Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 308: The first meeting between the military division and the girl

Before Leila is a very challenging question.

Do you follow his unfounded instructions?

Leila made a decision in three seconds. She thinks so-

Following his instructions, if nothing happened, then at most she would be treated as a fool by her subordinates or colleagues. But if it does happen, it can at least save the lives of the soldiers.

She resolutely gave orders. The convoy at the back of her command car started its orderly operation.

The car moved to both sides of the road; the trailer door opened, exposing the internal mobile weapon ‘Gartmea’.

A few seconds later than this, Leyla suddenly saw a red heat source approaching at the edge of the exposed area of ​​the combat platform.

"Sarah, what is that?" she asked the operator around her, thinking Jingyu's words faintly in her heart.

Did the attack really come?

Sarah silently clicked on the keyboard a few times. On the combat platform, the radar first locked the red heat source, and then compared the heat pattern released by it, after checking and analyzing the database, the name was marked above the heat source.

Leila knew at a glance that it was a type of armed helicopter equipped by the eu army, which was the same model as the two helicopters used as guards. As she wondered whether the helicopter was just a passerby, Sarah suddenly shouted.


The focal length of Leila's eyes was concentrated on the combat platform, and her eyes suddenly followed.

A huge red hot streak appeared in front of the luxury car. At the same time, there were several hot streaks in the buildings on both sides of the team.

She didn't have time to think about what those hot streaks represented. The violent shaking of the car and the bang of the rumbling arrived almost simultaneously.

That was an explosion! Leila saw that the road ahead marked a fracture and collapse on the combat platform, coincidentally on the verge of a luxury car stopping. When I think of the luxury car moving forward ten meters, it will be involved in the explosion. From the point of view of the amount of blasting, it is enough to blow it up to Leila.

"The missile is approaching!" Sarah shouted again, and she began measuring the ballistic trajectory without instructions. "The target is a helicopter! Oops, it will be hit!"

On the combat platform, two red hot stripes flew towards the two helicopters used for the guard. While showing the hit, the sound of the explosion also reached Leila's ear.

The wreckage of the helicopter dropped from the sky, and one even fell directly on the road, drawing a car in.

The successive explosions did not upset Leila, but calmed her down.

"Galmetea No. 1 to No. 4 aircraft, keep their position unchanged, pay attention to prevent aerial attacks, and prepare for the arrangement of the barrage; the front team, armored vehicles are put into cover for the rear vehicles; the rear team, the guards use assault The rifle joined Sarah in the attack on the air helicopter and called for Air Force support."

"Already called!" Sarah said: "Major, three Britannia-made knightmares have appeared."

Three knightmares jumped out of three ten-storey rough buildings. One jumped into the front team, one was near the center where Leila and others were located, and one was behind.

The last two knightmares immediately launched a fierce exchange of fire with eight Galtmea. The knightmare in the front is like a massacre because it has no rival mobile weapons around it.

Explosions and flames continue to appear.

The helicopter belonging to the enemy in the air was also close to the range where the machine gun could be used. Two Gatlin ground-facing machine guns spun rapidly, releasing a tongue of fire, and a 12.9mm bullet raged on the road.

The doors of many vehicles were pierced, and the soldiers hiding behind were torn to huge wounds.

Once this bullet hits anywhere except the limbs, it is usually not saved.

Leyla knew that even with the reminder of the Dragon Warrior, his casualties under this firepower must still be heavy.

This is not the time to feel distressed. It is the biggest question to be able to withstand the attack before the support feels.

Moreover, what made Leila extremely shocked was that the enemy's attack was too orderly. Even if the sudden stop of the convoy caused the initial blasting to fail to achieve the desired effect, these attackers were still not panicking.

They seem to believe that they can succeed, and orderly destroy their own vital forces. Don't rush to find out which car is riding the dragon division.

In contrast, his own side panicked under the attack. As far as mobile weapons are concerned, the opponent is obviously a minority. Not only did Galtmea fail to make achievements, but in a brief confrontation, three have been killed.

"When will the support arrive?" Leila couldn't help but ask Sarah.

"At least ten minutes before the air force arrives." Sarah's voice was a bit sad.

Leila looked at the combat platform again, and already ordered the Galtmea team to force the enemy knightmare at any cost, so that the luxury car in front could take the opportunity to steer away.

But this timing must be grasped-under the dual conditions of Galtmea's ability to force the other side and the other side's inability to fight the luxury car. Otherwise, the move of the luxury car will reveal the position of the dragon division, and let all the firepower concentrate on it.

How to do? Can you make this judgment? Or is it to hand over the power of judgment to the dragon division?

As a famous strategist, should he be more suitable than her?

It stands to reason that it is not difficult to choose the transfer of power that will make her relieve the burden on her body and make it easier; if it is the judgment made by the Dragon Army division herself, even if it fails, her responsibility will not be borne by her.

However, Leila didn't even consider such a thing as'who bears the responsibility'. She was just thinking, can she really give up her power as commander of the **** team? If you give up, do you still have to go to the Dragon Division to discuss your combat plan?

Is she still qualified to defend eu and continue to develop new combat plans?

Leila felt that it might make her psychologically lose her foundation in the army.

Her eyes were firm, determined to deal with the matter. Even if it is the terrible consequences of failure, she will never evade the duties before her.


‘Hum, it’s a funny girl. 'Because of interest, Jingyu listened to the sound of all things and observed Leila.

Aware of her psychological changes, he had a pity for Leila.

Putting away the ability to listen to the sound of everything, Jingyu said to Marina: "I'll go out and see, you stay in the car."

Having been with his husband and wife for five years, Marina knows his strength. Seeing that he didn't change his color about the explosion and confusion, she knew he had Yu Yu, and she nodded with a smile.

"Be careful."

So told a sentence.

Jingyu's move to open the door did not hide the driver in the front of the car. He yelled in surprise, ‘My Excellency, come back quickly, it’s dangerous outside. 'Jingyu ignored him, so he had to report this to Leila.

‘It’s really chaotic! Leila complained in her heart and also pushed open the door and got out of the car.

Jingyu saw the girl's appearance—a blond hair, and a thin bangs covering her forehead. The hair on the top of the head is not so much a bun hair style. In Jingyu's view, it is more like two bear ears.

He somehow saw her exquisite pretty face with obvious displeasure to him, reminiscent of an angry bear.

"What the **** are you thinking about?" Leila yelled at her while running away close to him, "You are fighting to protect you, but you expose your position to terrorists. Do you know everyone’s efforts and sacrifices in vain?"

She was still looking nervously around her, worrying if a sniper would have targeted him.

In this way, she didn't pay attention to his interesting interest. When she looked at him because she didn’t hear his response, he turned away and looked at another eu mobile weapon in the battle area because he was hit by knightmare and after knocking over three cars, An explosion occurred, drawing all nearby soldiers into the fire.

The turbulent airflow triggered by the explosion shock also arrived here. Leila felt that the military uniform skirt had a tendency to fly, and the girl instinctively pressed the back skirt with her hand and looked at him panicly. I saw the broken hair of his forehead flying up, and the silver headband was gorgeous and shiny, which was extremely incompatible with the black smoke.

He was not watching her.

Sarah's urgent cry came from the communicator, "Major, they found him."

This is of course Leila thought, she looked around.

The first is the helicopter in the sky. It has turned its nose and is flying towards this side. The knightmare, which has been raging in the front, also turned its head here.

Leila's thoughts turned, and he grabbed his hand.

"Go, can't stay here anymore!"

That little hand is really soft!

The anxious Leila could never imagine that the man who was holding her hand was thinking so much at the moment.


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