Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 265: Lake Kawaguchi Event 3

Kawaguchiko Hotel——

"No movement!"

In the hall where the banquet was being held, the two closed doors, with a bang, were suddenly violently pushed away from the outside. Four soldiers wearing the uniforms of the original Japanese army, armed with assault rifles, stood at the sides of the door and shouted.

In the banquet hall, the guests chatting freely with their glasses of wine appeared briefly amazed. Immediately afterwards, the screams of the women appeared first, and the guests standing by the door recovered and ran into the direction away from the door.

This has also driven most people.

The table was knocked over, the transparent glass was dropped to the ground, the delicate meals were trampled into foam, and the people did not have the elegant manners at first, and their faces were all panic-stricken.

Tom tom!

The machine gun fired upward, and the sound of the gun finally shocked the scene, making the banquet hall quiet.

Outside the open door, there was a clang of military boots stepping on the ground. A bearded, broad-faced officer walked in from outside the gate. He glanced at the audience with a Japanese saber--

Most of the guests are gathered together, and the faces are mostly European and American appearances.

There is a small group on the left, several male black guards are guarding outside, blocking other guests from approaching. Inside, headed by a short-haired woman in national costumes and glasses, Celine is looking at this sharply.

Contrary to her line of sight, even if the officer came fiercely, he could not dodge his eyes for a moment.

Celine discovered this keenly. She stood with her arms folded and asked lightly, "Do you know that one of the organizers of this meeting is our Chinese Federation?"

The other party hadn't yet answered, and the plainness turned to blame full of awe.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao, sign up!"

The officer is a former Japanese soldier. He had not directly seen Celine, but he knew that Celine existed-the second foreign minister of the Chinese Federation, second only to Wang Liumei than him as a small lieutenant colonel, but it was higher than ordinary.

But, he can't flinch here.

"I am the grass wall of the Japanese Liberation Front!" He said: "This time, the direction of my actions has nothing to do with the Chinese Federation. As long as your silence remains, I will ensure the safety of your line."

In order to stop Celine from talking, he waved and ordered the soldiers to first aim the gun in Celine's direction.

"Please don't force me! This action was done by me without permission, and I am all ready to die here."

He spoke so loudly, without fear of death at all.

Celine frowned slightly, "That's good," she said. "If you don't want to be involved in the Japanese Liberation Front, there is someone. I need her to come to me."

"Yes!" Cao Bi's heart sighed with relief, and waved again, letting the muzzle move away.

"Miss Ashford, you come here." Celine shouted in the direction of the crowd.

When I heard the name "Ashford", including the grass wall, many people reacted to the eldest wife Maria of the Dragon Army Division. Wasn't it from the family of Ashford?

If it really hurts the people of this family, maybe the Dragon Division will personally find the Japanese Liberation Front. The grass wall is also afraid after a while.

"I'm here!" answered the voice of the young woman in the crowd.

Everyone looked around, and saw a tall woman with pale blonde hair, body and appearance that had broken away from the category of girl, and hugged a petite girl with braided braids.

The guards next to Celine passed two, helping Mi Lei to separate the crowd. However, Mi Lei still did not move.

"Ms. Celine." She said, "Can I take some friends with me?"

Beside her, there are three young girls with blue eyes and clear eyes. The wavy gray-gold hair is as soft as cotton candy; the face with the golden double ponytail is expressionless and the most calm; the last girl straightens orange red Shunchang hair was tied into a ponytail, and her figure was closest to Mi Lei.

All in all, the face value of this pedestrian is very high.

"Ah, I heard that it is from the Student Union." Celine seemed to think of something, and looked at Cao Bi said: "Yes."

Cao Bi hesitated and nodded. The few people were not very old, and it was estimated that they were tourists.

Mi Lei breathed a sigh of relief, whispered in the ear of Nina, who was terrified in her arms, and said, "It’s okay, we will be safe over there." past.

Nana Li and the friends she invited followed behind the three.

After they walked out of the crowd, "Huh?" There was a soft voice suddenly from the quiet crowd.

Nanaly felt a pair of eyes staring at herself. She looked around the crowd, but found nothing.

However, she felt a little uneasy in her heart, wondering if someone recognized herself.

In the crowd, behind a tall male, a young girl with long pink hair gently covered her mouth.

She also wears glasses. It's just that the look of the glasses was a bit unsuitable for her face. After the glasses, there are blue eyes very similar to Nana Li.

‘Is it her? "She couldn't help but think excitedly, "So, will Lulu be still alive?" ’

Unconsciously, she has not even confirmed the authenticity. There are tears in her eyes. Now, surrounded by resistance groups, her fate is not in her hands. She was already rejoicing at the good news in her heart.

When Mi Lei and others stood by Celine, Cao Bi announced their purpose to everyone present. As long as Britannia releases the arrested designated prisoners, the hostage guests will be released.

Obviously, Britannia’s ruling army did not compromise the resistance. Negotiations have never been established. Finally, when it was dark, a male hostage was released and his fate can be imagined.

At about this time, Lulu led the fan and others to the vicinity of Lake Kawaguchi as zero.

She let the members of the resistance group stay and went deep into herself. Relying on the power of gease, he successfully got a news car from a media person. But just when she was about to leave, another zero appeared behind her.

It was really silent and scared Lulu. She quickly turned around, saw the other person's dress, and then said angrily:

"Your character is really bad, exactly like him."

She thought it was c.c. inside, but in fact it was Jingyu, but he didn't explain it, smiled slightly behind the helmet.

(The witch rider of the new book through, the first volume in Tokyo, I wrote it, please find a collection, flowers.)


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