The height of the other party is estimated to be about 1.5 meters. If you subconsciously ignore the cold face of the other party, this will be a carefully crafted and perfect girl!

It was really a big fuss.

The little girl's voice is clear and crisp, with a different sense of majesty. If you listen carefully, you can also hear a hint of childishness that is unique to girls.

` ‖Are you... Teacher Nangong?

The girl with light yellow hair asked cautiously when she saw this figure.

After Nangong Nayue heard what the girl said, he noticed her. He put away his sun umbrella and asked in a majestic tone: Lan Yu Qiancong, it's so late, what are you doing here?

Well...I just came out for a walk.

Lan Yu Qiancong didn't know what to say, so he could only speak hesitantly, which looked very funny to outsiders.

You know, the other person looks like just a little girl, and the huge contrast in height alone makes people very uncomfortable.

(Okay?) Not to mention the look of awe in Lan Yu Qian Cong's eyes.


Nangong Nayue looked at Lan Yu Qiancong, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she surrounded her with a smile but not a smile, and then her eyes suddenly sharpened: Don't lie to me, tell me, what happened here? I don't believe that my students are like this He is so powerful that he can knock down three demons.

After she finished speaking, she glanced at the wailing trio over there with a vague look.

This...can I say it's none of my business? Lan Yu Qiancong smiled bitterly, and then in just one minute, he told the whole process and experience.

Ps: Please subscribe. 2/5, my coding software is getting worse and worse, but the automatic character changing is okay. .

456 Coincidence? Meeting Akatsuki Nagisa

After hearing the words, Nangong Nayue pondered for a while, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: I know the ins and outs of the whole thing. The mysterious man you mentioned is a bit intriguing. Is the other party really just a robbery? It seems worthy of my investigation.

Nangong Nayue wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows, put away her sun umbrella, and gently tapped Lan Yu Qiancong's head. Also, don't come out so late in the future. As my student, I don't want to see anything happen to you.


Lan Yu Qiancong nodded quickly. Although she was not familiar with Lin Mo, the other party could barely do her a favor! So I also hid the matter of black account and just told the process.

You go back first! I'll see if I can find any more clues through the investigation. As for these three people, I will hand them over directly to the police and ask them something by the way. Nangong Nayue waved her little crystal hand. , issued an eviction order.

Lan Yu Qiancong was eager to leave as soon as possible. In front of the teacher Nangong Nayue, she didn't dare to make any mistakes.

I have to call up the surveillance camera and take a look. Nangong Nayue waited for Lan Yu Qiancong to leave, then murmured, then grabbed the three people lying on the ground, and took them away roughly without caring about the idea that the other party was a wounded person. When he arrived at the interrogation room, he asked questions with an expressionless face.

Nangong Nayue, as one of the magic attack masters assigned to Caihai Academy in 533 Xian Shen City, has very great authority, so he can privately bring people to the police station for interrogation.

She looked at the bracelets on their hands respectively. They were regular demon registrants, one of them was a D-level vampire, and the other two were orcs.

This in itself is nothing, but according to what the vampire said about the inexplicable rampage of the familiar beast in his body, the first thing that Nangong Nayue, the magician, thought of was bloodline suppression.

Coupled with the captured surveillance footage, the scene of Lin Mo blowing up the beast with one punch is unavoidable in his imagination. Therefore, Nangong was sure that Lin Mo's identity was definitely not simple.

Therefore, Nangong paid attention to Lin Mo that month. After a little investigation, she found out that he had a black household registration, which aroused her interest even more. In addition, she could avoid her own space magic, so she began to gradually pay attention to it. about this.

And somewhere far away from here, Lin Mo didn't know that Nangong was very interested in him that month. Instead, he lay comfortably on the sofa of the new house he had just rented and let out a long sigh of relief (ajeb )gas.

It must be Nangong Nayue who came earlier, right? I'm a little curious about this person who claims to be twenty-six years old but has the appearance of a young girl! And the attainments in space are indeed not covered by it, so I almost didn't find her.

Lin Mo sighed slightly, touched his hungry stomach, stood up neatly and looked at the gloomy sky outside the window. I hope the supermarket is not closed at this time, otherwise, I will have to go to bed with an empty stomach today.

As soon as Lin Mo walked out of the door, he bumped into a cute girl. Lin Mo immediately subconsciously took a step back to avoid the collision between the two.

Ah, I'm sorry. The girl exclaimed and hurriedly bent down to apologize.

Lin Mo looked at the girl in front of him. She was about 14.5 years old. She was wearing a school uniform. She had a ponytail tied with a blue ribbon on the back of her small head. Her petite body was similar to Ji Haoxue's. The dishes are similar, but they are not as mature and steady as the other party, and are more playful and cute.

It's okay, no need to apologize, I didn't bump into you, right? Lin Mo's eyes looked at the girl in front of him, with a hint of weirdness.

No collision, no collision. The girl waved her hands in a panic. She slightly shrugged her head and glanced at Lin Mo.

No collision, no collision. The girl waved her hands in a panic. She slightly shrugged her head and glanced at Lin Mo.

Is there something on my face? Lin Mo scratched his cheek and said, seeing the girl's fearful look, he couldn't help but feel funny.

No. The girl kept shaking her head, quite embarrassed, and she looked very cute.

Um, are you the tenant who moved in today? Maybe it was Lin Mo's approachability or something else, but the girl asked with a rare courage.

How did you know? Lin Mo said subconsciously.

Because I know most of the people here, and your room door is not closed, and the things inside... uh... The girl's voice stopped suddenly, showing an embarrassed expression.

Lin Mo naturally knew why she was like this, because Lin Mo's home, except for a bed and a sofa, couldn't be too clean! Poor and spotless, this is the current situation in Lin Mo's room.

After all, it was rented in a hurry, so it was understandable. Lin Mo initially called the phone number in the advertisement with the attitude of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, he actually got through. The other party seemed to be in urgent need of money and rented it to Lin Mo at a low price.

Lin Mo also readily agreed, hence the above scene.

Seeing Lin Mo's embarrassed look, the girl couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle, and the distance between the two people also inadvertently narrowed. name is Akatsuki Nagisa, what's yours?

My name is Lin Mo. I just moved here tonight.

Lin Mo was not surprised at all by this name. In fact, he already knew it when he saw her. He just had to sigh at the power of fate.

The probability of meeting the main characters in the vast crowd is not only zero, but it can also be said to be so small that he can hardly remember it. However, he has already met three of them in just one day. Either he was unlucky or With the guidance of destiny.

After the two talked for a while, they became very attracted to each other. Lin Mo also learned that Akatsuki Nagisa had an older brother named Akatsuki Kojo, who was upstairs from him.

No, it's already this time. Xiao Nagisa suddenly thought of something and exclaimed. Before leaving, he said goodbye: Lin Mojun, let's talk next time!


Lin Mo responded readily, and just when Xiao Nagisa left, his stomach made a small protest sound, which seemed to be reminding him of something. Lin Mo had no choice but to go out to eat something before going to the supermarket. I bought some furniture and placed it in the room, adding a bit of color to the white room.

After finishing everything, it was already late in the morning and late at night. Lin Mo didn't even think about it and fell asleep.

Ps: This coding software is really bad. I have no choice but to change it tomorrow. There are still two updates to be made tomorrow. Although it has been delayed for a long time, I will still abide by Chengruo's instructions to complete it. .

457 Taking advantage of Nangong that month

The sky above Gengami City was filled with dark clouds, and the dark clouds squeezed the sky. The whole world seemed to have fallen silent. During this period, the indifferent breeze kept whistling like the fierce north wind. , and deafening thunder and lightning.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind outside, and the big raindrops fell down together as if they had been agreed upon long ago. When they fell on the ground and splashed water, they also slapped on the window, making a dong-dong-dong sound. sound.

With lightning and thunder, coupled with the stormy weather, there was basically no one visible outside. Those who ran out at this time were either mentally ill or had their own purposes.

And Lin Mo belongs to the latter.

Hey, hey, hey, didn't I just say something bad about you? As for chasing me for so long? Lin Mo's figure flashed between the rooftops quickly, so fast that afterimages appeared. As he ran wildly, he couldn't I forgot to shout to the void behind me.

When facing a 26-year-old stranger, don't you realize that what you say is very rude?

A young, crisp, and majestic voice came from behind Lin Mo. The moment he turned back and looked into the distance, a girl holding a sun umbrella walked out of the void. She was Nangong_Na Yue!

At this time, Nangong Nayue's mouth was slightly raised. She was wearing a white gothic lolita outfit that was completely different from last time. When she looked at Lin Mo's face, she was filled with deep interest.

The parasol in her hand was placed on her shoulder. It was obviously a thunderstorm weather, but Nangong Nayue was not affected at all, not even the slightest fluctuation. When the raindrops fell on her body, it seemed as if they merged into the void. ,Disappear.

That was definitely a slip of the tongue, don't worry about it. Lin Mo smiled sarcastically, trying to deny what he said before.

It was a simple thing like going out to buy breakfast in the morning, but for the first time, he met Nangong Nayue who happened to be going to class. Lin Mo subconsciously blurted out a sentence in front of him.

What a cute little loli.

So, he was chased until it rained heavily.

Nangong Nayue's eyes were evil, and he stretched out his slender hand. A mysterious magic circle emerged in the air. Suddenly, black chains burst out of the air, causing a thick sonic boom, and headed towards Lin Mo pounced.

The black chain made a heavy metallic sound as it shuttled.

Of course, Lin Mo couldn't sit still and wait for death. He ducked to the side, but these black chains seemed to have eyes. Wherever he ran, they followed him until they trapped Lin Mo's hands and feet.

Nangong saw Lin Mo being tied up that month. There was a smile in his blue eyes. He walked towards Lin Mo and said coldly as he walked.

Why don't you run? Keep running!

Although Lin Mo's hands and feet were tied, he didn't panic at all. Instead, he showed a vicious expression. Don't let me catch you, or I'll beat you up.

Nangong Nayue's face was startled, and then he smiled instead of getting angry. Only if you can catch me...right?

Nangong Nayue's face was startled, and then he smiled instead of getting angry. Only if you can catch me...right?

Don't be complacent, you will fall into my hands soon. Besides, I just told you, why are you chasing me for so long when you have nothing to do? There is no blood feud between us. Lin Mo seemed to have compromised and sighed.

You have a black household registration, this is enough reason. Nangong Nayue said with a smile, showing an expression that was not suitable for his age.

Then, his small and exquisite feet gently stepped into the void and walked towards Lin Mo step by step.

The distance between the two was getting closer and closer, and at this moment, the chain on Lin Mo's body broke inch by inch, and in the blink of an eye, the figure grabbed Nangong Nayue.

0 ··········Asking for flowers·· ········

Facing the sudden change, Nangong Nayue couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment, but then he suddenly used space magic and escaped towards the void. A series of actions were completed in one go.

Even though Lin Mo was fast enough, she could not help but avoid him.

But, this is enough.

Lin Mo smiled triumphantly at the void: Don't be naughty, be careful next time. After saying that, the person disappeared into the heavy rain.

Nangong Nayue's figure gradually appeared, feeling the burning pain in her buttocks. Her beautiful face was so gloomy that it looked like the raining sky.

........ ........

His blue pupils were so angry that they burst out with fire. He stared in the direction where Lin Mo disappeared, gritted his teeth, and chased after him again, with a sense of never giving up.

However, this time, no matter how hard Nangong Nayue searched, he could not find Lin Mo, so he had to suppress the anger in his heart and give up.

Although Lin Mo was fine, facing the angry Teacher Nangong next, the students under her could only bear it sadly.

Lin Mo was walking on the street, and when he thought of Nangong's furious expression after the incident, he couldn't help but smile lightly, and his mood became very happy at this moment.

Suddenly, a girl with short white hair came into view. On a rainy night, the girl did not hold an umbrella, but just walked down the street step by step. Her unusual behavior attracted people's attention.

When Lin Mo saw the other person's face, his steps involuntarily stopped, and the other person also clearly saw Lin Mo. On the same street, the two people's pupils looked at each other, and it seemed that there were only each other and each other. The sound of dripping rain...

Ps: One more update. .

458 Haise Xia Yin, a walk on a rainy day

White, holy, emerging from the mud but not stained, that kind of noble and inviolable temperament, Lin Mo didn't know what words to use to describe it.


Or is she a fairy who doesn't eat humans and is like a legendary fairy?


None of these.

The feeling of being free from the dust is stronger than any description.

On a rainy day, although the girl's clothes were soaked by the rain, her face always maintained a calm look, and there was even a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was outside the world and indifferent.

Her white hair, like Shelley and Nangong Nayue, was kept downward, and on the 360 side of her hair, it was tied into a small bow with a black ribbon.

Black and white have a strong visual contrast, which highlights her whiteness. Wearing the same school uniform as Akatsuki Nagisa, although her body curve is not perfect, she is full of youthfulness.

The raindrops were falling continuously, and the girl's hair had already been wet. A little bit of rainwater flowed down her hair, and the same was true for her clothes.

Seeing this, Lin Mo took a deep breath, collected his emotions, walked forward and said. Um, are you a student of Aihai Academy?

Who are you?

The girl asked politely.


Lin Mo was suddenly speechless. He realized that he was indeed not the other party's person, but in order to avoid arousing the other party's hostility, he still thought about it and said.

I know Nangong Nayue and Akatsuki Nagisa. I'm just curious, why is there such a beautiful girl walking on this rainy day? If you have anything that's bothering you, just tell me. Maybe I can I can solve it, after all, it is my responsibility to save the lost girl.”

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