Miss, do you want to come and have fun in our store? Suddenly, a joking and flirtatious voice came to Ji Hiiragi Xuena's ears.

No, no, no. Ji Hiiragi Xuena waved her hands in a panic, like a frightened little rabbit, so much so that she didn't even have the courage to raise her head.

Really? The voice still said reluctantly, and whistled.

No... Ji Hiiragi Xuena was about to speak when she suddenly felt that the voice sounded familiar. She raised her head slightly, her face quickly changed from red to gloomy, and she silently put the rectangular box she was carrying behind her in front of her and pressed the button. Turning on the switch, the box opened automatically, and then an elegant silver spear was caught in her hand.

Perverted Mr. Vampire, is this fun?

Lin Mo's face, which was originally laughing and joking, completely stiffened. Looking at the blackened Ji Hiiragi Xuecai, he smiled coquettishly: It's quite fun.

However, what greeted him was a spear that shot through the air.

Wow, you are committing murder!

Lin Mo exclaimed, but in fact, his body easily deflected her attack.

Hmph! After abducting a girl to a place like this, do you think you still have room for quibbles? Ji Hiiragi Xuena smiled coldly: She is indeed a pervert!

Hmph! After abducting a girl to a place like this, do you think you still have room for quibbles? Ji Hiiragi Xuena smiled coldly: She is indeed a pervert!

Lin Mo did not refute, but curled his lips and said, Then, tell me, if a girl follows someone else all the way to a place like this, is she a stalker?


Ji Hiiragi Xuena's originally strong face suddenly fell down, and she hesitated and didn't know what to explain.

Besides. Lin Mo walked to Ji Hiiragi Xuena and blew hot air gently into her ear: Is a stalker a pervert? Since he is a pervert, then we are the same type of people! And you have you I have my own hobbies, so let’s stay on the same page.”

Nonsense, I'm not a pervert, you are!

Ji Hiiragi Xuena retorted with a red face, and even her voice couldn't help but increase by several decibels.

Oh? It turns out I was still thinking about that couple quarreling here. It turns out it's you, Lin, Mo, Jun. Suddenly, a voice full of anger, as if suppressed to the extreme, suddenly came from behind Lin Mo. came. It was accompanied by the sound of grinding teeth. Those who didn't know it thought they had some deep grudge!

Who are you?

After Shelley heard the sound, he turned his head and looked at the source of the sound. What made her stunned was that in front of her was an extremely delicate little girl holding a sun umbrella!

The black Gothic lolita outfit perfectly blended into her hair. A white silk ribbon was tied around her neck to look like a bow. Inside her bright blue pupils, she looked as beautiful as a galaxy. charming. The only drawback is that her beautiful face is now covered with gloom.

Nangong ignored Ji Hiiragi Xuecai that month, but sneered at Lin Mo who didn't dare to turn around. ` ‖Aren't you very arrogant? Let's see how you run away this time. I clearly remember what that guy from Xiaogucheng said to me! So much so that I'm a little unhappy now. What do you think I should do?

She was a little unhappy! But I hate it to the core of my being...

Lin Mo smiled bitterly and was quite speechless in his heart. Why was Nangong Nayue there? You know, in the past few days, Lin Mo and Nangong met 4 times that month!

4 times! ! !

In this huge Gengami City, the meeting between the two people can really be described as a miracle, if they go to buy lottery tickets. You will definitely win the (king’s) jackpot!

Did the other party really install surveillance here?

In fact, it was pretty much what he thought!

In order to catch Lin Mo that month, Nangong went to the surveillance room and retrieved all the surveillance videos in the area, just to catch him!

If Lin Mo knew, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

By the way, don't even think about running away!

Seeing Lin Mo's figure moving slightly, Nangong Na Yue Leng interrupted. I have checked your home. If you don't want to live the life of a street rat, come to the office with me!

At this time, Lin Mo turned around expressionlessly.

A man is capable of bending and bending...

speak English!

Where is the office? I'll go by myself!

Ps: Thank you Xiangge丨 for the reward. It’s been a long time since anyone has rewarded me. I’m so touched! .

461 Join Caihai Academy?

Very good. Nangong Nayue nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at the stunned Shelley, staring at the silver spear in her hand, and curled her lips. A sword wizard sent by the Lion King Agency? If you don't go to monitor the Fourth True Ancestor, why are you here?

There are already people on the Fourth True Ancestor's side to supervise him, and my target is this man. Ji Hiiragi Shelley came back to her senses, waved the spear in her hand, pointed it at Lin Mo, and said menacingly.

Oh? Has he provoked your Lion King agency? Nangong Nayue showed an interesting smile on her lips.

No, it's just a personal grudge. Ji Hiiragi's eyes widened. It seemed that Lin Mo was still brooding about what happened to him when he lied to her last time.

It's just a last resort, okay! I can't do anything myself. In that case... Lin Mo spread his hands and said a little helplessly: Also, Xuecai, I think you can put away the weapon in your hand. Get up, after all, we shouldn’t show off our weapons casually on the street.”


Xuecai made a cute sound, but still followed Lin Mo's words and put away the weapon in her hand.

Little girl, let me ask you, since you are not here to monitor the Fourth True Ancestor, then why are you carrying the Seven-Type Assault Demon-Suppressing Machine Gun/Xuexia Wolf? Nangong Nayue looked at Shelley's neat movements and couldn't help but ask. road.

Of course it's used to deal with this man! Xuecai put the weapon 960 behind her back and said naturally.

Does he need to use this weapon to deal with him? Why are the people behind you so willing? Nangong Nayue said in surprise, and the sun umbrella she held was put back by her.

Don't you know? He is...

As soon as Xuecai opened his mouth, Lin Mo hurriedly covered his mouth, laughed and said: Hurry up and go! It's almost noon. If you don't hurry, I will be anxious. You know, I haven't eaten lunch yet. Let’s get down to business.”

It's really suspicious. Nangong Nayue stared at Lin Mo's face angrily, trying to see something, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief and let go of the hand that was tightly covering Shelley.

Xue Cai, I'm sorry. You can make whatever request you want afterwards, but don't tell anyone else that I am the True Ancestor. Lin Mo held Xue Cai's softer shoulders, leaned over her head, and whispered in her ear. Said softly.

I know...I know. Xue Cai's face felt slightly red. Looking at the face so close, she suddenly felt shy.

That couple over there, stop clinging to me, can you hurry up! Nangong Nayue hit Lin Mo on the head with the tip of a parasol and said dissatisfied.

No, he and I are not a couple, Ji Hiiragi Xuena waved her hand and said in a panic.

Who are you lying to? Nangong Nayue rolled her eyes when she looked at Ji Hiiragi and Shelley, who was full of attitude when the girl was shy.

Lin Mo chuckled and grabbed Shelly Baiyu's little hand: Let's go! Since you are here to monitor me, of course you can't see me having an accident, right?

Although it's true... Ji Hiiragi looked at Lin Mo's grasped hand, dazed, but unexpectedly did not refuse.

That's right! Lin Mo blinked and pulled Ji Zhixue Lai to follow Nangong Nayue's pace.

Caihai Academy is a private private school. It is divided into high school and junior high school. Most of the people in it are unarmed ordinary people. The junior high school can also be said to be the high school and middle school.

Caihai Academy is a private private school. It is divided into high school and junior high school. Most of the people in it are unarmed ordinary people. The junior high school can also be said to be the high school and middle school.

In Caihai Academy, there are not only ordinary people, but also some undercover people who do not want to reveal their identities. They pretend to be ordinary people and live together in this academy.

The environment here is very beautiful and covers a large area. Compared with other demon special zones, Caihai Academy is one of the few institutions that specifically provides education for ordinary people. Although it doesn't look so harmonious secretly, with Nangong Nayue and her partners guarding the place, some restless people don't dare to mess around.

Ji Hiiragi Shelley will transfer to this college in the near future. When she came over, she was already wearing the uniform of Caihai Academy!

Although the other party tried his best to say that he wanted to give up his studies and come to spy on Lin Mo, he was still stopped by Lin Mo.

Just kidding, Ji Hiiragi (ajeh) has lived in a facility similar to a training institution since she was a child, and rarely interacts with ordinary people. This time there was such a good opportunity in front of her. If she gave up because of her own reasons, Lin Mo would really not be able to forgive herself.

Lin Mo and Xuecai followed Nangong Nayue and came to an extremely luxurious room.

The ground here is embroidered with various gorgeous patterns. The line of sight is also much wider than in other places. Each piece of exquisite furniture is neatly arranged, and some are even collected here like ancient antiques.

Nangong Nayue narrowed her eyes, put the tea cup in her hand into her mouth, took a sip gently, and then put it down.

Do you have anything to say? Lin Mojun.

No. Lin Mo said indifferently. Anyway, there was no need to fall out over such a big deal. Nangong Nayue must have known about it, so he just gave Lin Mo a hard lesson before he was satisfied. own heart.

On the side, Ji Hiiragi Xuecai sat uneasily on the same sofa as Lin Mo. The luxurious room made Shelley a little unbearable... He felt like he was sitting on a pin-mat, and his whole body felt uncomfortable.

I don't understand why the sword wizard Ji Hiiragi Xuena came to spy on you! Inquiring into other people's privacy is never something I like to do, so it doesn't matter if you don't tell me. Nangong gave Lin Mo a meaningful look that month. , drank black tea in an elegant manner.

Lin Mo shrugged, let alone Nangong Nayue, even she didn't know.

Then what do you think about next? Although generally according to regulations, you have to be handed over to the police station, but I have an idea, do you want to hear it? Nangong Nayue leaned back on the chair and looked at the blue pupils. Lin Mo.

What's the idea? Lin Mo asked reflexively.

Join Caihai Academy. Nangong Nayue played with the umbrella in his hand.

Okay. Lin Mo agreed without much reaction.

Don't you ask why? Nangong Nayue's expression was obviously surprised when he heard the clean answer.

There's no need to ask. Even if you ask, it's in vain. Besides, if I join Caihai Academy, Shelley will also join, right? This is a rare opportunity for her. Lin Mo said with an indifferent expression.

However, his words made Xuecai freeze in place, and then he expressed deep gratitude, which greatly changed his image, and there was even a hint of inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Xuecai looked at Lin Mo's side face and didn't know what he was thinking.

Nangong Nayue heard this and nodded appreciatively: Very good, I thought I would have to waste some words. Even if you don't say it, I actually want Shelley to join in. As for your future career at Caihai College location, then just be a security guard!.

462 Negotiation, Nangong Nayue’s shock

Security? It's not impossible, but my freedom cannot be restricted. Lin Mo pondered for a while before saying.

Hearing this, Nangong Nayue narrowed his eyes slightly and said without any room for error. Impossible! You should know that in order to keep a black household registration, you must have a so-called caregiver. The meaning of the words was very obvious. She, Nangong Nayue, was the so-called caregiver.

Then there is no need for us to discuss it. Lin Mo paused and said calmly: My joining Caihai College is already my biggest concession.

It's also my biggest concession. Nangong said with a loud voice.

You can't keep me. I can leave if I want. You should know my strength. Lin Mo said.

Nangong Nayue hummed softly, without objecting, and reached out to pick up the tea cup. She frowned and started thinking. Lin Mo and Ji Zhi Xuelai sat quietly not far from her without disturbing her.

In the end, Nangong compromised that month, but what she said was beyond Lin Mo's expectations. I don't have to restrict your freedom, but the identity of a security guard is not suitable for you. How about we change the conditions?

Nangong knocked on the table that month, stared at Lin Mo for a while, and said word by word: As long as you can show the strength that impresses me or show your own value. Not only do I not want you to be a security guard, but on the contrary , in this college, you can even be a temporary staff member, and you can leave anytime and anywhere.

Is it worth it? Lin Mo murmured and closed his eyes. One second it was calm. The next second, the flow in the air slowly became abnormal, floating in the room like water. The whirlpool enveloped this office.


A surge of magical power that was so terrifying that it whirred in the air and continued in a steady stream, simply and crudely emerged from Lin Mo's body. Before long, every corner here was so terrifying that he couldn't even see it. Shrouded in deep and shallow magic.

I wonder if this value is enough? Lin Mo's eyes suddenly opened, and his scarlet gaze looked directly at Nangong Nayue. At this moment, the originally peaceful magic power made a dull sound, pure Broken, the thick magic power was so heavy that even the void could not bear it, and it gradually became distorted.

If it weren't for Lin Mo's control, the entire building could be shattered into pieces in an instant and become history. However, despite this, the entire building seemed like a crumbling boat, moaning and wailing in the constant turmoil. Voice.

Another True Ancestor!!! Nangong Nayue's pupils tightened, and he finally couldn't sit still and stood up without a sound.

When Lin Mo came out of Nangong Nayue's office, the first thing he felt was that it was hot. In this case, Lin Mo began to be a little envious of Nangong Nayue for being able to monopolize such a good office.

Ji Hiiragi Xuena, on the other hand, had not said a word since Lin Mo's magic power burst out. She was still in shock. Her eyes were fixed on Lin Mo's face, as if to see clearly how he did it. What he had said before The magic power displayed has exceeded the sum of the normal true ancestors!

Simply unheard of.

What? Is there something on my face? Or are you completely obsessed with me? Lin Mo couldn't help but joked when he saw Shelley staring at him.

Do you think it's possible? After hearing Lin Mo's words, Ji Hiiragi Xuecai came back to her senses and glanced at him.

It's very possible. Lin Mo nodded seriously.

It's not serious. Xue Cai muttered, but it didn't feel bad.

What will you do next? Lin Mo looked directly at the lovely girl in front of him.

He has thought carefully about the decision to join Saikai Academy, because in this world, there are many events surrounding Saikai Academy, and Ji Hiiragi Shelley does not have to leave his studies to monitor him.

As for him, it's not boring, since he has no control over his freedom.

Well, I've already found a house, and now I'm going to move my luggage. Xuecai looked at Lin Mo and said.

Well, I've already found a house, and now I'm going to move my luggage. Xuecai looked at Lin Mo and said.

Then let me go with you! Lin Mo thought for a while and said.

Really? Xuecai's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this. Although Lin Mo had shown horrifying magic power before, nothing would change between the two of them.

Do I need to lie to you? As soon as Lin Mo said these words, his face became embarrassed, as if he had indeed deceived Shelley once.

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