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285 A little secret that only belongs between two people

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286 The boss strategy battle meeting on the 100th floor!

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287 The disappearing Heathcliff

Accompanied by the cheers of the crowd, Lin Mo appeared on the altar of the transfer door. Following him was Asuna, whom he had not seen for a long time. At least in the eyes of outsiders, Asuna rarely shows up anymore.

Only Kirito, Xinmei, Liz, Klein and others will meet each other if they have the opportunity. Just like when I went to Lin Mo's house to have dinner.

The deputy captain is still so beautiful.

The players sighed and said that Asuna, who came here this time, put on the clothes of the Blood Alliance Knights for the first time in a long time. The knight uniforms were based on red and white. Once again, Asuna could be seen from a distance but not toyed with. The expression was brought to the extreme.

Hey, Lin Mo!

Klein stepped forward with a smile and said hello. Lin Mo stretched out his fist helplessly and collided with Klein's fist as a greeting.

Have we reached the 99th floor? Time flies!

Kirito also showed a sigh of relief: Yes, think about it when we were on the first floor, we also doubted whether we could break through to the 100th floor. Unexpectedly, today, this task will be almost completed.

Asuna on the side felt the same way. She still can't forget the day she met Lin Mo. It was precisely because of their encounter that day that they laid the groundwork for their next reunion.

She has never regretted it, never... For Lin Mo, the same is true.

Asuna glanced at Lin Mo, but she didn't expect that Lin Mo was also looking at her. Their eyes met at this moment.

When I clear this world, I will go find you! I will fulfill the agreement we made...


Asuna nodded happily. Klein was deeply disgusted by their attitude of showing off their affection even if they didn't agree.

Hey, if you want to fall in love, why don't you go back to reality and talk about it? Now we have to set off to the headquarters of the Blood Alliance Knights to welcome the 100th floor strategy.

You're just envious!

Kirito said contemptuously, seeing through the vulnerability in Klein's heart at a glance.

Me? Envy? How is that possible?

Klein curled his lips in disdain, but the envious and jealous expression on his face had fully betrayed him.

Let's go! Don't keep everyone waiting.

Surrounded by the crowd, Lin Mo and Asuna arrived at the headquarters of the Blood Alliance Knights. When the guards on both sides saw Asuna, they immediately put away the careless expressions on their faces and said with awe.

Deputy Captain, welcome back!


Asuna responded lightly, followed the memory in her mind, and led Lin Mo and others to the hall.

The hall was full of people. Regardless of whether they were popular or not, as long as they had a certain foundation, they all came here to prepare for the next boss battle on the 100th floor.

Everyone was not surprised at all by Lin Mo's arrival, but they were surprised by Asuna's appearance.

Everyone was not surprised at all by Lin Mo's arrival, but they were surprised by Asuna's appearance.

There are still some people who are not here yet. Lin Mo looked around and said.

Basically, everyone who can be present has already arrived, but... The guard on the side began to hesitate.

Just what?

Lin Mo frowned and looked around the crowd, but still couldn't find the red figure. He seemed to have guessed something.

It's like this. For some reason, our leader has disappeared early in the morning. Our people have gone to almost all the places where he might have gone, but he has not been found.

Klein suddenly became dissatisfied: At this time, where can that guy Hezcliff go? In my opinion, he must have escaped because of cowardice.

What did you say!

The members of the Blood Alliance Knights on the side glared angrily.

Is there something wrong with what I said? Otherwise, why haven't you come at this time? Klein sneered.

··0Request flowers··

You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. I suggest you put away the words you just said. From outside the gate, several people walked in one after another, and a person who seemed to be the leader said with a gloomy face.

Enough! At this point, are you still arguing? Asuna scolded. When the member of the Blood Alliance Knights heard this familiar voice, he was stunned for a moment, and then his attitude became extremely correct.

Deputy Captain, what do you think we should do now? We just looked for the Captain again, but we still found nothing.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a long time, Asuna still has such a high say in the Blood Knights.

... ... ... ...

Asuna's brows wrinkled slightly, after all, she did have another level of identity. That is the deputy leader of the Blood Alliance Knights, but after not seeing her for so long, her identity has long been in name only.


Do you want to continue waiting?

It became a question for almost everyone present, even Asuna was at a loss to start.

No need to wait! Let's go directly! At this time, Lin Mo said.

Hiszklev must know what day it is, but he is absent under such circumstances. It must be because of some compelling reasons. He must be indifferent if he continues to wait. Then he might as well set off directly. If he wants to come, he must They will catch up with our team from behind. If something happens and we are unable to come, waiting now will be in vain.

Everyone nodded in understanding, and now the people of the Blood Alliance Knights were waiting for Asuna's order.

Okay! Let's set off now! Along the way, send a message to the leader to see if he can catch up with our team. Asuna said.


(2/3, the Sword Art Online volume is finally coming to an end! What do you want to see in the next volume? You can leave a message in the comment area or vote!) B.

288 Red back!

The Ruby Palace on the 100th floor is a majestic palace, made entirely of red. There are no flowers or grass around it, only the stairs leading to the top.

Looking up from below, the Ruby Palace gives people a very uncomfortable feeling, with a blood-like color that almost covers half of the world. Although you can't see the inside, the statues carved on the pillars from the outside give people a very bad feeling.

The door is open, and the stairs are always connected to the door. Looking from the bottom of the mountain, you can only see the appearance of the Ruby Palace, but not the scene inside.

The gloomy sky leaves no doubt that there will be a violent storm soon. The cold wind was howling, and even the bodies of the people at the foot of the mountain could not help but tremble.

The bright red palace puts too much pressure on them! It was like a huge mountain, weighing them down so much that they could barely breathe.

Is this the Ruby Palace? Once you clear the Ruby Palace, it's time for this game to end! Kirito took a deep breath and stared up at the standing palace at the end.

Yes! As long as we clear this last level, we will be liberated! Keita said in a deep voice.

It's just that we don't know what dangers are waiting for us above...

Everyone's hearts slowly sank to the bottom. From the beginning, they could not contact Heathcliff. He seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Only Lin Mo knew his true face.

If he guessed correctly, Heathcliff was at the top of the Ruby Palace, looking down at them.

After Lin Mo raised his head and glanced at the location of the Ruby Palace, he said to the people behind him: Let's go! Now that we have arrived here, no one wants to give up, right? Even if there is no Heathcliff, we will still Can pass the level!

Everyone looked at each other and touched their weapons. Everyone's palms were sweating slightly. It stands to reason that they would be more nervous at the critical moment. However, what Lin Mo saw on their faces was only excitement. The expression is inside.

Everyone, let's go! Lin Mo is right. Think about your family in reality. As long as you can clear the 100th floor, it means that all players in SAO will be liberated. We have no reason to do it at this time. Back off!”

Klein said generously, the closer the critical moment is, the less they can give up. This group of players has almost all the combat power in SAO. If they fail, they can already see what the consequences will be. .

Lin Mojun, you must come to me after clearing 100 floors. I also want to see with my own eyes what Lin Mo will look like in reality! Asuna said slowly as the two of them walked at the front of the team. .

Lin Mojun, you must come to me after clearing 100 floors. I also want to see with my own eyes what Lin Mo will look like in reality! Asuna said slowly as the two of them walked at the front of the team. .

Well! The first thing I do when I return to reality is to find you! Lin Mo nodded and said.

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