Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 290: Enlighten Euphemia 2

Jingyu felt Cornelia's anger, and she thought she still didn't understand anything.

If she was asked to put her sister on the side as she did before, she did it and did it herself, and all of them were compared. How could Euphemia, who had an inferiority tendency towards her, Get rid of the shadow brought by her?

But Euphemia is not a good baby that I listen to whatever you say, even though she looks really good.

She has the qualities of being a goddess like Laks-naughty, natural, smart, gentle, and daring to act

Jingyu's evaluation of her is quite high. Among the many princesses she met, she felt that only she could compare with Lax.

"Yufie," he said, "Do you want to be Schneizel or Cornelia?"

"Huh?" Euphemia thought at first that he said, ‘Do you want to be someone like Schneizel or Cornelia? "But it came back later, he didn't say that.

And, his statement is really weird.

"Why, why?" She didn't understand.

Jingyu Jie said: "You are Euphemia, you just have to be Euphemia. You can't be Cornelia or Schneizel, and they can't be you. Some things are only them. You can do it, but there are some things that you can’t do without Uffimia. No one can replace you."

The girl was obviously lacking in self-confidence, and she asked weakly: "You, can you be more specific? What can I do, and my sister and Brother Schneizel can't do it?"

She was worried that he was just saying nice comforting her, but also wanted to borrow his words to find out the direction of her future efforts.

Jingyu raised a finger, "The biggest thing is to improve the relationship between the people of Brittania and the people of other countries. Can you hear clearly? It is not country-to-country, it is the people's fundamental consciousness. I think this is very important , And this is something they can never do."

Between countries, they can be divided and combined due to interest relations. However, the people of the two countries will not forget hatred, discrimination and differences because the country signed a peace agreement.

Jingyu is here, seeing Yufimiya blinking her big eyes, still a look that she doesn't understand, but she was a little surprised and deeply wasted.

‘It’s said that Britannia’s royal lineage is excellent and the education is perfect. How can this kid’s talent not be discovered? ’

Even the guy like Clovis has at least one talent for painting.

He immediately responded with a glance at Cornelia, ‘you are too protected. ’

After thinking about it, he decided to use a simpler and more direct statement.

"The national policy of Brittania, advocated by your father and emperor Charles, is problematic. People are different, yes, it is wrong to think that there is a difference in race. Imagine if everyone in Britannia overrides For other races, why is the world still not the Britannia family?

However, it is a fact that Britannia despise others psychologically. You look down on people, but want to get along well with others, is it possible? Not only are others unwilling, but Britons themselves feel uncomfortable.

At this time, there must be someone who can change such a national policy. Let the people understand and accept—everyone is human, all are the same”

Cornelia couldn’t be more angry when she heard this, ‘That guy, criticizing other people’s fathers in front of the other two daughters, and even daring to encourage Uffi to say that, wouldn’t it be Uffi’s emperor? ’

Is Brittania's throne so easy to obtain? The replacement of the throne is not accompanied by **** killing and struggle. And this struggle is between brothers and sisters and other royal families.

Youfei, who Cornelia knew, couldn't do such a thing at all. Even she herself was unwilling to do so.

Therefore, she thought that if Jingyu was provoking maliciously, she could never sit idly by.

Jingyu naturally felt that Cornelia's gaze had become very sharp. He ignored it and still talked about it.

"However, you can't do it alone. Although you have a gentle heart and you don't lack the determination to work hard for it. However, you lack strength, and you are indeed inferior to Schneizel in military affairs, and weaker in military affairs. Cornelia. It is estimated that no one will listen to the opinions you put forward, and your chances of turning your efforts into running water are very high."

"Then, what should I do?" Euphemia asked thoughtfully at this moment.

"First of all, I can't be tall. What is your current ability limit? You are just a 16-year-old girl. Your sister Cornelia was still studying when you were as big as you. You left school at once and wanted to be in politics. Brilliant brilliance"

Jingyu shook his head.

Euphemia showed an embarrassed expression. She understood a little, "I still need to continue studying, right?"

"Ruzi is teachable." Jingyu said: "It's a fact that you're still young, don't be dissatisfied." He reached out and squeezed Effie's small face of'you are still young', "I want to say, you There is still time to improve. From what you can do, step by step, let your sister see that you are really growing up and growing up; let Schneizel feel your value, I think, they will help you of."

Cornelia couldn't push the screen away and came out and rebuked him for being busy.

Euphemia was relieved by what he said.

She picked up the tea cup that had been cold and drank the tea liquid in one bite. "It's bitter." She smiled.

The eyes became bright, the clouds inside cleared, and the anxious heart had calmed down for several days.

"Thank you." Euphemia said: "I still think it would be nice if you could marry your sister. That way, I could have another brother."

Cornelia blushed, ‘Eufie, what are you thinking about? ’Noting that Jingyu was looking here, she couldn’t stop her face, pretending not to hear it.

"Right." You Fei said again: "Is that still there?"

'That one? Connelia couldn't help being drawn out and looking out.

"Still." Jingyu pulled out a pendant from the collar. "Thank you for sending me the picture."

Seeing how the pendant looked, Cornelia recognized it at a glance, it was given to him by himself.

It is a pity that the distance is a bit far away, and she can't clearly see what kind of picture is inside when he opens the pendant.

Seeing that my sister nodded at the photo, ‘should she put it in? 'She can't laugh or cry.

In retrospect, the pendant was indeed selected by Yu Fei for her and packed for her.

Out of her trust in her sister, she never saw it apart after she got it.

And thinking of her sister saying, ‘I hope they get married’, she thought both shyly and angrily:

‘Dare to betray me when I’m so young, it hurts her in vain. ’


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