Surrounding the palace were fences full of sharp thorns, and some dilapidated places made creaking sounds.

The source of magic also emanates from here.

Lilith and others activated the magician mode before walking in. I was careful every step of the way, fearing that I might touch something.

Entering the palace, the scene in front of you is completely different. The fire in the lamp kettle illuminates every place in the palace, like a fire of hope, giving people the motivation to move forward.

In an underground city that never sees light, the existence of lights is essential and just right. There is no need to worry about not being able to see the scene here.

Suddenly, on the way forward, Fengjian Leiwen sensed something, and his pace slowed down a lot.

It seems that someone is coming to greet us!

As the words fell, an unknown object exuding dark magic appeared around the corner. It was unknown what it was made of, giving off a lifeless atmosphere.

Groups of groups were walking slowly in the direction of Lin Mo and the others, and the banging sound hadn't stopped since they appeared.


Lilith murmured with a heavy expression on her face. Both hands raised a revolver-like pistol. And Fengjian Leiwen also gently put his hand on the knife at his waist.

Monsters are existences in a different world that appear in the chaos of Honkai Impact and magic. They specialize in eating creatures with magical powers, and unfortunately, Lin Mo and his group became their targets!

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402 A little show of skill

Although these monsters look scary, their combat power is not particularly strong. In one sentence, they are strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Even in the original work, it was Kazama Leiwen who defeated them all by himself!

Lin Mo glanced at them with flat eyes, and then spoke.

Let me deal with them directly!

He didn't want to waste too much time on this, so as soon as he finished speaking, he concentrated on the monster in front of him. As a ripple in the space appeared, a sudden gravity came as Lin Mo's hand slowly fell, And suddenly it became heavier.

Bang bang bang!

Almost instantly, due to the gravity of the monster in front of him, cracks appeared under its feet. The movement of lifting its feet just stopped in the air, its body tilted back and forth, and the gravel under its feet was constantly splashing.

Crack! Snap!

The increase in space gravity caused their outer armor to shatter quickly and directly until it fell to the ground and was crushed into little bits of dust.

The exposed dark body was also crushed into a deformed shape by the gravity of the moment. It was flattened like a ball. With a loud noise, all parts of the body were broken, and no piece was intact. place. A huge pit took shape without any warning in front of Lilith and others.

It was as if someone had hammered it hard, but this was just their illusion. Because this giant pit appears along with monsters.

In other words, due to gravity, the originally smooth ground under the monster's feet turned into a big pit!

In just a few seconds, all the monsters in front of you could not see a complete form, and they were all destroyed by gravity!

Lilith and others were stunned and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. Lin Mo waved his hand gently, eliminating the abnormal gravity in this area. If he hadn't deliberately controlled it, the entire palace and castle would have been crushed to pieces.

Don't be in a daze, let's go! Lin Mo said with a smile.


Lilith and the others replied dully, and then followed Lin Mo. In his mind, he was still thinking about the power Lin Mo had just created.

Husband, you are indeed the one I like. Yalin said with a smile on her calm face. She had long felt that Lin Mo was extraordinary, so what if he wasn't a demon king candidate? The strength is just as powerful!

However, the strength shown in front of Lin Mo was only less than one tenth.

Some people may also ask, why doesn't Lin Mo just teleport to Yu Yi's side if he has space powers? In the final analysis, he still didn't know where Yui's specific location was. Even if you use perception skills, you can't find it.

In the underground maze, the surrounding space has become extremely chaotic due to the collapse phenomenon. The appearance of monsters is a kind of instability.

In the underground maze, the surrounding space has become extremely chaotic due to the collapse phenomenon. The appearance of monsters is a kind of instability.

In response to Yalin's words, Lin Mo shrugged, smiled, and didn't care. And Fengjian Leiwen was also thinking about what Lin Mo's ability was?

After all, his theme is very curious.

At the same time, it also made Kazama Leiwen feel a little pity. A rare opportunity to show off was snatched away by Lin Mo. As a ninja, she is very unbalanced mentally!

Along the way, all the monsters encountered were quickly eliminated by Lin Mo, and the further he walked, the deeper the dull feeling brought by the magic power became. It made their pace speed up a lot, and when they got to the back, they were almost running!

·· 0Request flowers·· ·········

After wiping out several waves of enemies, Lin Mo and others were faced with a staircase leading to the bottom. Several people looked at each other, and then walked away without hesitation.

The lights grew dimmer and dimmer until they disappeared. And the front of Lin Mo also became gray. Only a few faint rays of light came in, which prevented them from panicking.

Lin Mo's mental power spread to the surroundings, and he noticed something strange around him. Suddenly, he sensed several small objects, which looked like sponges, but they were very evil. In the original novel, Lilith was taken advantage of.


Lin Mo naturally couldn't let this happen, so he quietly sent out several space blades to kill them all.

As you go down, more and more abnormal objects gradually appear. However, as soon as Lilith discovered them and was about to eliminate them, she was already dismembered by Lin Mo.

With Lin Mo's escort, the journey was smooth, which really left Fengjian Leiwen speechless. The expression of resentment was almost written directly on his face.

We've reached the deepest point!

Lilith shouted. Several people quickly ran down the stairs, the lights in front of them became brighter again, and the only road was paved ahead.

Lilith just ran forward in a daze, not afraid of any danger.

And Yui is right in front of them!

At this moment, there was a muffled sound of a wall being punched through, and two figures appeared in front of Lin Mo.

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403 Unpeaceful situation

Lilith looked at the two people in front of her and was shocked: Mira! Akio! How did you two get here?

Along the way, they had not seen the two of them, so it was completely normal for them to have doubts. After all, there is only one way to the maze.

Ah? Why are we coming straight here later than you? A tall woman wearing a cheongsam glanced at everyone, put one hand on her hip, and did not answer Lilith's question. Instead, she curled her lips and said with dissatisfaction. .

It felt like someone was pressing on her head, which made Yaqiu very unhappy.


Lilith clicked her tongue when she heard this.

Yes! Punch through the floor first, and then walk straight over. Yaqiu raised his fist and said straightforwardly.

And 890 Yalin and Kazama Leiwen were not surprised at all by what Yaqiou and the others did. As if that's what they were supposed to do.

As reviewers, they have done countless amazing things, and they have heard of them countless times in the academy. In order to complete the task, they can put aside all emotions, even if they kill one person, they will not hesitate.

And for Mira, this is even more true.

Let's go! Yaqiu, Yui is right in front. Mira looked ahead with an indifferent expression, ignoring Lin Mo and others.

Yaqiou smiled faintly at Lin Mo and others, then turned around and followed Mira.

Wait a minute! Mira, are you planning to kill Yui? Yalin asked in a calm tone. For a moment, Lilith and Thunderlane focused their gazes on them, waiting for their answers.

Mira held a crystal ball in one hand and put the other hand on her side. Without looking back, she said without any hesitation: She is the cause of the Honkai phenomenon.

The answer was obvious. When Mira spoke, she didn't even feel the slightest bit of intolerance. She unanimously determined that only by killing Yui could the Honkai phenomenon be stopped.

Isn't this too decisive? Lin Mo, who had been silent next to him, frowned at this time and his voice became much colder.

Hmph! Even if I eliminate you, I won't suggest it, you filthy man! Mira turned her head and snorted coldly.

Then you can try. Lin Mo's eyes flashed with a cold light.

An atmosphere called tension suddenly filled the air. For Mira, the last scene is still vivid in her mind. As the reviewing officer, she almost put the word 'misbehavior' on Lin Mo's behalf! evil! ’ and other labels, the senses are not much better.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, believes in one principle: 'If you look nice to me, I will look back on you kindly. But if you take the blame indiscriminately, then don't blame me for showing mercy! ’

Mira's current situation belongs to the latter.

With such a arrogant attitude, even Lilith, who has always maintained a peaceful attitude towards getting along with each other, can't help but feel dissatisfied and a little unhappy!

However, as a teacher, her good quality education also determines that she is destined to never quarrel with students.

But they are still actively mediating.

Lilith stood in the middle of the two people and said in a slightly weaker tone.

You two, now is not the time to talk about this, you should solve Yui's matter first! As time goes by, the collapse phenomenon will further expand, and then it will be out of control!

With Lilith's intervention, Lin Mo would not fight with her here. He just gave her a cold look and then looked away.

Mira, unless it is absolutely necessary, can you please not take action and leave it to us to solve the problem? I believe we can handle it well! Lilith said with a hint of pleading.

Mira, unless it is absolutely necessary, can you please not take action and leave it to us to solve the problem? I believe we can handle it well! Lilith said with a hint of pleading.

This is...good!

Mira hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Lilith finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yeah, yeah, I thought it would be more fun if the scene became more passionate. The corner of Lei Wen's mouth raised, feeling pity.

Indeed! I have long wanted to fight with Lei Wen! Yaqiou said with high spirits.

Lilith glared at Thunderlane and spat, Mind your own business. At the same time, I kept praying mentally that it would be best for the two of them not to fight. Otherwise, the scene will be chaotic and difficult to clean up!

But the result is destined to be difficult to achieve.

Boss, you go first! I'll have a good fight with Lei Wen! Yaqiou said excitedly... 0 almost rushed forward.

The two of them were both melee warriors, and they had the idea of ​​​​competing for a long time. Moreover, they were two of the seven messengers from the Book of Magic, so the outcome of their encounter seemed destined.

We don't have that much time! Mira warned.

Jacquiou said nonchalantly: Anyway, with them in the way, it will be difficult for us to escape.

Okay! Just be more careful.

It seemed that the outcome could not be changed, so Mira had no choice but to sigh, turn her back, and continue walking forward.

And Fengjian Leiwen also said: Teacher, Yalin, and Lin Mo, you go first, only you can save Yuyi!

Then I'll leave this to you, Lei Wen! Lin Mo said.

Lilith looked at the situation in front of her with a trace of annoyance.

OK! I won't let you down. After Kazama Leiwen finished speaking, she flicked her hand, biting a scroll to her mouth, and at the same time made a hand seal gesture with her hands.

Connect the library of jealousy and execute the theme!

Then he let out a sweet shout.

The divine wind is coming!

As the words fell, a strong invisible hurricane centered on her and spread to all sides. Lilith fell to the ground like a typhoon, with her hands on the ground 3.6 to prevent her body from being blown away. But despite this, the hair is constantly flowing back.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, was relatively simple. He stood motionless, and the strong hurricane did not have the slightest impact on him. At the same time, he walked up to Lilith and gave her a hand.

Lin Mo held Lilith's hand tightly and said. Leave this to Lei Wen, let's go first!


Lilith hesitated. Looking at the hand held tightly by Lin Mo, he unexpectedly did not ask Lin Mo to let go and let her hold it.

The two quickly caught up with Mira in front and arrived in front of a room.

Ps: Please subscribe, 1/4, I originally scheduled 5 updates, but someone took me to a party at night, so I can only update 4. There will be one more update tomorrow, and three updates tomorrow. .

404 Yui sleeping

Lin Mo looked at the door in front of him. To be more precise, he was looking at the words written on the billboard. The corners of his mouth twitched from time to time. He saw that it read: Evil Sorcerer Yui's office. Now Yui is in the office. .”

Lilith glanced over, as if she had seen it all the time, and said softly: These words should have been written by the dean or Lei Wen!

Lilith glanced at it, then turned her gaze away, looking solemnly at the heavy door in front of her: This is Yui's room, Yui should be in it now.

Mira, who was confronting Lin Mo, was surprisingly not impulsive at this time, but stared closely at the door in front of her. From here, she could sense a huge magical power.

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