and she is also an older ordinary person, who can't do anything at all.

Garder ignored the teacher and walked step by step in a certain direction. The classmates closest to him felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, with cold sweat breaking out on their heads.

Among them, Xiao Gucheng looked at Mr. Garde with a look of surprise and he wanted to take action, but he knew that this was in front of a large audience and his identity as the Fourth True Ancestor could not be exposed.

You are Lan Yu Qian Cong, right? Garde's face was calm, and his tall body stopped when he was a certain distance away from Qian Cong, but even so, it still gave people a heavy pressure.

After all, Garde himself is a retired soldier in the War King's field, and more than one or two people died at his hands.

It's me, who are you? At this time, Qian Cong remained unusually calm.

Oh, you have actually known who I am for a long time, so why bother? Garde put his hands behind his back, with a trace of murderous intent on his gray face, but he soon calmed down. Just watching Lan Yu Qiancong quietly.

He knew that it was impossible to kill the girl in front of him before completing a feat, even if the other party captured the companion he had sent to find out the news.

Say your conditions! Qian Cong took a deep breath, saying that it was impossible not to be nervous, but she had to put aside all distracting thoughts for the sake of the classmates in front of her.

Say your conditions! Qian Cong took a deep breath, saying that it was impossible not to be nervous, but she had to put aside all distracting thoughts for the sake of the classmates in front of her.

It's very simple. I want to entrust you with a job. As long as you are honest, I won't do anything to these people, but if you refuse... Galder glanced at the students with cold eyes, and his voice revealed Majesty, and obvious intimidation.

And the companions around him also understood that the dark muzzles were aimed at a group of students. Under the threat of death (ajeh), their faces turned completely pale.

Okay! I promise you, but you can't hurt them! Qian Cong looked at Garde calmly, and in her heart she could only pray that Lin Mo would come soon.

Lin Mo secretly arrived at the classroom in Qiancong's building. After seeing the scene in front of him, his face became cold, but he did not take the lead.

Because of this distance, those students and Asakon couldn't be protected at all, so they had to wait until they left here.

Garde didn't realize that Lin Mo had arrived secretly, and just nodded slightly: As long as you don't make any small moves, I guarantee that these people will be safe. And you have completed what I told you. After the mission, I can consider letting you go.

Then let's go! Qian Cong calmed down and followed these people out. Before leaving, she felt disappointed after seeing the indifferent Xiao Gucheng, and then she stopped thinking about anything. While being handcuffed, ,left.

After they completely descended the stairs, Lin Mo's figure appeared at the door like a ghost, and said to the students inside: You guys stay here honestly and don't come out if you hear any noise.

Lin Mo ignored the students who were surviving the disaster, but aimed in one direction and gradually followed them.

Lin Mo looked at Qian Cong who was pointed at a gun, frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought: The person closest to Qian Cong must be dealt with first. If not, he is a potential threat. Speed ​​must be Hurry, otherwise Qian Cong may not be able to be rescued. Besides, this is a school and it’s easy to take hostages. At least we have to wait until they get out of the building.

After making up his mind, Lin Mo quietly came to the void and quietly watched some people downstairs.

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