Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 252: Solicited success, appeared

Five minutes later, "Really recovered!" Karen stared dumbfounded at Lulu.

Jingyu put his glasses back on, and Lulu put on a face helmet.

One is Camio, and the other is zero.

It was really a pair of Karen thinking sourly.

She had forgotten that she also wore a mask herself-the red moon Karen, who was clearly a resistance organization, but also the young lady Karen Shutenfeldt of Ashford School.

This time, Lulu walked in front, Jingyu and Kalian side by side. Kalian was nervous.

"Also when I am Kamiu, speak freely." Jingyu said to her: "If you are restrained, I will not be fit."

Karen gave him a blank look. "Since you say that, then I'm welcome. I hate your policy towards Japan. I told you last time. I still think so. That's it."

"I know." Jingyu pointed to his head. "Remember. Karen, if you are not satisfied with my policy, just think about what policy you should apply if you are in my position. Will it be good for Japan?"

"Karen couldn't think of it, and she didn't hide it. "In short, I don't think you should extend your hand to another country. No, it is the people in this world who should not deprive others of their living space."

"Aren't you thinking very well?" Jingyu praised her: "The world should look like this, but it's actually not. So what you need to do is simple, just change it to the correct look. ."

Kalian didn't expect him to say that. She was accusing him, and he was not angry. She glanced at him secretly, and the man he saw 7 years ago overlapped with him in front of him.

"That's not easy at all. Otherwise, why didn't you do that?" Kalian said.

She respected him again.

"I'm doing it. As she said," he gestured to Lulu, "accumulate strength, wait for the opportunity, and suppress casualties and destruction to the minimum I think."

He smiled and turned to look at her, "It's very difficult."

Kalian nodded.

"So, I need her, and a capable person like you becomes a companion and strives towards the goal together." Jingyu said: "Karen, what you want to think about is not just how the people here are, but also the world Shang is like the people here, who live in the water."

Kalian showed a thoughtful expression.

Lulu also heard his words, and she thought, he was really cunning, and easily tied himself and Kalin to his boat.

But she would not let him dominate.

The three were soon discovered by the resistance organization in Saitama District, and the room fan and Inoue who had been connected to the last meeting with the cadres of Shinjuku District had returned. Other members of the resistance organization, as well as the leader of Saitama District, etc. Everyone is there.

This time they looked at Zero with a different expression than the last time.

Jingyu pulled Karen back to the side and gave Lulu the main stage.

"How is it?" Lulu said with a male voice through the helmet: "Do you know my strength?"

"Ah." Fan Yingsheng said, "In addition to the dragon division can cause miracles, only you. You are true, we are willing to believe that Clovis killed you."

Lulu glanced at Jingyu under the helmet, she never mentioned that she had killed Clovis.

"What I want to ask is whether you are willing to cooperate with me."

Fan showed hesitation. He himself agreed, and some people in the group agreed, and naturally some people opposed.

His leader could not unify the opinions of the members.

"Mr. Fan," Karen couldn't help but came out: "I would like to believe zero, he will be able to lead us away from the Britannia Army."

The leader of the Saitama district has long been hot.

"Zero, consider working with us. As long as it is against Brittania, the Saitama District is willing to support you with all its strength."

"Wait, wait a minute!" Yucheng shouted: "It is our Shinjuku district to cooperate with zero."

When I heard it, I couldn’t help but look back at him, ‘Isn’t it, isn’t you? ’

"Even if you work with you, but also with us, what is the relationship?"

"Of course it does. After we cooperate with Zero, whether he will cooperate with you or not depends on what we mean." Yucheng looked like a ruffian to the central road of the two groups.

"Then what you mean is that you are willing to cooperate with me?" Lulu ignored the unauthorized part of Yucheng. She is still reluctant to cooperate with Saitama District, because the situation of the other party, she can not understand. But she did not want to refuse by herself, and let Yucheng just help her out.

"Well, I am willing." Finally, the fan of internal opinions was unified, and quickly said.

"Okay." Lulu said: "It's like today, tomorrow, I will contact you, we will meet at the new base."

Later, Lulu, who was sent home by Jingyu, slept without even taking a shower. The fatigue of the body can be cured by him, the tension in the action, the fear of being traced after the action, the entanglement with him, and finally the resistance organization.

She is really tired.

On the other side, Jingyu did not leave near Ashford School. Because he found an interesting scene.

In a lane, c.c. blocked Nemo, who was in a fighting stance.

"I told you, you never want to take me back!" Nemo stared c.c. cautiously with red eyes.

"It's just my power avatar, you actually want to rebel against me?" cc seemed to laugh, "believe it or not, I'm going to kill the girl named Nana Li now, and let you become a puppet with no consciousness" ?"

"You" Nemo pursed her lips in horror. "Lulu won't let you do that!"

"Hehehe I killed that Lulu together."

c.c. forced Nemo and watched Nemo's trembling expression with joy.

"C.c., you really made me find it." Jingyu heard this and walked out.

But he was also very bad and came out from behind Nemo.

Nemo looked back at him and couldn't help getting nervous. She was struck in the center by two characters she considered dangerous.

She wanted to be invisible if they wouldn’t go to Nana Li.


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