388 take advantage

Lin Mo wandered around here for a long time without seeing even a single figure, so he could only give up and find a place to sit down casually.

If he guessed correctly, it should be class time now, but he didn't know if there was isolation or something, and he couldn't even hear a sound outside.

Why! Now I can only pray that Lilith can find herself soon. Otherwise, he would have to wait here quietly.

Lin Mo thought helplessly in his heart.

The surrounding sky was exceptionally clear, with soft clouds clinging to the blue sky, just like the lake water in a windless environment, calm without any ripples.

Occasionally, a few birds draw a beautiful arc in the sky, but they disappear in a blink of an eye. Only the eight sixty-seven white tail flames left behind when passing through the clouds can still be vaguely seen as they fly by. The traces left behind.

finally found you!

A complaining voice made Lin Mo turn his head slightly. Lilith, who ran over, was standing not far away from her, holding her knees with her hands and breathing heavily.

She licked her dry thin lips from time to time until they slowly turned from dry to pink.

After Lilith ran away shyly, she suddenly realized that her duty was to keep an eye on him. If Lin Mo really gets into a fight in the academy, the unlucky one will be no one else but her!

Thinking of this, Lilith could only turn back in tears. The shame that Lin Mo felt when he saw Fat Ci disappeared in an instant after thinking about the power of Lin Mo's punch.

When she returned to her original place, she sadly discovered that Lin Mo's figure had long disappeared! So she had no choice but to drop the next class and go find Lin Mo!

Fortunately, what made her happy was that Lin Mo didn't go far and was extremely calm, which made her relieved.

Lilith, as a freshman, what does it mean for you, a teacher, to leave your students alone and ignore them? Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and said.


Lilith also had troubles that she couldn't express, but she had to endure it silently.

It's my fault, I'm sorry. Lilith lowered her head, the blush on her face gradually faded, and she was replaced by a sincere apology.

Lin Mo waved his hand with an awe-inspiring attitude and said with an indifferent attitude: It doesn't matter, I forgive you! It's just that as a teacher who abandons students, it is very derelict! Think about how much you are admired by the students, think about it Is what you are doing now really right?

You're going to chill the students! Lin Mo sighed heavily.


Upon hearing this, Lilith lowered her head even lower and fell into self-reflection. There was a look of annoyance on his face, but he was constantly asking himself questions in his heart.

Upon hearing this, Lilith lowered her head even lower and fell into self-reflection. There was a look of annoyance on his face, but he was constantly asking himself questions in his heart.

Very good! It seems that you have also realized your mistake. I will just pretend that this incident has never happened! However, in the future, this kind of thing will never happen again! Watch me carefully, if I am It's hard for you to tell what kind of damage has been done in the school! Lin Mo said earnestly.

Yes! I will definitely take good care of you. As a teacher, I cannot neglect my duty! Lilith said firmly. Her soft back was straightened, and her breasts were so sinister that they stood tall and graceful without any cover-up. Although it is blocked by clothes, it cannot be seen that the scale and softness must be very good!


Lin Mo looked like a child who could be taught and nodded. Looking at Lilith in front of her, her cunning eyes flashed past.

Okay, let's go to class! Even if something important happens, I will stay by your side and watch over you. Lilith, whose brain was short-circuited, was brought into his world with just a few words. Inside the trap.

Really? Even at any time? Lin Mo finally showed his fangs. But Lilith didn't seem to notice it yet, and answered stupidly.


Then, I'll leave it to you for the rest of the day! Lin Mo smiled strangely... 0

Lilith suddenly had a bad premonition, but she didn't know where to start. Lilith thought about it carefully, why should she listen to him? It's just daily care, how come it feels like becoming a family nanny? Doesn't that mean...

its not right! She really wanted to keep an eye on him. If something happened and it became a big trouble, then she would suffer. Therefore, the term home nanny is also correct.

wrong! I'm not a housekeeper...

In this way, Lilith fell into the swamp. Her face was worried for a while, suddenly realized for a while, and her face turned red again. This phenomenon continued.

The white tender hand was unconsciously placed on the chin, not looking at the road at all. When Lin Mo, who was standing next to her, saw this, the smile on his lips became even thicker.

At this time, his steps suddenly accelerated, surpassing Lilith in an instant, and then he stopped, turned around, and faced Lilith.

But Lilith behind her didn't notice Lin Mo stopping at all, and just bumped into him in a daze.

A strong manly scent suddenly hit her face, and a pair of hot hands pressed on her smooth and flawless back.

After Lilith came back to her senses, she realized that her entire body was leaning against Lin Mo, causing her heartbeat to speed up rapidly.

Especially when she felt her breasts leaning against him tightly, the strange feeling made her blush, and she wanted to find a hole to get in out of shame.

This sudden scene left her in a daze, unable to escape immediately. And these few seconds were enough for Lin Mo to take advantage!

Ps: Please subscribe, thank you again for the blank name reminder! There is another update for tomorrow. The author moved yesterday and had too much luggage. Now his back hurts and his arms are sore. I have to let it go tomorrow. .

389 Girl Ninja

Although Lilith is the controller of lust, her level of innocence makes it impossible to imagine that this dignified, occasionally serious girl would be associated with the word lust. Especially since she has never been in love even once. When communicating with the opposite sex, it is obvious that she can feel the shyness in her words.

The number of exchanges may not even be 10!

This is the kind of girl who, for some reason, was chosen as the master of the library. The hidden secrets are unknown.

But one thing is that if someone breaks the delicate balance between Lilith and the Magic Book of Lust, the consequences will be immeasurable.

Now Lilith's eyes were blurred, her face was red, and her whole body was almost limp on Lin Mo's body, without any strength. Whenever Lin Mo's hands touched her clothes, her body would feel a strange tingling sensation, causing her legs to rub unnaturally.

Days are like years.

Every minute and every second is a kind of torture for Lilith now.

Lilith suppressed her shyness for 20 seconds, put her hands on Lin Mo's chest, and spoke with a slight breathy voice in her difficult words.

let me go...


Lin Mo let go without any hesitation. He had already taken advantage of enough. If he continued, it might be counterproductive. When the time comes, I'll slap you in the face and you won't even have a place to hide.

Although it is not very powerful, it will at least arouse Lilith's disgust and a little bit of luck on her face. Therefore, everything must be done to the end.

Just like now, although Lilith's legs still felt a little soft and numb, she could barely stand firm, and then her whole body rested against the wall next to her like a puddle of mud. The cherry lips at the corner of her mouth showed a slight gasp from time to time. Under Lin Mo's gaze, the blush on his face not only did not fade away, but in fact became even stronger.

but! There was only shame and anger in her eyes, not any anger at all! You read that right! Even though he was treated so lightly by Lin Mo, there was only shame and anger on his face! If I have to say it, her eyes are now filled with water mist, and the little girl-like anger she occasionally exudes makes people unable to control their mood and want to turn into a wolf.

But fortunately, Lin Mo didn't do it impulsively.

Just kidding, in the corridor, in full view of everyone, he was not so thick-skinned. It was just a matter of taking advantage and no further action was taken.

However, he has forgotten who was eating other people's tofu wantonly in the corridor just now...

When Lilith recovered, her eyes averted, almost afraid to look at Lin Mo. There was a strange feeling in her heart that even she couldn't explain or explain.

She wanted to blame Lin Mo, but she just couldn't bear the thought. Her heart beat twice as fast as usual. She even vaguely didn't hate the feeling of being in Lin Mo's arms. This confused her and made her very embarrassed.

Suddenly, Lin Mo noticed a strange aura. Even though it was well hidden, he knew there was someone on the ceiling. Random said with a smile.

Stop hiding, come out!

Lilith's pretty face, which had not yet faded away from the blush, was suddenly startled, and then became nervous. There is someone here, which means that his previous posture was completely captured!

Lilith's pretty face, which had not yet faded away from the blush, was suddenly startled, and then became nervous. There is someone here, which means that his previous posture was completely captured!

If it is spread by others, when the time comes...

what to do?

Lilith thought anxiously in her mind.

While Lilith was thinking of a way, a girl with black hair peeked out from the ceiling of the corridor. When he found Lin Mo looking at him with a half-smile, he knew he had no choice but to put away his disguise, somersaulted and landed.

Then a petite figure stood in front of Lin Mo. The white scarf was wrapped tightly around her neck, but because it was too long, two long strips of white cloth were left behind her.

Wearing the same school uniform as Lilith, the only difference is that one side is wearing black stockings, and the other side exposes her crystal clear calves.

Her hair covered one eye and was tied in a braid behind her back. A pair of blue pupils revealed the youthful vitality of the girl. At the same time, what is surprising is that the girl with only half a body in front of Lin Mo has not lost any weight in breast development.

The skin is as white and tender as a baby, very delicate. If Lilith is developing towards a mature royal sister, then the girl in front of Lin Mo is undoubtedly a childlike face with big breasts!

Oh? You actually noticed my aura! The girl put one hand on Liu's waist and stared at Lin Mo with interest.

Is it difficult to detect your aura? Lin Mo smiled.

Hmph! Except for what I want others to know, very few people can detect my aura, and you are one of the few! the girl said arrogantly. It seems that she is very confident in her hiding.

Really? Then I'm really honored. Are you a ninja? Lin Mo curled his lips and asked.

973 That's right! How is it? Isn't it awesome! When someone asks about her career, the girl will have a deep sense of admiration and fanaticism on her face.

What you admire is your own profession, and what you are fanatical about is also your own profession.

Yes, it is indeed very powerful. Lin Mo shrugged and said lazily. Although he said this, there was no respect for this profession on his face.

Mortals like you don't understand the power of this profession at all, so I don't bother to argue with you. By the way, what are you and Teacher Lilith doing here? The girl pouted and said something unintentionally. Those words made the big stone on Lilith's chest finally fall away.

Fortunately, no one saw it.

Lilith breathed a sigh of relief, and then adjusted her posture. The shy posture before was completely gone, replaced by a face as beautiful and dignified as a young lady.

Classmate Lei Wen, long time no see!

Ps, Girl Ninja’s full name is Kazama Levi, the Taiwanese translation is Kazama Leiwen. Most of this series is translated from Taiwan, so I will use Kazama Leiwen instead. All are taken from Baidu Encyclopedia. Please subscribe! One more update, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! .

390 Girls’ jokes

What do you mean, long time no see? We just met yesterday, okay! the girl curled her lips and said.

Hearing this, Lilith's face turned red and she coughed deliberately in embarrassment. He ignored Fengjian Leiwen's words, pretending not to hear them, and then introduced them to Lin Mo.

Her name is Kazama Leiwen, and she is one of the seven messengers of the magic book in this academy.

Afraid that Lin Mo didn't know, Lilith added: The so-called Seven Messengers of the Magic Book are people similar to masters in this academy. They are the top people in various fields. If If you want to have a clearer understanding of things like magicians, contacting them may be the fastest option.

When he said this, Kazama Leiwen stepped in and said with a smile: By the way, Lilith is also one of them! Also, her theme is...well.

Before Kazama Leiwen could say anything, Lilith hurriedly covered his mouth, and then explained in a panic.

Let's go quickly! It's almost the next class. I've already missed a class just to look for you. If I continue to delay, the students will have objections.

After saying that, he left in a hurry. Kazama Leiwen pursed his lips and snickered: Teacher Lilith is still as innocent as ever!

Lilith was immediately embarrassed when she heard this, and walked at the front without saying a word. Although Lin Mo said he came to learn magic, it was just a cover. The real purpose is to find out the whereabouts of the Demon King candidate.

One of them, Kasuga Shin, is quite easy to destroy. As for the other one, although he doesn't know it yet, he will definitely be able to find out the information as long as he is in this college.

Another point that is also particularly important is that if he travels to a world without exploring it, but instead completes the task and leaves, then he will have no fun at all.

Now that we are in this world, how can we not meet a beautiful girl?

Just like Lilith now, innocence and lust coexist in contradiction. The little girl's attitude that she occasionally shows is something you can never experience in any other world.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo smiled frankly, took a deep look at Lilith who was still in embarrassment, and then started chatting with Fengjian Leiwen without saying a word.

Since you are also one of the Seven Messengers of the Magic Book, you should also be very strong, right? Lin Mo looked at the girl next to him and asked.

Since you are also one of the Seven Messengers of the Magic Book, you should also be very strong, right? Lin Mo looked at the girl next to him and asked.

Of course, I am also a ninja after all! No matter what task, I can complete it easily. Leiwen Fengjian raised his head, with an expression that said you are coming to praise me, which really made Lin Mo speechless.

Really? Looking at you, I can't tell you are a ninja. Lin Mo said with a shrug.

When the girl heard this, she suddenly became unhappy. He glared at him fiercely and said forcefully.

Even though I'm young, my abilities are still very powerful! I can do everything Lilith can't do, and I can do everything Lilith can do! As the Seven Messengers of the Magic Book, I have my pride!

for example?

I can do everything from assassination to sexual (harmony) ninjutsu with ease! Kazama Leiwen pursed his lips and said with a rosy face.

Even though he is shy, he still has to express his strength in front of Lin Mo! So she suppressed her shyness and put on a charming expression. Don't tell me, it does seem a bit heartwarming...

¨`Xing Ninpo Technique? Lin Mo was stunned. Is there such a branch of Ninpo Technique? Forgive my ignorance, but if I encounter you one day, please don't show mercy to me, thank you.


While Lin Mo was talking to himself mentally, Lilith couldn't stand it anymore and stood up with a blushing face, interrupting their conversation.

Don't say such dirty words in front of a teacher! Lilith said loudly.

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