Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 292: Euphemia's request

Jingyu did not expect that Uffimia would send a message to the restaurant on the second day, asking to see him again.

At that time, Jingyu had just brought Kallen's mother and daughter to a new home-it was a bungalow and villa only a 20-minute walk from Ashford School. There are two floors plus a loft on the top. There are two bedrooms on the first floor, a living room, kitchen, and bathroom with bathtub; on the second floor there are four bedrooms and a small bathroom.

The villa comes with a yard covering an area of ​​600 square meters, a courtyard wall two meters high, and a lawn. A square garage was built on the left side of the yard, and not far from the garage was a triangular area composed of three oak trees hugging each other. The branches and leaves of the oak tree form a natural canopy, and a white sun lounger is placed underneath.

It is said that this villa belonged to a small nobleman in Britannia before. Jing Yu, who is coming from Cornelia, doesn't know. In short, it belongs to him now.

Kalian helped her mother to stand in front of the house, Jingyu walked away and answered the phone. After turning around, he said:

"I have something to do. In short, here will be your home." He took out a bunch of keys and threw them at Kalian. "There is a car in the garage that can be used by Inoue. If you need it, you can call My cell phone, or talk to me at school. Of course, I occasionally come here to live."

Karen's skill easily caught the keychain. She just wanted to express gratitude to him, and heard why he said he would come here to live there? Needless to say, he must have felt sour with Inoue already, so he reluctantly responded with a huh.

Jingyu walked out of the yard, sat in the car parked at the door, and drove to the China Pavilion Restaurant. It was still the private room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw that Uffimia was drinking the bitter tea that she had drunk yesterday.

She still wasn't used to it. When she drank her mouth, she showed a lovely expression of patience and patience.

Jingyu smiled secretly.

When Euphemia heard the door open, she quickly swallowed the tea liquid, put down the tea cup and stood up.

She smiled at him, "I'm so sorry, but you can come and make me very happy."

"It's a little too happy to be happy." Jingyu poses as a superior, and walks into the side and said with a face: "If there is nothing that matters, call me, I will give you some small punishment. , So that you know the weight of the promise I made."

Euphemia was a little confused about his performance. She lowered her head and blinked her big eyes innocently. Immediately, Hei Hei smiled happily, not afraid at all.

"Relax, it must be an important thing." She promised.

That gesture of swearing, if she is not a girl, Bacheng will pat on the chest.

"Last night, and this morning, the elder sister gave me a lot of work. She said that in a few days, she would go out and fight against the resistance organizations in this area. I hope that I can effectively perform the duties of the deputy governor."

The more she said, the brighter the big blue eyes as clear as the sky were, the joy was beyond words, and she was radiant. This is a beauty, and even with this dazzling glory, even Jingyu couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Euphemia was completely unaware that his gaze was staring at a woman as a man. She just said happily, her delicate eyebrows troubled and childishly frowned.

"But, I’m afraid I’m not doing well. You said that, I still have a lot of shortcomings, but I don’t want to let this opportunity go. So"

She blinked her big eyes again, "So," squeezed her pink lips, "So, can I ask you to do a small favor?" It also emphasized, "It's very small and very small."

On the third'so', she folded her hands together, protruding her head like a beautiful swan, praying to him.

‘If it’s really small, you won’t use three. "Jingyu knows everything, "Little girl, you want to count me, are you still tender?" "He still teased her with that expression on his face, quietly:

"Tell me first what I want to do. If it's really small, it's not impossible to promise."

He didn't answer at once, causing Euphemia to grin. Then, those big eyes shook cunningly from side to side.

"I just want you to help me when I encounter a problem. For you, it's simple."

He is a division of the Dragon Army, and the Chinese Federation of the University of Novotel is only orderly under his governance, not to mention that there is no 11 district of the Chinese Federation. That is certainly not to mention.

At first glance, it seemed to be really simple, but Jingyu caught her eyes cruising.

"Is that really the case?" He stared at her beautiful eyes with a smile.

Uffi felt that her eyes were particularly penetrating, so she couldn't help but want to look away and obediently confess to him.

But of course she couldn't admit defeat.

"Yeah, the essence of work is like that, if you lied to you," she thought for a while, "what you lied to was a puppy."

She made a vow that she thought was vicious.

It is also true that the royal princes of Brittania are mainly dogs, which of course would be an insult.

It's just that what Jingyu thinks, she is so cute at this moment, which makes his heart tickle a bit, and can't wait to take her home immediately to raise.

When Jingyu didn't speak for a while, Euphemia wondered if she would really be seen through, and she was a little panicked.

Her eyes quivered and asked in a low voice: "You, will you agree?"

Jingyu returned to God, ‘if that’s the case, it’s okay to promise. He nodded to her and agreed. I thought to myself that if I prepared a mobile phone that could reach him, I could answer her questions at any time.

Before this idea was spoken, she listened carefully to her:

"I know, you are a man with a word, you promised, but you can't regret it."

Jingyu was immediately alert and reminded her, "I promised to help you when you encounter a problem, isn't it."

Although the end is a question, he uses a positive tone, then he expressed it, little girl, but you want to lie to me.

But Euphemia still laughed like a little fox, it was a triumphant smile that planned to succeed.

"Is it just that?" She put her hands behind her, deliberately hanging his appetite deliberately, and only after he frowned, announced the answer: "I said, the essence of work is work."

He raised his eyebrows and finally noticed something.


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