Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 250: See through identity

After the war seven years ago, coupled with the destruction of the Clovis dispatch troops and resistance groups a few days ago, the Shinjuku slum area looked like a ruin.

In the meantime, Lulu stood in a higher position in a zero dress. She condescended and looked at Shumu Suzaku through the mask.

"I know you are the son of Tsukigi Xuanwu, and you are a cousin with the last descendant of the royal family in New Japan. If you go to New Japan, you will definitely receive considerable courtesy. However, you did not go, and you chose to become the honorary Puri Tarnia, did you really betray Japan completely after joining the Britannia army?"

When hearing the name of Shumu Xuanwu, Suzaku's expression was a bit wrong. When Lulu came to the end, he shouted in denial:

"No, I don't! I'm just"

It’s just that he couldn’t say anything.

Lulu can probably guess some, "You may have your ideas, and you may be working hard for the Japanese. However, Britannia is not a country worth playing for. Come to my side, we liberated 11 districts together Japanese."

Suzaku looked at Zero quietly, not expecting Zero to recruit himself. His emotions gradually calmed down.

"Maybe Brittania does not work now, but if I can transform it from within"

"Internal transformation? Do you think you are a dragon division?" Lulu suddenly reacted. Doesn't this guy's current trajectory resemble the original dragon division?

It turned out to be this way.

"That person's experience really set the direction for me. Now, I just want to do my best." Suzaku not only did not agree to the solicitation of zero, but persuaded: "zero, now it's too late, surrender now."

Lulu was a little angry at him. She acted confidently, and that was the result.

But looking at Suzaku's overly positive tone, she thought in shock: ‘Are there still secrets? ’

"Karen, let's take a look around, are we being tracked!"

"Huh?" Kallen froze, "zero, what are you talking about? How could we be followed?"

She is beyond admiration for this person's plan, but now she is extremely admired.

Without answering, Lulu pointed his gun at Suzaku and shook him with words: "We are here to save you, but don't you think it's too mean for you to revenge?"

She really saw Suzaku's eyes fluctuate.

"I just follow the military order!" Suzaku finally said.

He saw zero shot and immediately dodge the bullet. The speed was so fast that Lulu almost thought of Jingyu.

‘Damn, you’re not him! 'She shot again and again.

However, Suzaku still dodged, and narrowed the distance with her.

Callian, who was shocked by the sudden change of the two, also reacted. She pulled out a Japanese pistol.

Suzaku found this keenly and hid behind a deserted building.

Kalian's bullet hit the wall of the building.

"It's useless," Suzaku said behind the wall. "As long as I hold you back, the tracker in my body will quickly lead the support troops. You can't escape, or surrender."

"You traitor!" Karen scolded, and then said, "zero, you go first, I will hold him back anyway."

Lulu believed this, but she couldn't abandon Kalin. One is because there was a transaction with Jingyu, and the other is because the value of Kalin is not enough to be abandoned.

However, Karen is here, and Lulu cannot use Suzaku in order to keep Gease's secret.

She is really anxious now. She calculated it in secret and walked here without delay along the way. Even if the opponent was a Valkyrie army, she believed that she would be able to fight for ten minutes.

The key is to get rid of Kumaki Suzaku. Difficult and difficult in this place.

‘It’s a miscalculation this time. She thought to herself, ‘I actually neglected to investigate the fighting power of Tsukigi Suzaku. ’

In Karen’s time staring at Suzaku, she ran to Karen’s side and whispered, “Karen, let’s go to the underground passage, you come to lead the way.”

When entering the underground passage, relying on the shielding of the signal by the heavy building can block the tracking of the other party. Moreover, the terrain there is complex and it is easy to escape.

Karen reacted, and while guarding Suzaku, he ran towards the nearest underground passage.

Things developed as Lulu expected. Suzaku was unfamiliar with the terrain and did not know where they would flee. Although he still follows behind the two women, he is not forced to be too tight.

However, without Lulu running far away, he was already panting.

‘Damn, obviously this piece of equipment has no weight. ’Her footsteps are getting slower and slower. Even if she relies on her willpower to follow Karen, she knows that if she goes on like this, she can’t get rid of Suzaku after all.

"Zero!" Kallen also discovered Lulu's condition, and she ran back to support her. "You really should exercise well."

"Long, wordy!" Lulu resisted reluctantly.

After taking Lulu out a few steps, Karen found something wrong. This man obviously has a height that is more than half of her head, wide shoulders, but the body weight is extremely light. It's just like--

"Zero, wouldn't you be a girl?" she asked amusedly.

However, zero, which was attached to her arm, shuddered.

Kalian knew she was right. For a moment, Lulu's image appeared in her mind. She linked Lulu to zero.

Lulu also guessed why he was exposed to Kallen. However, Karen has already used the gease once by her and can no longer use Karen twice. Lulu has now deliberately killed Karen to hide her face.

If you kill Karen, she will face Kumaki Suzaku alone. As long as the guy becomes her slave, she will once again get a knightmare driver inferior to Karen. Then, as long as she conceals Kalian's death, she can still have a friendly relationship with Long Jingyu and use him.

Lulu thought so much in a moment that the gun-hand held the tendency to lift. If lifted, a bullet will be fired on the unconscious Karen.

At this moment, a sudden pressure came, feeling Lulu being stared at, thinking of the dark eyes.


Jingyu led the troops dispatched by the governor's house under the control of knightmare and made a big circle in the city. After they got rid of them, they came to the neighborhood of Shinjuku City with their bodies.

The remaining energy of the body is not much, he abandoned the body and walked into Shinjuku.

Using listening to the sound of everything, he is not difficult to find Lulu.

However, just because of the use, he had not come to Lulu and others, he already knew what Lulu wanted to do at that moment.

He was really angry.

There was also a maid to protect her around Karen. He did not worry that Lulu could actually kill Karen. However, with Lulu's psychology, she knew what he needed, and even if he dared to do so, he had to correct her.

Having made up his mind, he ran all the way to Lulu's three people. He stuns Suzaku first, destroys the tracking device in Suzaku's body with penetrating power, and then stops Karen.

He dragged the Suzaku, and Karen held Lulu, and the two met.

Jingyu dropped Suzaku, "Take off the mask!" he said to Lulu.

Lulu knew why he was angry and why he stared at him so strangely. But she did not do what he said.

"You have no right to interfere with me!" She gasped, the body she had just exercised was very weak, and she still said stubbornly.

"I asked you to take off the mask, Lulu Lampe Luke!" A domineering rise from Jingyu's body.

Lulu, forced by the momentum, shook himself and fell back to the ground. Kalin, who was not affected by his momentum, looked at him in surprise.


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