Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 294: Two more little ladies

The long-haired blonde is Lilena Bergamo, and the brown-shouldered short-haired is Marika Sorexin. Their ages are not very big, they are still alive and young girls.

Jingyu has long known their names. And seeing them, he also understood what Cornelia meant--

‘If you want to vent your anger, don’t ask for Yufi. The two in front of you are free to use. ’

I have to say that Cornelia's clarity in pro-distance is really high.

After Lilena and Marika pointed at Jingyu at the same time, they both looked at each other. But soon, they all avoided each other's eyes, and their anger was even higher.

This is also a matter of course. They were originally pure girls. For the first time, they were together or the same man. And making such obscene sounds in front of each other, always can't hold his face.

If it weren't for seeing him again, even if Lilena and Malika didn't need to communicate, they would hide this experience from each other and never mention it again. They also did not expect that Her Royal Highness would let them do such a thing.

Moreover, it seems that now, it is not the end.

Lilena and Marika had to look at each other again. After confirming each other's meaning, Lilena said to Cornelia:

"His Royal Highness, His, He, Me, Us"

She wanted to say, ‘His Highness, he bullied us and did something to us, we don’t want to be his men. ’

However, she is finally ashamed to speak. Without saying anything, it is inevitable that they will encounter the same thing again, so they are in a hurry.

Maryka was also anxious, but she was so swift that she remembered his identity. When he bullied them, they took off their glasses and they could not admit their mistakes.

"His Royal Highness, he is from the Chinese Federation"

Yufimiya, who was originally curious to see the strange reaction when they gazed at Jingyu, quickly raised the volume and truncated the sentence. She thought to herself that the Queen Sister would definitely not agree if you said it here.

"He, he is indeed from the Chinese Federation, but this does not affect him as a consultant."

What she said was very firm, and she made an expression that she thought was aggressive and unquestionable. However, her nature is not a fierce person, this performance naturally can not scare anyone, such as Jingyu, he just thinks that she is another kind of beauty.

Marika and Lilena knew there was a man standing there. But the clothes she was wearing were not the princess dresses that Uffimia usually wore, but the short jackets on the upper body and the little skirts on the lower body that could not cover the thighs tightly.

Coupled with the fact that they came in, they first looked at Cornelia, then were attracted to Jingyu again, and they were uneasy. They never paid more attention to that person.

At this moment, at the first sight, it was Euphemia, and bitter colors appeared on the faces of the two women.

'How to do? ‘Their eyes exchanged, and Lilena said, ‘Princess Euphemia seems to know who he is. ’

‘If you say that, Her Royal Highness Cornelia may also know. ’Malika responded.

Then the two women thought at the same time, ‘what are these sisters playing? ’

Regardless of Uffia, they are a bit disappointed with Cornelia. They are loyal to her, but not to please men for her, and they have not obtained their consent at all.

Is Princess Cornelia such a person?

In fact, if you change an object, Cornelia will not consider this aspect at all. But the object happened to be him, and she took him helplessly, not to mention sending two men to him.

Cornelia didn't notice anything wrong, but Jingyu understood. Seeing the faces of the two women, he knew what they thought. Connelia's thoughts on him, he didn't want her image to be destroyed.

"Governor, your inner room, I can use it. I want to say a few words to these two ladies." He said suddenly.

The four women in the room stayed for a while.

Connelia frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

Euphemia looked at Cornelia with such anxiety. She thought to herself: ‘Sister Queen should not doubt his identity. ’

The remaining two girls were upset, their pale faces turned red again, and they feared that he would be so bold and shameless that he was going to do something to them here.

"The door is unlocked, you go." Cornelia said lightly.

"Thanks." Jingyu smiled and turned to walk there. On the way, he saw the two girls hesitating, and he persuaded: "I won't do anything to you, I always speak and count, you understand."

The two women stared at each other, and indeed, in his identity, they would not lie or cheat on such trivial matters.

They finally followed.

The so-called interior room is a rest room matching the office. Jingyu pushed the door open, and she smelled the pungent fragrance belonging to Cornelia. There were pajamas on the bed and the quilts were not folded. Obviously she had either slept there last night or had never rested.

In short, Jingyu sat on the edge of the bed generously in the surprised eyes of the girls.

His attitude towards Cornelia's bed also convinced the girls that he had something with the princess.

The door closed, and Jingyu also took off his glasses to let them see his dark and deep eyes.

"Cornelia will marry me sooner or later." He said so, making the two women stunned. He hummed and said, "Don't be so surprised. Imagine that a beautiful and proud princess is worthy of her man, a man who gets her without harming her self-esteem. Who can be in this world?"

This is absolute confidence!

On the battlefield, it was strong enough to suppress two round table knights alone. The military strategy used the weak national strength to repel the invasion of Brittania, forcing eu to give up the Siberian cherry blossom mine, and politically making the people live and work in peace Go up and down.

And his handsome and calm appearance, even if eu, who was an enemy country in the world, and Brittania, who looked down on other peoples, still have a large number of women as his fans.

If nothing like that happened to him, Lilena and Marika were girls who were young and ignorant, and they were not in private. It was the female soldiers of the entire Valkyrie who had gossip about men like him. Is the most popular man deserved.

He is so good.

It's just that they don't understand, why should he say this here?

Seeing their doubts, this is what he wanted them to do. He continued:

"Cornelia and I have such a relationship. She didn't just give you to me casually and let me play around. She knows who I am and knows that I will be responsible for you."

Lilena and Malika almost thought they heard it wrong.

"You, what do you mean by "responsible"?" the two women asked at the same time.

When asked, they had a fast heartbeat, vaguely understood what would happen, and had difficulty in believing that they would be satisfied and that it was not true.

At least one thing, they never thought so before entering this room. Just like when they entered the room with him yesterday, he didn't expect him to suddenly reach out and hold them a little in their chests, and treat them like that.

Jingyu stood up with a smile, and they came to them even though they were tall and slim, they were not too old, and they were half as long as he was. He looked down on them with condescension.

"I mean, you can be my wife. This is inevitable. The women I have touched are not allowed to be touched by others."

The domineering and awe-inspiring he said, coupled with his boldness, made the two girls, who were only 16 or 7 years old, embarrassed.

But then he comforted them again.

"Relax, don't say anything else. After being my wife, as a husband, I will guarantee you happiness. From now on, the seats of my ninth and tenth ladies will be left to you. "

Lilena and Marika smiled bitterly, ‘He, he didn’t give us a chance to refuse at all. ’

The ninth and tenth ladies of the Dragon Division, this position will never insult them. They are of noble origin, knowing that sooner or later they will marry other nobles for the benefit of the family.

Rather than marry a strange man, it is better to follow this man who took them for the first time.

If the two were forced to give him this for the first time, it would be a pleasant evening.

Lilena and Marika both became shy and nodded slightly.

He was also polite, provoked their chins, and kissed them in the room which belonged to the Governor's Lounge.

Is this a marriage contract concluded?

Lilena and Marika don't know. He patted their shoulders lightly. In the eyes of the two girls who were fascinated by the kiss, they looked at them very softly and put on their brown glasses.

Walking through the center of them, opened the door.

"Okay, we're done." He said to the two Princesses outside.

When Lilena and Marika came out, they dared not look at the eyes of Her Royal Highness.


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