Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 282: Connelia's relationship with Jingyu 1

Cornelia took over the defense of the 11th district to know how stupid his brother was so stupid that even if he died, Cornelia couldn't help but want to scold him.

Actually, the military power and administrative power that should be concentrated in the hands of the governor were devolved into the hands of five generals and several consuls. This led to serious corruption in the 11th district. Not to mention, the generals were like emperors in their respective defense zones.

District 11 is really a mess.

Cornelia is a warrior and likes war. This does not mean that she lacks administrative power, but she is a little worse than her brother Schneizel, who is politically called a genius.

However, Cornelia had a headache when she saw the pile of documents held by her men before her, describing the status of the 11th district. She has always been serious about her job, and she can't help but want to be lazy if that can prevent her from thinking about these troubles.

It was at this moment that she received a call from the secretary.

"What?" As soon as the secretary said, she stood up from the desk, "Long Jingyu is in the concession?"

Of course, the secretary did not dare to call his name directly, and Cornelia did not care.

She was unbelievable first, then, on that heroic, handsome and beautiful face, there was enough anger to make men taller and more powerful than her.

‘That guy, ran over again secretly! ’

She gritted her teeth thinking. The hand holding the phone involuntarily exerted force and squeaked the earpieces.

At this time, it was probably that she got up too quickly, causing some of the files to be scattered on the ground. The loud noise attracted her attention, and made her thinking about how to deal with him, a flash of light.

‘Yeah, I have to deal with him! ’

She thought it was inexplicable and rejoiced. Telling the secretary to prepare the car, she dropped the phone and grabbed the cloak and walked out.

On the way to the police station by car, Cornelia listened in more detail about why he was in the police station. Connelia could not help frowning at the drug name named ‘refrain’.

She has indeed seen the name in the pile of documents she has just seen, and will refer to its content as one of several priorities that must be resolved in the short term.

Cornelia thought, ‘If I remember correctly, the way refrain enters the 11th district is from the New Japan side. Since he is involved, he will be held accountable to some extent. ’

She made up her mind.

Entering the police station, accompanied by officials of the police station, walked to the room where the special guest was temporarily placed.

Cornelia saw that the sign on the top of the door read the first meeting room. She sent away the officials who accompanied her and pushed open the door herself.

What he saw was that he was sitting on a black leather sofa, holding a policewoman in a police uniform.

The policewoman's appearance was indeed beautiful, not to mention her slender legs under the skirt, which was enough to seduce.

At the moment, she blushed and sat on his lap with her back to him. Cornelia can see that she is a little unwilling. He wanted to get up from him, but he was hugged back.

Not only that, but the **** killed that day also put his hand into the policewoman's clothes. From the protruding and undulating chest of the policewoman, it is not difficult to imagine what his hand is doing.

Connelia's forehead suddenly highlighted the blue muscles.

The sound of the door also attracted the attention of the two inside, and he finally stopped. The policewoman, at first sight, Governor Cornelia, was immediately frightened by her face. I don't know if he was relaxed, or if she lifted her body strength, she just got out of his arms.

She concealed the collar where the two buttons were unfastened, because the door was blocked by Cornelia, she had to stand between the gloomy Queen's Royal Highness and the unwilling him.

"Put your clothes on!" Cornelia finally retracted her gaze and said to the policewoman.

The policewoman quickly followed suit. After she thought it was sorted properly, Cornelia let the door open and waved to her.

The policewoman ran away with a sigh of relief.

Cornelia closed the door. When she turned around, seeing that he had settled the swaying appearance, she no longer pursued his previous slutty. It was not that she really didn't care, but she remembered that 9 years ago, the two had done something similar Almost completely destroyed the relationship.

She didn't want that to happen again.

Take a deep breath. "Aren't you gone? It's been a few days, how come it came quietly?" she asked him.

"You should know it when you come. When the police found me, the lady of the Stanfield family also had something to do with me." Jingyu said with a smile.

"Tell me about it." Cornelia walked to the hospitality couch where he was sitting-there were two black leather sofas on both sides of the coffee table. He sat on one, and Cornelia wanted to sit opposite him. But he patted himself.

That was obviously asking her to sit beside him.

At this time, Cornelia wore a white cloak and a red military uniform. The military uniform clung to her body and outlined her more beautiful figure than the policewoman.

This kind of her is undoubtedly more attractive to him. Cornelia knew he was ‘without good intentions’, and if she sat there, he wouldn’t move her, and she really didn’t believe it.

But she hesitated.

The two met as early as 9 years ago when he was only 13 years old. Subsequently, ambiguity has always existed in their hearts.

It must be said that apart from him in her life, she really hasn't considered anyone to marry.

She actually agrees with him as her man.

It's just that there is a lie between the two, or she thinks there is a ‘what’ lie between the two.

That is not a possible hostile relationship between Britannia and the Chinese Federation, but who will dominate the relationship between the two in the future.

This is important!

Connelia, who is strong like the Queen's Britannia witch, and the domineering Chinese Federation Dragon Division who has the final say?

Connelia thought that if he lost to himself in the last war and he counted, he must ask him not to find more women. Existing, she does not interfere, that is, he is not allowed to go to the flowers.


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