Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 271: Discover Euphemia

Among the hostages taken, women made a short whine, and the men were all panicked.

The sound of the explosion and the sudden sinking of the building added credibility to Jingyu's words, and they all looked at Jingyu, waiting for his further instructions.

Jingyu found that even Fan and others looked at him nervously. If they are not all wearing masks that hide their faces, it is not difficult to see the suspicion on their faces that the current explosion is far away from the sound. It can be judged that it is not the effect caused by the bomb they installed. Is that what Britannia or the Japanese Liberation Front really did?

No matter who these two are, they will cause them to be in danger here.

"Calm down, women and children have priority." Jingyu looked at Inoue with a face helmet, "Go and guide them."

"Yes." Inoue responded. She lifted the rifle to her shoulders, and then put the assault rifle on her shoulders vertically, and clapped her hand. "According to zero, keep quiet, women and children come to my side, and they are not allowed to push. !"

As soon as she opened her mouth, she saw several women pushing away the people who were in front of them, scrambling to try to reach her first, and she glared at the women, warning with awe:

"Whoever dares to break discipline will leave her to the end!"

It is best to manage a woman with a woman. A man tends to nod to the woman when she sees Inoue doing well.

The women were so scared that they looked pale and stopped at the same place.

The other women who also wanted to imitate them, finally found their restraint, and walked up the shaft at a faster but not messy speed.

Celine watched silently. The black guards beside her asked quietly:

"Sir, do you think it is right?"

Celine knew what they meant. After Zero appeared, the number of subordinates he carried was not large, and the black guards were confident that they could take advantage of them when they approached them.

"Don't do unnecessary things," Celine commanded: "Now, it's a priority to leave this hotel. If I'm not wrong, the main axis of the hotel has been damaged, and it will sink to this floor for up to eight minutes. "

She said nothing and turned to Mi Lei: "Let's go too."

The black guards gave way, and Celine and Mi Lei walked forward.

The team on the other side of Inoue has been lined up and is approaching the door methodically. Jingyu has given way, standing near the door and whispering to the fan, such as how to prevent male hostages, how to leave the building, etc.

He glanced in the corner of his eyes, and the team stopped and looked at it.


There was such a doubt.

The stagnation was caused by two tall women, one of whom was more appropriately described as a girl.

She has long, soft pink hair and a slightly wavy tail. Wearing glasses to hide the childishness on the face and the amazing beauty. Behind the glasses, a pair of clear blue eyes glanced at him from time to time, and the swaying pupils were not difficult to see the fluctuation of her mood.

A woman in a red-brown suit next to her was pulling her arm, trying to follow her with her. But she did not leave, which caused the woman's face to disturb. The latter saw the girl attracted zero's attention and became nervous.

Standing next to Jingyu was Kalian. She heard Jingyu's "huh" sound and saw the girl's performance, and she felt a little uncomfortable. It was this ‘uncomfortableness’ that prompted her to approach the girlish girl:

"Hello, what are you doing? Did you cause trouble for others? You know? There are many people waiting to leave."

Euphemia glanced at Karen. "Then I will leave at the end." She turned sideways to make way.

However, the direction she chose was exactly the side of zero, and even passed Karen's shoulder.

This made Karen very angry. The woman with short hair was almost shocked by the act and almost shouted the word'Vice Governor'.

After stunned for a while, she quickly followed the pink-haired girl.

Everyone can see that she is just a guard. But after seeing it, everyone guessed that it was Missy, and at this time it was wayward.

The presence of the pink-haired girl obviously also attracted Celine and her party who had just come over. Nana Li was surprised when she saw her. She already understood what had happened before, and she knew why Euphemia was unwilling to leave and why she wanted to find zero.

Compared with her, Nalali was ashamed of the blandness she showed about Clovis' death.

She was thrilled to see the sister again, moved by the sister who valued her brothers and sisters so much, and felt that she might be recognized by her sister as both happy and distraught, and worried about her sister's condition.

But what can she do?

Just like Uffimia approached Zero and looked at him as she walked, when Nanaly approached, she looked at Uffimia while walking.

Euphemia found it. Or, she is also waiting for Nana Li.

The two girls looked at each other, and Euphemia smiled gently at her. She accumulates water in her eyes and held back the tears, but turned her eyes red.

Nana Li's too.

Their eyes were the most similar in the first place, and they are still so driven by emotions.

Nana Li's footsteps also paused. She was almost going to call Uffimia ‘sister’ to see the Uffimia she saw, quickly shook her head, and urged her to leave with her eyes.

For a moment, Nana Li understood that this sister would never pose a danger to her and Lulu, or that sister Yu Fei she was familiar with when she was a child.

She really wanted to stay and face zero with such an older sister.

However, after all, she went forward for years and years passed. In her mind, she had already divided the importance.

She can't stop, she can't be recognized, she can't cause trouble to her most important sister.

She didn't know that that sister, Lulu, was exactly zero.

The silent communication was very short and obscure, and the two girls passed by.

With the cover of the face helmet, Jingyu sees their expression changes in their eyes. He greatly appreciated their pure psychology for the sake of someone. Such a girl, once turning her mind to him, is often dead.

He just wanted such a woman.


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