Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 306: See the dragon division

Leila has a very high political talent. She could understand what General Smithlas said, and it was because she could understand that she came here.

"If," she said, "If I could make the price paid by the Republic smaller and prompt him to agree to send troops as soon as possible, would you arrange an opportunity for me to report to him?"

She was not arrogant enough to believe that with her little major, she was able to see the existence almost equivalent to the leader of a great power. But she was confident that she could persuade him.

Smithlas almost watched Leila grow up and understood the serious part of Leila's character. Since she said so, she must have a good grasp. However, it was because he understood Leila that he was worried.

"Leila, wouldn't you have drawn up a high-risk combat plan again?" he stared at her.

In fact, the so-called high-risk combat plan is actually appreciated by Smith Myraus, which is also an important aspect of his appreciation of Leila's talent.

It is a pity that the 40-member National Defense Committee, which is currently in charge of eu, is eroded by ‘no responsibility’. Several of Leila's previous combat plans were ruthlessly dismissed or changed conditionally, so much so that Leila gritted her teeth and was deeply disgusted.

Where is war not accompanied by death? Smithlas also knew that Leila had considered the soldier casualties to a minimum.

After the actual battle, if Leila’s combat plan is not adopted, the obvious loss is higher. It's just that every time someone has taken the blame and took responsibility for the loss of the incompetent.

Leila, who was seen through by Miles, looked away awkwardly, but stubbornly said:

"Then don't let them know the combat plan first, and after that, let the Dragon Division talk to them."

Smiles smiled, "This is indeed a good way. If the lost soldiers are on the head of the Dragon Division, the committee does not have to worry about the censure of the people and the media." He groaned a little, "Well, I will help you arrangement."

Leila's heart was full of joy, her expression did not change much, but her eyes were obviously bright, full of expectations.

Smithlas said: "It was Colonel Deacon who was responsible for arranging the guarding mission of the Dragon Army Division before you got out of the office. He reported to me that he had received information that someone wanted to attack the Dragon Army Division's convoy."

Leila's eyes widened in surprise, and she frowned again.

"Did Britannia want to disrupt this negotiation after knowing the purpose of the Dragon Division's trip?" she whispered.

"Isn't it hard to say?" Myers said in a majestic tone: "Major Markal, I will now send you into the escort. As the deputy of Colonel Diken, you must ensure the safety of the Dragon Army division!"

Leila knew the importance of the situation. Once the dragon division was assassinated within the territory of eu, it is certain that the army loyal to the Chinese Federation will vent its anger to eu. Suppressed by two superpowers at the same time, eu is really over.

"Yes." She took the order very earnestly and saluted the command rather than persuading the dragon division to agree with her plan. At this time, she had paid more attention to how to arrange the guard force.

Soon after, he received the appointment letter from Smithlas, and according to what he said, Leila reported to Colonel Deakin's temporary headquarters. Then one day later, Leila saw the man who got off the plane at the airport.

very young! He is only 23 years old, which is of course. However, the fact that it has been on the international stage for 10 years has made people think it is unbelievable.

Leila herself is often called a genius. At the age of 17, she was still a young girl, but she served as a major in the army. This shows her remarkable.

However, compared with the Dragon Army Division One, the man did not rely on anyone. At the age of 17, he had already mastered three million troops, and took half of Oceania's land for the expansion of the Chinese Federation.

‘If I’m a genius, he’s a monster. Leila looked at him, thinking in her heart.

The dragon division has black hair. He wore a silver ring inlaid with three gems, which loomed under the fine bangs. His face is extremely handsome, his stance is extraordinary, and he can attract people's attention from one stroke to the other.

Strong presence.

Leila couldn't help but forget her identity, and looked at him curiously for a while, before turning her attention to the woman with black hair beside him-Marina Ismail was once an orthodox Princess, before she got married, her beauty was known.

However, Leyla did not stay too focused on her, and looked at the third person behind them.

It was a woman with blond hair.

"Maid?" Leila said to herself.

The blonde woman is indeed wearing a white apron outside the red dress, and of course the Katyusha hair band Leila on that end is certainly not wrong. She just felt very unbelievable, why the maid would follow the two people whose status is so respected on such occasions.

Moreover, the maid was wearing brown glasses that almost covered half of her face.

After thinking about it, Leila took out the list of members of the Chinese Federation. Compare the number of people on the scene and check the name of the person. She soon found the body of the maid.

‘His interest is really weird, even making the guardian chief dressed as a maid. However, the commander who is equivalent to a general is actually willing, forget it, what I want to do with this. ’

She stroked her forehead and dispelled all these thoughts. Seeing the group of people walking towards the parked convoy, she gently touched the headset communicator on her ears.

"The **** mission began, and each group operated in accordance with the arrangement to increase vigilance."

Bian said, still wearing military uniforms, she also walked to the car where she was, which was the car that was next to the luxury car where the dragon division was.

Leila didn't sit in right away, she was waiting for everyone to get on the bus. In the process, she noticed a flat box about 30 cm wide and over 170 cm long, which was carried by two people into the vehicle of the Dragon Division.

It was the maid who took over the box. The box was laid flat on her lap.

‘Isn’t it a gift to the incompetent politicians here? ‘Lella thought before sitting in the car.

The convoy immediately departed from the airport.


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