Are you disappointed? Yaqiou said with a smile when he saw Lin Mo's eyes turning here.

A bit. Lin Mo nodded seriously.

That's really a pity. Yaqiu smiled unkindly.

Stop chattering over there all the time, hurry up and deal with the monsters in front of you! Mira, who was squatting on the ground, shouted angrily.

Lin Mo, are you going to solve it or should I do it? It's better to try not to use magic power here. Kong said.

I'll do it! Anyway, we can finish dealing with these miscellaneous soldiers in an instant. Lin Mo said.


Kong took a step back and came behind Lin Mo, but Lin Mo didn't waste any time and directly used the space blade to cut across.

In just a short moment, these monsters were all beheaded and their bodies were forcibly separated.

Ps: Please subscribe, 1/4, I didn’t update because I felt sick yesterday, so I’ll make it up today! It's not easy for people with disabilities to code, please give me a reward! .

430 Plot changes

After dealing with all the monsters, Lin Mo first reached out and took out two complete sets of clothes from the space storage, and then handed them to Lilith and Mira.

Fortunately, I usually put some daily spare items in the space storage in case of emergencies. Otherwise, it would be impossible to walk based on the current condition of my naked body.

But even so, the skin left outside is still white, tender and attractive. When thinking that their underwear is gone and in a vacuum state, it can be said that if such a naked scene happens again, Lin Mo will also No choice.

Turn around quickly...!

Lilith was about to wear the clothes Lin Mo gave her, but when she saw him staring at her blankly, she couldn't help but said shyly.


Only then did Lin Mo come back to his senses from the wonderful scenery between the two of them, and silently turned around to face the wall, while Sora beside him said with a smile.

Master, do you feel very happy now?

What do you think? Lin Mo glanced at her angrily. Then he turned his head secretly, and when he was about to look at them, he saw that Lilith had already put on her clothes. The speed made him ashamed.

And Lilith also saw Lin Mo's sneaky actions. While feeling funny, she also glared at him, but there was still a blush on her face, and she looked like she had an alternative style.

Mira had also put on her clothes, but because Lin Mo only had men's clothes, which he had worn before, she was in a lot of trouble every time she thought of this, at least a burst of blushing was inevitable.

You'd better not use magic power here! Otherwise, what you did just now will be your end. The silver-haired Loli reminded her very thoughtfully.

Then you should have told me earlier!

Lilith and Mira said in unison and nodded fiercely. The two of them used their hard-earned memories to express that they would never use magic again until the critical moment.

Kong shrugged, blinked and glanced in Lin Mo's direction. Lin Mo suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and realized that this little girl did it on purpose. But he still gave it a thumbs up in approval.

It’s great to have a magic book that can help you pick up girls, keep up the good work! Seeing this, Sora nodded with satisfaction. The small movements between the two did not attract anyone's attention.

Soon, a few people continued on their way. As they explored one by one, they had searched every classroom, but there was no trace of the enemy. Except for the monster I encountered not long ago, I didn't encounter anyone else.

As the sun sets in the west, the red sunset gradually dyes half of the sky red. Looking out through the window, it looks like a burning sea of ​​​​fire filling the sky. It wasn't until the sun completely set that the dead night enveloped the earth again.

As the sun sets in the west, the red sunset gradually dyes half of the sky red. Looking out through the window, it looks like a burning sea of ​​​​fire filling the sky. It wasn't until the sun completely set that the dead night enveloped the earth again.

Go up! There is no way.

Lilith said a little tiredly. After walking for so long, it was inevitable that she would show such expressions. Even Yaqiu and the others couldn't help but feel bored along the way.

Lin Mo looked up and saw the only ladder in front of him, which went straight to the top of the academy. After thinking about it for a while, he said: How about you guys take a rest first? In your state, there is no guarantee that there will be any danger up there.

Mira and others agreed without any objection. After resting for a while, they walked up the stairs to the top.

When everyone reached the top floor, the first thing they saw was the empty lawn and the girl standing at the front.

Are you here? The girl looked at them calmly.

What do you want to do by trapping us here? Ilyas's fragment! Mira asked loudly.

It's very simple, just help me eliminate the demon king's candidates. Ilyas's eyes were deep and distant, and under the gaze of everyone, he revealed his true body.

She has light green hair and is wearing a little girl's clothing similar to a dress. Under the dress, she has a pair of small and exquisite legs, wearing long black stockings. A pair of eyes are shining with crystal clear eyes, and the white and tender skin is as delicate as pearls.

If Sora is biased toward evil intentions and has a rebellious streak in his heart, then Ilyas's fragment is different. His expression is weak and watery, and his posture that favors the care of a little bird adds a lot of charm to it. Beauty. If we use the most straightforward words to describe it, then one is biased towards offense and the other is biased towards defense!

Even the aura displayed is different.

And what Ilias said in fragments made everyone feel unclear, especially for Lin Mo (Li Li), it was completely incompatible with the original work.

Only Sora's expression changed slightly and he said, ¨` Is she finally going to take action?

Yes... Ilyas nodded in disgrace, stepped forward with his slender legs, walked to Lin Mo's side and said, I need your help.

Help? What help? Lin Mo asked confused. This butterfly effect is too big! Why is it completely different from the plot in my own image?

It's like this... Ilyas glanced at Sora in Zhangzhang, and then continued to explain.

Ps: 2/4, what follows is an original plot, I had to do this in order to get the fragments of Ilias. Updates will continue throughout the night. .

431 The Hatred of Kasuga Saint

Ilyas continued in fragments: I need to lend you your hands to get rid of the demon king candidate. Only in this way can I complete the task assigned to me by the master.

I would like to ask, who is your master? Lin Mo asked tentatively. At this point, he no longer regarded the plot in his mind as a reference for the next step, but went to ask some things himself.

Her name is Kasuga Saint. Ilyas said in a very direct manner.

What about Kasuga Shin? What's the relationship with Kasuga Sage? Lin Mo asked again.

If you are talking about that boy, there is no direct relationship between the two. Sora looked at Ilyas's fragment and then said again: Kasuga Arata was brought by Saint's parents for surveillance and observation since he was a child. Because the devil’s will is hidden within his body, he is extremely dangerous.”

Surveillance? Isn't it some kind of childhood sweetheart? Lin Mo couldn't help but ask, if it was really because of the effect of his butterfly, it would be too big, right? ? Basically, the relationships in the original work can be re-examined.

However, Lilith and the others' identities have not changed much. They have become the original male protagonists of this world.

Childhood sweetheart? I don't know what you are talking about. Ilyas shook his head in disarray.

Nakora, how did you get to know Kasuga in the first place? Lin Mo calmed down and asked.

You're talking about this! Although I am a magic book, I have not signed a contract with anyone. Kasuga Saint is my good friend. She once asked me to monitor Kasuga Arata, but on the first day of taking up the post, she I was discovered by the little woman next to you, and you know what happened next. When he said this, there was a lot of resentment in Kong's eyes, and it seemed that he was still resentful of Lin Mo's punch.

All right!

Lin Mo was speechless for a while. In other words, when Sora was about to monitor Kasuga Arata, he took it away from him. It has to be said that it was fate. Not only did the time advance a lot, it also happened to be a special coincidence.

Then he turned his eyes and stared at Ilyas's fragment and said: As for what you said about getting rid of the Demon King candidate, was it the Kasuga Saint who told you to do it? Why did she do this? Lin Mo looked at her face and said .

Ilyas's expression became complicated for a while, and he said: Because Kasuga Arata killed her parents.

Ahem, what did you say? Lin Mo looked shocked. What the hell is this? The plot is unfolding?

Ahem, what did you say? Lin Mo looked shocked. What the hell is this? The plot is unfolding?

Ilyas's fragment ignored Lin Mo and continued: In the past, Kasuga Arata suddenly lost control because of the demon king factor and went on a rampage, killing Sheng's parents with his own hands. Although Kasuga Arata himself did not remember this incident after the incident, Sheng remembers it clearly.

If there is someone whom Saint wants to kill the most, it is undoubtedly Kasuga Arata (caci), but due to his weakness in strength, he cannot kill him.

The most important thing is that the Demon King candidate seems to have something protecting his safety, preventing him from dying easily. That's why Kasuga Sage hopes to get your help.

Lin Mo was speechless. Why did he feel like this plot was getting more and more bloody? Is it because my way of traveling is wrong, or is it because of the arrival of , that it becomes like this.

But no matter what, it is his mission to kill the Demon King candidate, and he must complete it.

But you have to know that there is no such thing as a free lunch. If I get rid of the Demon King candidate for you, what can you give me? Lin Mo calmed down and stared at Ilias' broken words.

Anything is okay! Even if you want to get her, it's just a matter of one sentence. Ilyas said calmly in fragments.

It seems that the revenge for killing my father is nothing more than this... Lin Mo took a breath. How much hatred would it take for the other party to dare to say that, but he still said it.

Okay, but I'm not interested in your master. What I'm more interested in is you... Lin Mo said with an evil smile on his lips.

Interested in me? Ilyas's eyes flashed with surprise. His delicate little face was no longer as calm as the calm dead water, but looked at Lin Mo with a blank look. .

Before coming, she thought that Lin Mo might make various requests, but she didn't expect that Lin Mo would actually make a request for her. It caught her a little off guard.

Even Sora's face had a look of surprise. But in other words, if the master really gets the fragment of Ilyas, who is an auxiliary type, then in this world, it can truly be regarded as having both offense and defense.

Ilyas's broken chapter has unimaginable talent in assisting others. She was still happy to see it.

Ps: 3/4, there is still one chapter left, this world will end soon, and the next world will be bloodthirsty and violent, asking for everything every day! .

432 The Appearance of the Demon King

To be honest, I'm not particularly interested in the relationship between you. I have nothing to do with who lives or dies. But you are different. Since you are a magic book like Sora, your abilities will not be any worse. Go, and what I want is exactly this. Lin Mo said pretending to be indifferent in order to induce the other party to agree.

Lilith and others who stayed aside did not make a sound at this time. Because they know that the initiative now lies with Lin Mo. Only he can have the ability to compete with the Demon King. If it were them, they wouldn't even have to think about it.

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Ilyas's little face suddenly struggled and fell into a decision.

Lin Mo saw this scene and touched the bridge of his nose, feeling guilty. But no matter what, he was bound to get these two magic books.

Okay, I can sign a contract with you. Ilyas Zhang said with almost all his strength, and his originally weak face became even paler.

Before that, I have a very serious question. Lin Mo said seriously.

What's the problem? Illya's watery eyes lost their former sparkle, and her words were all weak and feeble. It seemed that agreeing to Lin Mo was like entering a tiger's mouth in her mind, and the whole world lost its color.

Have you ever taken care of Kasuga Arata? Lin Mo asked seriously.

No... Although she didn't understand why Lin Mo asked this, Ilia still answered weakly.

That's OK! Lin Mo still didn't want the women around him to have anything to do with men.


At this moment, the earth suddenly trembled violently. The land under Lin Mo's feet was filled with gravel, and the sky was shrouded in darkness. While the moonlight was covered up, the ominous aura continued to extend outwards, and each and every terrifying... The skeletons emitted a scarlet red light, clustered together like locusts, and flew towards them densely.

No, he's coming! Kong looked shocked, and without caring about anything, he directly pulled Ilyas's fragment to his side: Open the barrier, hurry up!

Illya looked at the hurried figure in the sky, and immediately followed Sora's command, opening a barrier that could cover the school.

The next second, after the skeleton in the sky arrived at their location, it opened its mouth slightly and made a rattling sound, and then a burst of energy was gathered in it, tilting down quickly like a violent storm.

Boom boom boom!!!

At this moment, like comets constantly hitting each other, there were dull sounds in the sky above the barrier. The energy gathered by thousands of skeletons was like a laser, shooting out to every place. An explosion was powerful enough to level the place.

At this moment, like comets constantly hitting each other, there were dull sounds in the sky above the barrier. The energy gathered by thousands of skeletons was like a laser, shooting out to every place. An explosion was powerful enough to level the place.

The whole world seemed to be filled with nothing but raging artillery attacks. Any existence seems a little small at this moment.

When the figure in the distance came to the academy wrapped in a barrier, the attack disappeared. On the ground, except for the academy, there is no intact place left.

The yellow sand smoke in the sky dissipated, and the figures of everyone appeared. the Demon King! Lilith looked at the figure in the sky and said in horror.

There, there is a figure standing in the sky. The entire figure is wrapped in pitch black armor. A black coat moves with the wind. On his face, there is a helmet. The helmet covers his eyes, only half of which is exposed. face, but despite this, cracks can still be seen emerging.

The vast sea-like magic power puts huge pressure on people. Lilith and the others can feel that their bodies seem to be out of control, and they have an impulse to worship subconsciously.

... .. 0

Demon King? Lin Mo murmured to himself, his eyes gradually became cold, and the figure instantly came to the opposite side of him.

I hope you can abide by Chengruo! Before that, Lin Mo glanced at Ilyas's broken words.

Don't worry, I will do it... Ilyas's delicate body trembled and she nodded silently.

In the sky, two figures faced each other, and the terrifying aura continued to spread to the surroundings, and the pressure increased layer by layer. If it were not for the protection of the barrier on the ground, this kind of collision would make people kneel directly on the ground. Out of breath!

More than ten seconds passed, and neither of them spoke or made a move. However, soon, the Demon King could no longer sit still. In this short moment, a black lightning floated, and the Demon King took the lead in launching an attack.

The figure suddenly appeared behind Lin Mo, and at the same time, it was shrouded in a terrifying red light. A ray of gathered red energy hit Lin Mo directly, and a loud rumbling sound was heard in the sky.

Ps: 4/4, I finished it and went to sleep. .

433 Leave no room

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