Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 300: Talk about de-r2 with Cornelia

In the Governor’s office, only Jingyu and Cornelia were sitting face to face.

"Cornelia, first of all I want to know, how much do you know about Clovis' massacre in Shinjuku?"

At the beginning of Cornelia's tenure, he arrested Batlle, the former second-leader of District 11. This is not just Bartlett's negligence in Clovis's death Jingyu believes that before she was escorted back to homeland, Cornelia must have asked Bartlett about this matter.

Bart is listed in his allegiance to Clovis and will not say it. But, also loyal to the royal family, and Cornelia is a member of the royal family, Batlle will not lie to her.

Connelia must have unanswered questions in her mind. In the end, his brother Clovis, who slaughtered the numbers in Shinjuku City, wanted to hide something? Does that have anything to do with his death?

She will definitely investigate.

When asked by Jingyu at this time, her face flashed the memory of this passage, thinking about Jingyu's purpose, saying the words and saying:

"You want to say, do you know the truth?"

Jingyu nodded, "I think it's time to let you know this kind of secret."

No matter who wins or loses the Seven Wars, it can only be said that it is between them. The relationship between the two of them has become more and more intimate, and the Seven Wars can be said to be a marital war. As husband and wife, they should be one and the same as the outside world.

"Clovis is secretly researching a thing. Speaking of it, Cornelia, you know the rumors of the special honor foreign troops. Some people say that they will use strange magical skills like magic."

"Wouldn't you like to say, is that true?" Cornelia said in surprise.

She has indeed heard of ‘this’. However, when she heard it, she just sneered for it, thinking that some incompetent people were jealous of the military achievements of the army, and intended to arrange it.

But at the moment, saying the same thing from the mouth of the dragon division, the meaning is a bit different.

Cornelia's brows frowned-what Clovis secretly studied was related to a special honorary foreigner force, who was clearly sent by someone from the country who hadn't paid attention to who sent it. This point, at this time could not help but think of her father Emperor Charles.

If it is a troop with special abilities, it cannot be formed by anyone other than the emperor.

At least she felt that, with her intelligence capabilities, she still could not find out the truth, she could only have higher authority than her intelligence system, which is one of the few in the empire.

Jingyu deliberately gave Cornelia time to confirm what he said. When she looked at him with blue eyes, he continued:

"That kind of thing is called code-r, and the carrier has an immortal property, that is, it will not grow old, and it cannot be killed by any known means."

As he said, she thought deeply.

Jingyu thought, she might be thinking of Altoria now. When Cornelia was young, Altolia was that way. When Cornelia grew up, Altolia was as always a 14- and 5-year-old girl.

Did not grow old, did not grow.

"The secret of code-r has been hidden by a pair of brothers before. The pair of brothers did not even inform their juniors because they thought it was unnecessary."

"Wait, wait a minute!" Cornelia stroked her forehead with one hand and raised it with one hand to stop him from continuing. As if he said something incomprehensible, that'thing' exceeded her brain's ability to function. She took a big breath, as if she had calmed her heartbeat too fast, and asked, "Which of the brothers did you say is not no, it's impossible, how can the father emperor have brothers?"

She really deserves to be Lulu's sister. Both of them are rare beauties, and they are confident and proud, and Jingyu's statement undoubtedly challenges a certain part of their confidence, making them difficult to accept.

They obviously don’t believe that their memories will be wrong? Don’t you know if you have an uncle or uncle?

"How do you know?" She asked him, "Since it is our secret in Brittania, and a secret that even our royal families do not know, how did you, the Chinese Federation, know?"

She asked twice in succession, which showed how unwilling she was to ‘he knows and she doesn’t know’.

"The girl cc who lives with your teacher Altolia has been with me all these years." Jingyu easily found a reasonable statement for herself, "she told me about the code." He believed that Cornelia would not go to CC to confirm the authenticity of this.

Cornelia knew c.c., and indeed did not see her in these years. This did not conflict with what Jingyu said. She had to nod and said:

"Well, even if what you said is true, there is a code-r. I want to know, what do you tell me now, what is it for?"

"Is it really anxious? Or, is it because of irritability?" Jingyu said with a smile.

His black eyes stared directly at Cornelia, too penetrating eyes, so Cornelia avoided the sight for a moment.

‘It’s really annoying. 'She thought to herself.

It was a good thing to be understood by a man, but she was not happy at all.

That’s right, Conelia’s heart is really irritated-the brothers who have been concealing the code-r by what he said, and her intelligence can’t investigate the existence of code-r without her. The clever and decisive Clovis is studying the fact that code-r is one. It is not difficult for her to guess that someone must have actively disclosed code-r to Clovis.

Connelia is very reluctant to associate with the emperor.

Jingyu saw through her, and did not break the point:

"Well, according to my inference, who might have handed over a research material belonging to cc to Clovis and wanted to capture the cc through Clovis. The special honorary foreign troops came only for this reason District 11."

Cornelia breathed a sigh of relief. Without mentioning Charles, she temporarily became an ostrich.

"So, you appeared in Shinjuku because you knew all this and wanted to help c.c. get that thing back?"

In his words, once shot, the possibility of miss is extremely low. Cornelia guessed that he might have gotten that ‘thing’. Not long ago, he went back to the Chinese Federation, it may be to bring things back.

It's just, why is he coming again this time?


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