As the high-pitched voice sounded from the commentary box, the lights in the entire venue seemed to dim in tacit agreement.

Only the few remaining lights were cast on the stage 917!

“Please give me more advice!!!”

The braided bald head nodded, and the power of the emerald green stars appeared all over his body. He was traveling at a speed like a violent tiger, bringing up strong winds.

The power of the thick star veins all turned into the most powerful force, concentrated on the palm of his hand, and bombarded Lin Mo.

Lin Mo did not choose the Sky Mark Sword, but took out an ordinary Huang-style weapon. His deep pupils were like those of an eagle, and he captured the attack route in an instant.

The hand holding the weapon suddenly turned around and blocked his attack with its side.

But with just one attack, Lin Mo felt the strength of the enemy and couldn't help being slightly startled.

This kind of power, this kind of speed, only ranked in the twentieth?

While Lin Mo was surprised in his heart, he also fought back.

On the lightsaber, in the blink of an eye, there was a strong roar of wind, and the raised sword edge looked chilling under the light.

The whole arm tensed up instantly and stabbed towards the person named 'Song' in front of him!

Song's eyes were focused as never before, and the speed alone allowed him to use all his strength to deal with the person in front of him.

In his eyes, there was only the edge of Lin Mo's sword and the sound of the howling wind.

The next second, he turned his head to avoid, raised his arms, and turned his hands into eagle-like claws, grabbing at Lin Mo.


The power of the star veins on his palm seemed to be like a sharp blade, tightly wrapping his hand. When he waved his arms, he brought out thick emerald green fluorescence.


Lin Mo did not hide but moved forward. His lightsaber turned back in a graceful arc and pointed towards his chest, while resisting the attack, he used the sharpest point to probe!

After waving, a blue sword shadow fell gently in the void.

It's like an illusion, even if you blink.

It's like an illusion, even if you blink.

Lin Mo's sudden burst of power, like a dragon and a tiger, was transmitted to the lightsaber in his hand. The air seemed to be shaken, and the sound of sonic boom was as harsh as the lingering sound.

Song's expression changed, and then he stood on tiptoes and jumped backwards.

And Lin Mo's blow (caec) also came to nothing at this moment. Although it didn't hit, a strong wind was whipped up in the air.

Lin Mo waved his sword blade, bringing out a trace of fluorescence. Then the tip of the sword pointed diagonally at the ground, and like a lonely swordsman, he walked lightly towards Song's direction.


Song looked at Lin Mo who was gradually walking in front of him, and shouted to his companions who were fighting with Julis as if facing a formidable enemy.

Huh? Sure enough, Song alone is not his opponent? Luo and Yulis distanced themselves, and they had already expected this in their hearts.

Although they already knew that Lin Mo was very strong, his partner was already looking for help from him in less than a minute. This was enough to show that Lin Mo's strength exceeded their imagination.

I see.

Luo nodded and ran towards Lin Mo with heavy steps.

They had decided not to care about Julis in front of them, but to concentrate on dealing with Lin Molai in front of them.

Two figures, taking staggered steps, were approaching Lin Mo alone.

Luo held a stick in his hand, spinning it in his hand like a fancy style. Like a spear, it pointed towards Lin Mo.

Another person stood by to assist. Even if Lin Mo dodged the attack, he could still follow up quickly.


After Julis reminded them, she did not sit still and waved the corolla sword in her hand, pointing the tip of the sword directly in the direction of the Song and Luo combination, and shouted.

Bloom gorgeously! Nine rounds of dancing fireworks!

As soon as he finished speaking, the mighty flames poured down like raindrops!

Song! You stop him first! I'll cover you! Luo roared like a lion, and the stick in his hand quickly twisted in his hand. The next moment, Julis' attack came as promised.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The stick rotated rapidly like a fan, blocking Julis' attack. But it also made a muffled sound.

Thanks Julis!

Even if Lin Mo can deal with the two of them, it will still consume a lot of energy. It is perfect to have Julis as a help! Then he turned to face the flying Song with all his strength!

He must win it quickly!

Ps: Please subscribe to the flower collection! ! ! .

362 Julis’s heart

Lin Mo's figure rushed up quickly like a ghost. The Huang-style weapon in his hand left a trace of light blue tail flame in the void, and the erratic sword shadow was like an illusion. As it was drawn, it also created a beautiful arc.

Song's hands were grasping eagle talons, and his eyes were extremely sharp. He lowered his body like a tiger in the forest, with a windy figure and long braids floating behind him.

The moment the two of them fought, emerald green light filled Lin Mo's eyes. Song's hands were constantly changing. Sometimes it's punching, sometimes it's grabbing, sometimes it's palming, it's flexible and changeable.

The pace is always moving.

With every attack, you can see the power of the star veins condensing in his hands -.

But compared to close combat, Lin Mo has never been afraid of anyone. The lightsaber in his hand was swung smoothly and quickly.


There was only a faint sound of breaking through the air, and the tip of the sword passed through like a stream of light.


Song Yinyang screamed angrily, slipped to the side, and moved behind Lin Mo at a strange angle. His fist turned into a palm and struck Lin Mo's back.

I've been guarding against you for a long time!

Lin Mo sneered and waved his lightsaber arm, but he took it back with a snap of his fingers. At the same time, the lightsaber was thrown into the sky by him. The figure suddenly turned around, and the clenched fist was blasted forward with terrifying pressure.

Suddenly the wind roared, and Lin Mo's sand-filled fist collided with Song's palm.

Even though he was blessed with the power of star veins, Song still underestimated Lin Mo's strange power.

Lin Mo's single fist seemed to have gathered a huge momentum, which made Song breathless.

But the next second, Lin Mo's overwhelming power directly pushed Song's figure back.

At the same time, Lin Mo's other hand caught the lightsaber and drew a beautiful sword flower in the void, and immediately followed it!

The lightsaber carried an icy cold light and went straight up the river!

The sword edge... pointed directly at the school badge on the side of Song's chest!

Crack! A crisp sound, and a sound like breaking glass suddenly sounded.

Song's figure was also pushed back to the surrounding walls.

The school badge also broke while flying and fell to the floor.

Julis, who was also on the other side, was also caught in a bitter fight at this time.

The spear in Luo's hand was like a violent storm, not giving anyone any chance to breathe. Julis could only defend passively. Suddenly, a voice that cut through the air sounded, and Lin Mo's figure gradually entered Julis' eyes.

The dancing sword light, with countless afterimages, faced Luo in front of him.

What! Song was killed by you so quickly?

Luo's face was shocked. Lin Mo's appearance had already explained a lot of problems.

But it was this surprise that made him fall into passive defense.

Lin Mo raised his hands and waved them downward fiercely.

Lin Mo raised his hands and waved them downward fiercely.

While Luo was panting, he retreated violently in the face of Lin Mo's attack. But a huge fireball, long in his path, was ready.


Julis' attack accurately hit Luo, who was avoiding Lin Mo's attack.

Smoke filled the venue for a moment.

Everyone is waiting for the next result.

Whether he was defeated or evaded, it was all revealed in these few seconds!

When the smoke dissipated, loud cheers began.

The corner of Julis's mouth finally brought a trace of joy of victory.

Luo Lang's embarrassed figure appeared in people's sight.

·· 0Request flowers·· 0

He relied on the weapon in his hand to keep him from falling. But the school badge on his chest cracked as early as the moment of the explosion.

There is no doubt that Lin Mo and Julis won this game.

Lin Mo stretched out his hand and pulled up Julis who was half-kneeling on the ground.

I'm afraid you were ready for that last moment, right? When Luo and I were fighting. Lin Mo faced Julis and said.

Yes, just maintaining this magic power and preventing him from exploding consumes half of my energy. Julis smiled bitterly.

..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The most important thing is timing. Without you to attract Luo's attention, I might not have been able to hit him with my last blow. Julis added.

But I have to say that your timing is still very good. It seems that our team's tacit understanding has improved to another level. Lin Mo said with a smile.

After hearing Lin Mo's words, Julis couldn't help but laugh. Although there was a moment of melancholy in her eyes, she recovered in the blink of an eye.

Teamwork was something she would never have dared to think about before.

But because of Lin Mo's appearance, she also truly understood the true meaning of the word team.

If she were to go back to her old days now, I don't know what would happen, but the ending would not be unexpected, that is, her lonely figure would remain forever.

After thinking of this, Lin Mo's eyes became gentle.

It was precisely because of Lin Mo's appearance that her life changed.

I don’t know how long this kind of day will last.

I really hope it will continue like this forever...

Ps: Please subscribe to flowers. Chapter 361 has been filled in to 370. I will change it tomorrow. Please support me! .

363 Li brother and sister

Lin Mo and Yulis were walking in the corridor backstage. Suddenly, two figures appeared in front of them, and they were Song Luo.

Julis frowned slightly when she saw this: What's the matter?

It's okay, I just came to congratulate you two for successfully advancing. Your cooperation is quite good, we are willing to lose. The speaker was Luo, who was very tall. After treatment, both of them had almost recovered, but they still looked a little embarrassed.

Song Ye also clasped his fist slightly at Lin Mo and said: We are indeed ashamed of your strength. At first, we underestimated you, but you are indeed one of the 980 batch of dark horses that have been killed recently. With this strength, I’m afraid we can win the championship.”

Of course, since we are standing on the stage of the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, we want to win the championship. Lin Mo just smiled at the compliments he said to the two of them.

Since Your Excellency has such confidence, then the following sentences should be regarded as what Luo and I said to ourselves!

Song paused, then continued: Although you are indeed very strong, the twins in our academy are not that easy to deal with. In order to win, you will not hesitate to use any means. If you want to win the next game If so, it may take a lot of effort.”


Julis interrupted Song's words and then questioned: Why are you telling us these things? You know, the one who will compete with us next time will be your companions.

After Luo heard what Julis said, there was a hint of bitterness in the corner of Luo's mouth: Not everyone in the academy is known as a partner. Their purposes are different. Compared with the twins, We still have a better impression of you two.

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