Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 310: The girl saw the military division again

In the State Guest Hotel where the Dragon Warrior stayed, after arranging the defense forces, Leila could not eat dinner, and came outside the room where the Dragon Warrior rested. She didn't even see the person standing outside the door, causing her to wrinkle. brow.

However, she was relieved when she thought of the man's combat effectiveness.

Knocked gently on the door.

The door opens from within a few seconds. Leila looked at it, and it was the fifth lady who opened the door for her, but she was really flattered. After staying a while, she panickedly saluted the army and said:

"Major Laila Markal has seen his wife."

Marina had her black hair cascading down like a waterfall, and she was wearing casual clothes for home. She is not as luxurious as she is exposed, but still dignified and approachable.

She smiled gently at Leila, "Come in, he is waiting for you."

She went out by herself and opened the door opposite Leila remembered that there was a room under the command of the Dragon Guardian.

Leila waited for her to close the door and walked into the room.

At a glance, he was leaning on Erlang's legs and sitting on a couch in the middle of the room, looking at it with a document-like thing.

At this time, it was not in the morning that Leila was face-to-face at the attack scene. He was dazed by the act of getting off the bus at the time.

He yelled at him and thought it was incredible afterwards.

Besides, after seeing his way of fighting, Leila was shocked by an extraordinary soul. She had long known that the person in front of her had an excellent strategic vision, and today she knew that he had such a strong personal ability, so that she who saw him again really respected him.

"Major Laila Markal greets the Chinese Military Commander of the Chinese Federation. It is an honour to see you." She stood upright, and after embracing the military salute, she was embarrassed and kept the attitude of the military salute, whispering. : "Yes, I apologize to you for being rude in the morning, and I am willing to accept your punishment based on this."

"Marcal?" Jingyu glanced away from the file and glanced at her. "Let go, Major, I'm still a little bit in contact with your family. Moreover, I don't think you behaved wrong at the time. If I were, I would be angry."

With his hand holding the document, he gestured towards the side chair.

"Sit down," said so lightly.

Leila did not expect him to speak so well, not only forgiving her for being rude, but also being so polite to her.

‘This is a real big man, the gas is really extraordinary! ‘She praised her heart and said, “Thank you for your tolerance and understanding, then I would respectfully be obedient.”

She sat down on the sofa, squeezing her legs tightly, her hands on her thighs, and straightening her waist properly. Although she has relaxed psychologically, at least she wants to express her respect for him in this way.

Jingyu saw it, and did not deliberately correct her.

"Those who are injured are all arranged." He opened the conversation.

"Yes." Leila said seriously: "Thanks to your timely action, the casualties are smaller than I expected. I will thank you instead of the soldiers."

"Hahaha" Jingyu laughed a few times with her head up and said with her unexplained expression: "Don't sarcasm me, if I can shoot earlier, I believe the casualties will be smaller and the soldiers saved will More like this."

"How could it be? No, although it is so, but I didn't think about it that way." Leila, who had justified herself, couldn't help but stood upright, saying: "Please don't think so! Guarding is our job. , It is our dereliction of duty to help you without helping you."

Jingyu looked at her eyes critically. Those blue eyes are clear and pure, very pure. He nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand and pressed down, beckoning her to sit down.

"Very good." He praised: "As a commander, you have the right judgment; as a soldier, you understand your vocation." He shook his head again and sighed, "Unfortunately, you are in eu." ‘So he’s testing me? "Leila's eyes widened. After sitting down, she reflected on his words, "A pity?" ’

Leila was not originally called Markal. Her biological parents were the nobles of Brittania, and she did not know what caused her to flee to eu, but she also gave birth to eu.

When she was 5 years old, they both passed away. The young Leila didn’t remember them very well, but she remembered her father saying that protecting the country is the people’s duty. If this is extended, fighting for the country is the duty of the military.

It is indeed a pity that in this huge republic of eu, the people do not possess such thinking.

The soldier

It’s not a soldier who hasn’t complained that the Dragon Division should shoot earlier.

After seeing her sit down, Jingyu fell silent and couldn’t help laughing. ‘I’m just in love, but it’s a resonance of her. Unlike the surface, it’s actually a sentimental girl. ’

"Major Layla," Jingyu began to talk about the main purpose of finding her. "How are the interrogations I have left behind? Are you clear about the identity of the principal behind the scene?"

The two attackers with the same swollen cheeks appeared in Leila's mind. They were very curious about'how he can use the sword body to stun people after inserting the big sword into the cockpit'. .

"Sorry, I specifically asked when I came. According to your instructions, indeed enough poison was found in their teeth. The poison has been taken out to avoid their suicide. However, although they were awake, But he said nothing."

"That is to say, the principal behind the scenes did not participate in this attack. The purpose of the attack was not to seek revenge. And they, and other companions that needed protection." Jingyu analyzed, "What do you think about this attack?" Look?"

"The plan is very well planned." Leila replied with thought: "The wreckage of the remote control device was found in the explosives found at the scene. I speculate that they did not know the location of your car, but wanted to carry it.' Galtmea's trailer blew up."

Mentioning this, she couldn't help but wonder how he found the bomb in the car and stopped the car in time.

"Are you sure they don't know which car I am in?" Jingyu asked.

"Yes." Leila affirmed: "The driver of the five Lincoln cars was the one who was temporarily transferred from the transport force after I entered the **** force. Everyone was selected by me personally, and their contact The device can only reach me alone."

When she was at the airport, she had dialed the communicator of one of the drivers without telling other people in advance and asked her to drive the car to the airport for Jingyu to take.

After that, the remaining four parts were also added to different positions of the team according to her instructions.

If anyone other than Leila knows which car Jingyu is riding, it does. The guards who came from the airport must know which car Jingyu got on, but they were asked not to wear communicators.

"So say" Jingyu playing taste: "Do you suspect that the guards may be mixed in with the attacker's associates?"

Leila shook her head. "My original purpose was just to avoid information leakage as much as possible."

Did she tell Jingyu? Among the four attackers, the identity of one of them has been verified, and was once affiliated with a certain force of eu. Because he committed the crime of killing high-ranking officials while in that army, he fled the army and still belongs to the status of being pursued.

It was just unexpected that he would be killed here.

Jingyu's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he picked up the file that was placed beside him when he was speaking, and lifted it to Leila's direction.

"This, you take a look."

Leila got up and approached, receiving the documents. With only one glance, she looked at Jingyu in surprise again, and various thoughts in her heart were churning.

Jingyu looked at her performance and smiled meaningfully.

"Pay attention to that person. You may not know that he was a terrorist active in the Arab region 9 years ago. After I caught it and let go, I suggest that he come to eu to help you fight against Britannia. The results of the invasion, ha ha ha, I am quite satisfied."


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