It will be in 5 days!

Asuna looked startled, and then said angrily. After talking for a long time, I didn’t even know the specific time, and there was no one around.

In 5 days?

Lin Mo pondered for a moment and then said: Then come back to me in five days! Send the specific location and information to your friends, and I will rush there immediately.

Is there anything particularly urgent for you these days? Asuna frowned slightly.

Hmm... I guess not. I just want to go back and take a look at my new house these days.

That's right, when Lin Mo went to Asuna's house last time, he had already finalized a plan to get Kirito's house in the original book.

After searching for about 2 or 3 days, I found the house, and Lin Mo bought it without saying a word. But so far, he has not officially moved in.

But the scenery around the house is a rare Feng Shui treasure. It is reasonable for Lin Mo to never forget this!

Maybe Gensokyo can be compared to this place, but Lin Mo has never seen it with his own eyes. So I am also very curious about the scenery in Gensokyo.

Asuna's eyes lit up after hearing this and asked, Have you bought a house? How many floors is it on?

On the 22nd floor, Godard.

I'm going to move over and have a good rest for a few days.

Oh, really?

Asuna didn't know what she was thinking of, and looked at Lin Mo maliciously.

Then how about I go with you tomorrow? Don't refuse!



Lin Mo was immediately confused. What kind of operation was this? He just said it casually, and Asuna was even more excited than he was. But overall, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if there is one more of her, and it doesn't matter if one of her is missing.

But it would be the best if we could have some kind of relationship!

All men have coveted Asuna's beauty.

It's just that after Lin Mo got to know Shokuhou Caoqi, Misaka Mikoto and others, his horizons naturally became much higher. So I didn't panic when I met Asuna.

Very good!

········Asking for flowers····

Asuna cheered and clenched her fists.

Do you have any extra food over there? Do you need me to bring it?

Asuna said with a smile. Lin Mo suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. You still come here for the food!

Don't worry! Even if there are 10 more people, I have the ingredients to make it.

Then it's settled! See you there at 10 o'clock tomorrow!

After Asuna finished speaking, she jumped away happily like a rabbit. The members of the Blood Alliance Knights were shocked when they saw their vice-president like this, and some even bumped into the wall while walking.

.. ........

Is this still the majestic deputy captain? What's going on with that walking posture! And what's with that happy smile on his face! It feels like something is broken in my heart...

Asuna is a goddess-like image in the hearts of many people. And most men regard Asuna as their dream lover!

Now that the goddess has been abducted, how can we not make people feel heartbroken?

Look at that posture, look at that smile, if it weren't for him being in love, they wouldn't believe it to death!

Well, it turns out that their imaginations were a little too vivid. In fact, Asuna's current mind is filled with the gleaming food made by Lin Mo.

I don't know what delicious food Lin Mo will come up with tomorrow! I'm really looking forward to it!

With this thought in mind, Asuna walked towards the distance with a happy face.

Along the way, I don’t know how many people’s hearts were broken by this.

(6/6, please subscribe, flowers, and tips!).

240 Heart-to-heart talk?

The 22nd floor of ‘Aincrad’, Goldar. In a beautiful forest. Lin Mo and Asuna walked side by side on the only path.

There are rows of trees all around, which are neither high nor low, giving people a very neat feeling. From Asuna's field of vision, she could see that the hilltop not far away seemed to be covered with a mysterious veil, and the morning fog made everything around it chaotically intertwined.

besides. The creeks and villages here complement each other and inadvertently create a very beautiful pattern. If an art master comes here to observe, he will definitely marvel at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature.

July 17 In the eyes of others, this place is no longer just a forest.

This place is more like a rare treasure, a paradise, a... fairyland on earth that you can't describe in words!

Everything here has its own rules of operation.

Staying here, even the irritable heart seems to be able to calm down.

From time to time, melodious bird calls can be heard in the dense forest. Sometimes high, sometimes low, distant and long.

Asuna, who had been stunned for a long time, was now filled with beautiful pictures one after another. She doesn't understand why there are such beautiful places in SAO! Compared to where I live, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

Therefore, in order to take a closer look at them, it was natural that I slowed down a lot.

Lin Mo looked at Asuna, who was a little stunned, with a slightly proud look in his eyes. I remember when he first came here, his expression was not much different from Asuna's.

They were all amazed by the scenery here.

However, no matter how long we have been here and how many times we have seen this scene, we are both tired of it. After admiring it for more than ten minutes, Asuna finally came back to her senses.

You really found a good place!

Asuna pursed her lips and said reluctantly.

I also think it's pretty good here.

Lin Mo said with a sigh.

At first, Asuna was just curious about Lin Mo's accommodation. But when she got here, she realized that her soul seemed to have been sucked away, and various different pictures were being painted in her mind all the time.

What a wonderful thing it would be if I could live here for a while! Asuna kept thinking in her heart.

The path the two of them were walking on was made of wooden planks, and they could hear the sound of tapping, tapping, tapping while walking on it. At the end of the alley is the home that Lin Mo just bought.

The path the two of them were walking on was made of wooden planks, and they could hear the sound of tapping, tapping, tapping while walking on it. At the end of the alley is the home that Lin Mo just bought.

Lin Mo opened the door, made a gesture to invite you in and said, Welcome, you are my first guest here. Even I just moved in here!

Excuse me for disturbing you!

As if she was entering someone else's house for the first time, Asuna glanced around nervously.

Overall, the villa is not particularly big. On the contrary, it feels very small. Although there were only the first and second floors, Asuna, for some reason, felt a particularly warm feeling.

The sun shines through the curtains, shining into the house like a phantom.

The crystal light seemed to cover everything here with bits of gauze, making it unpredictable.

Asuna looked left and right, then looked again, and even walked to the second floor out of curiosity. On the second floor, you can basically see the scene here.

Asuna held her hands on the balcony, looking into the distance with blurred eyes. She found that she was completely obsessed with this place. But when I think that I will leave here soon, I don’t know why my heart hurts as if it were cut into pieces by a thousand cuts...

After staring at her chestnut-colored pupils for a few minutes, she turned to Lin Mo, who was sitting next to the sofa. He pursed his lips, walked to the opposite side of him and sat up.

I didn't expect you to enjoy it!

Lin Mo smiled faintly, brewed a pot of homemade black tea, and placed it in front of Asuna.

What's the point of staying in the boring strategy group all the time? Carpe diem is the way to go. You know the scenery here, you can't see it outside of SAO!

Yes, it is really difficult to see the scenery here from the outside world. Lin Mojun, do you think everything here is real or illusory?

We obviously live here, but a voice in my heart tells me that everything here is fake and does not exist! Everything here is just a bunch of dispensable data. Ya After Sina finished speaking, she fell into silence,

Lin Mo raised a cup of black tea leisurely and said, Whether it's real or fake. The place you live now is called 'Aincrad!' She is an indispensable part of your life. , since it has happened, then accept it calmly. If you keep denying the world, you are almost denying yourself!

Just imagine, in reality, are you still a brave, fearless deputy leader of the Blood Alliance Knights?

The answer is impossible, right? Only people can adapt to the world, but the world will not adapt to you! I think you should understand this truth...

(Please subscribe to Flowers. There is only one update today. After I came back from get off work, my thoracic spine hurt like crazy, so I took an early rest. I will see if I have time to make up for it tomorrow! The author has a day off on Saturday, so there may be more updates.)

241 The beginning of foodie...

Asuna stared at Lin Mo closely, and it could be seen from his expression that these words came from the heart and were not said to deal with her.

She didn't know what she was thinking of, but she suddenly smiled: That's right. When we first met, you seemed to have said the same thing...

Hearing this, Lin Mo seemed to recall the day when Asuna followed him, and a helpless smile curved at the corner of his mouth. The most important thing is to cherish the present. If you care too much about it, it will be of no benefit. Try the black tea I made myself and see how it tastes.

Asuna glanced at the exquisite tea cup on the table and picked it up quietly. The smell of black tea immediately hit her nostrils.

Her eyes lit up, and in just a few seconds, Asuna drank the black tea in the cup in one gulp. The rich aroma was still left in her mouth, and she couldn't help but lick her lips.

This tastes pretty good. How did you make it? Do you have any extra tea leaves?

For a foodie, as long as it involves 'eating', she has to get what she likes even if she loses face.

And Asuna is such a good example

Yes! There are as many of these as you want. Lin Mo said with a smile.

As soon as she heard Lin Mo's answer, Asuna's face became even more happy.

Then it's settled! We've seen the scenery and drank the tea, so... the next step is the main event!

Under Lin Mo's confused gaze, Asuna tapped lightly in the void and began to operate on the list.

Not long after, bursts of light flashed above the table, and piles of food fell from the sky and landed steadily on the table in front of Lin Mo, making a sound like an earthquake.

Even the cup Lin Mo placed on the table was startled to 'jump'.

Deputy Captain, may I ask...what are you doing with these things? Lin Mo's mouth twitched.

He said that he was indeed frightened by this sudden scene.

Don't call me deputy captain, just call me Asuna! As for these things! I shouldn't have bought so many, but after thinking about it carefully, I found that I will definitely come to your place often in the future, so I simply I bought a little more.”

Asuna clapped her hands and began to move the things on the table to the kitchen, ignoring Lin Mo who stared blankly.


Lin Mo called Asuna in an instant, and immediately caught the key point from what she just said.

You said you would come here again?

How he hoped Asuna would answer 'no'

Although the cooking procedures in SAO have been reduced a lot, he is still responsible for Asuna's meal.

Lin Mo could even imagine his miserable days ahead.

However, the ending naturally disappointed him.

Yes! Do you have any comments?

Yes! Do you have any comments?

Asuna said with a smile on her face. The heart-into eyes narrowed and stared straight at Lin Mo's heart, as if he wanted to see through him.

If Lin Mo dared to refuse, Asuna would definitely be dissatisfied. Looking at that extremely dangerous look, Lin Mo just thought about it and knew what kind of outrageous thing the other party would do.

Because Asuna has already put her hand on the hilt of the sword, okay?

Lin Mo had no choice but to spread his hands and said, No objection.

That's good! I will come over at noon from now on. You should know what to do, right?

Asuna's eyes sharpened.

Lin Mo's head kept nodding like a chicken chasing rice.

Asuna smiled with satisfaction this time.

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