Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 254: Startled morning, surprised afternoon

(Walking Witch Knight, updated in Tokyo)

When Lulu woke up, it was already the next morning. She showed that the beauty sat lazily from the bed, took off her pajamas, and put on the women's uniforms of the Ashford School.

However, because of the relationship at home, she just wore a shirt and not a yellow jacket.

After some scrubbing and tidying up, Lulu's spirit finally lifted up. She came to the restaurant and prepared to enjoy the exquisite breakfast prepared by the maid Sakiko with her dear sister Nana Li.

She pushed open the door of the restaurant.

"Yo!" A guy who was cutting steak with a knife and fork raised his hand to her.

Lulu froze. She almost thought she was walking in the wrong room, or looked around before she woke up.

Then, a cuddly girl who put the pizza in her mouth in the morning appeared in sight.


Lulu closed the door. "Nightmare! This is a nightmare!" she said to herself.

"I understand your mood. But" someone talking behind him must be Nemo who was invisible. She now showed her body, still wearing blue tights.

There are also different places, the face is always white and cold, today some red.

"Why are they here?" Lulu didn't think about why Nemo blushed, she just wanted to know the answer to this.

"They came here last night." Nemo said. "In short, it seems that he intends to stay."

Lulu glanced at the closed restaurant door again, and she didn't want to walk in.

"Your sister is inside!" Nemo reminded her.

"I know!" Lulu pushed the door open angrily.

She glared at Jingyu first, because he was sitting next to Nana Li, talking and laughing with her.

Nana Li, who was clearly unprepared for him, saw her sister and asked her good morning with a sweet smile.

Lulu barely squeezed out a smile.

"Miss Lulu, breakfast is the usual way, is it okay?" Sakiko asked.

Although Lulu was really hungry at the time of getting up, Lulu had a little appetite at the moment. She felt that she was full of anger.

"A cup of coffee," she said.

Just staring at Jingyu, came to his other side and sat down. Pulling his sleeve, he whispered, "Why is she here? Didn't you say that there are some teams looking for her?"

The Rangers, especially the other party, may know that the Gease exists, and even have measures to deal with the Gease. Lulu does not want to be involved with c.c. at all. I don't want to expose my two sisters to Rangers because of c.c.

"Oh, I met her when I left last night. Let her run around, it's better to let her stay in one place. There is her who is not afraid of the existence of the gease, and Nemo and you two gease. Users, I believe there is also the power to respond to Rangers." Jing Yu said.

Lulu thought, if the woman was really willing to help, it was indeed good. But can he guarantee?

The woman said that she was not her contractor and would not give her extra care.

Jingyu seemed to see Lulu's doubts, and said to c.c. across the table: "Hey, please tell me."

"Huh?" c.c. raised his head from enjoying the deliciousness of the pizza, biting the pizza, and also pulled out a long stick of silk. She didn't let go, and said vaguely, "What do you mean?"

Seeing this scene, Lulu's lips twitched, and even Jingyu's forehead jumped out of the blue tendons. "Don't install garlic!" he said displeasedly.

c.c. shrugged and gave him a provocative look, ‘oh, you really scared me’, and turned to Lulu.

"Yes, I plan to live here because it is more interesting."

This is no guarantee at all! Lulu looked at Jingyu with a blaming look.

"I'll tell her well." He patted Lulu's hand.

Lulu immediately removed her hand.

c.c. looked at this scene with a sneer.

Later, Nana Li and Lulu both went to school, and the two people who stayed returned to their room.

c.c. didn't shy away from him. He took off the umbrella skirt of Gothololi in front of him, pulled over the quilt, and planned to fall asleep.

"C.c., I know you gave her the gear, I want to know if you still care about our agreement." Jingyu asked along the bed.

c.c. Eyes closed and open, "I'm waiting for you to cash in."

The delicate expressionless face told him that she still didn't change her mind. Maybe he wanted to see disappointment in his face, but he didn't show any disappointment.

"That's good," he said with a smile instead: "If you put hope on others, I will be angry."

He said that he was going to lie down.

"Man goes to sleep on the floor!" c.c. blocked him with his hand.

"Don't say that. Rest assured, I was content last night and wouldn't do anything to you." He hugged her with Lai Pi, "and therefore, I didn't sleep well. Good night."

"Humph" c.c. sneered.

She can't be angry because she knows the rich experience, the more angry she will make him more proud.

He was embraced by a quilt, c.c. completely lost his drowsiness for a while. He said that he wouldn't do anything to her, and there was something bad about her.

Moreover, being so close, let the breath of his body continue to pass into her nose.

c.c. gradually distracted by this.

She did not know how she fell asleep later, but when he woke up, he was already in the bed.

Jingyu left the school this afternoon. He did not return to Inoue there last night. Although he had contacted him, he still wanted to compensate her.

However, halfway through, he was attracted by a figure and changed his mind.

It was a girl with beautiful long pink hair. She squatted in the middle of the street square and reached out to stroke a black stray cat. The cat's foot appeared to be injured and was lifted slightly.

As a result, cats are full of vigilance.

The girl's outstretched hand made the cat blow out. But she did not flinch, still with a gentle smile, not to avoid the strange eyes cast by others, meowing to learn the cat's cry. Communicating with the cat sincerely, dispelling his guard.

She succeeded.

Meow, the cat also called to her.

The girl smiled and picked it up and turned to face Jingyu who walked to her.

It turned out that she noticed his gaze.


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