Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 287: Meet two queens

Jingyu ate lunch with Karen in the hospital and promised to help her find a Japanese maid to take care of her mother, then she left temporarily.

As soon as he walked out of the hospital, he received a call.

"Master, Princess Euphemia is at the square where you met her last time. I think she is looking forward to seeing you."

Jingyu thought deeply after listening. When the two last separated, she did say that she wanted to talk to him when they were in trouble.

In this case, has she already encountered ‘difficulties’?

The first thing Jingyu thought was that she met Nana Li in Lake Kawaguchi. This was quickly rejected by him again. Now that Lulu has used Gease on her, she can never remember seeing Nana Li anyway.

Well, it should be related to Connelia or her status as deputy governor.

Jingyu thought so much in a flash. Now that everything is okay, he intends to see Euphemia. However, when he wanted to explain to the maid in this way, he paused and pondered a bit, then what he said to the maid became:

"Is there a restaurant called "China Pavilion" in the concession? Half an hour later, you go tell Euphemia and let her go to the private room there to find me."

After he hung up, he immediately dialed the Chinese Embassy in District 11 and asked the embassy to contact Cornelia in his name.

Five minutes after this call, even he waited a little impatiently to get it connected. And Cornelia said solemnly as soon as she opened her mouth:

"I'm busy now. If you don't have anything important, just call back in an hour."

Jingyu replied displeasurely: "Then no matter what you are doing, leave it aside to see me."

Cornelia looked up at her lower body at this time, Jingyu did not know, but she was sitting at the top of the conference table in a room like a conference room. Standing next to her is a secretary, who gave her the contact number.

In front of her, on both sides of the conference table, one side sat Dalton, Gilbert, Veretta, etc. wearing fuchsia military uniforms, belonging to the soldiers of Cornelia runners; the other side was the general of the 11th district general , School officials.

This is a military meeting. Cornelia is arranging to destroy the resistance organization in the 11th area. First, take a smaller resistance organization and use this kind of combat to rectify the original army in the 11th area. The latter is also the core of this military meeting.

There will also be a topic at the meeting about the killer Zero and the Black Knights who killed Clovis. Officers will discuss their potential hazards and how to prevent and eliminate their impact.

This is such an important meeting.

Now, he wants to rely on one sentence, and for no reason, just wants her to leave such a meeting aside?

If all the men in front of him were looking at themselves, Cornelia had already refuted him fiercely.

She tried to be patient, so that her subordinates did not know who she was calling, stood up from the seat, and walked out of the meeting room under the eyes of the subordinates.

"I'm really not free now, can't you wait an hour?" she said. "You don't think about it for you. Your phone came in suddenly." Jingyu is silent. He knew that what she said was the truth, and it was him who was abrupt. Moreover, the arrangement on his side has not been fully implemented and can be changed.

After thinking for a while, "Well," he compromised, but, "then three hours later, we will meet in the evening and have dinner by the way. I ask you to wear casual clothes and secretly come to my designated place."

Cornelia breathed a sigh of relief. Compared to being called out hard by him at this time, the request behind him was still something she could do. She agreed.

After the conversation with Jingyu, Jingyu went to the maid who made the call and changed the time here. However, in order to prevent Uffimia from leaving, he let the maid show up first and agreed with Uffimia when to meet.

After completing all this, Jingyu has three hours of spare time.

He went back to Ashford School first.

In the bedroom belonging to him on the first floor of the Student Union Club, c.c. lazily lay on the bed and watched TV. Seeing him coming in, he glanced at him without speaking, and then bet his eyes on the TV again.

Jingyu looked at c.c., she can always look like this from her expressionless face. Today, he can see a little difference, and there is a layer of pretending coldness on it.

The reason for this is probably related to his sleeping her the night before yesterday. That was clearly beyond her expectations, and she was forced to expose her weak, womanish side to him, as he hoped to be under him (although she was psychologically unwilling, she could not stop her physical Reaction) whining.

She is like a proud queen, which really makes her feel humiliated.

She now wants to let him know that he is angry with him. Or, maybe, it was a protective suit to prevent him from laughing at her with such a thing.

Jingyu certainly won't do that. He is a mature man who loves women and will never deliberately humiliate women.

"C.c., I left yesterday morning. Has anything happened here later?" He sat on the edge of the bed and spoke to her.

Although he can summon the maid for questioning, he feels that talking to her will help improve the relationship between the two. Maybe he will come here if he can't go to the hotel with Cornelia tonight.

c.c. Of course I don't know his dirty thoughts, and I don't even look at him.

"I'm not your intelligence officer, I have no obligation to help you observe."

"Don't say that, we all have that relationship"

Halfway through, he greeted c.c. with a stare. But he was still smiling, but c.c. turned his face away.

She thought, ‘He’s such a rogue’, hesitated and said:

"Last night, a little girl with blonde hair and ponytail was invited to dinner. When I saw her, she showed a very short but surprised expression. If you recognize me, there is something wrong with her. She is by no means ordinary. People. But this school is calm today, maybe Lulu did something."

Blond hair ponytail, it should be Alice in special honor foreign troops. Jingyu knows that she has been controlled by Lulu.

In this way, the force of the Gease holders performing special missions in the 11th district has been completely fallen.


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