Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 248: Robbing Suzaku

The purpose of the Purple Palace is not to break this body. Therefore, after failing to make merits several times, out of prudence, she flew to a distant location to wait and see. If the opponent insists on attacking, she will continue to fight it.

It is a difficult problem before the special honorary foreign troops. Without this aircraft, it was difficult for Lucretia to complete the mission alone with foreign troops present. Speaking of using the body to break the opponent, there is currently no possibility.

The three girls, big and small, couldn't help being annoyed, why didn't their fastest companion be present?

The report was submitted to the colonel.

"The fundamental purpose of combat is to hide the existence of code-r. Fighting down and attracting nearby garrisons or resistance groups is a problem. Sandia and Duck retreat. Lucilia, you follow each other alone and find a way to get it. Let’s be clear about the other party’s stronghold." The colonel ordered.

"Yes!" The three girls answered.

Lucrisia was hidden in the dark.

Duck still managed to confront the opponent. Soon after, the other party began to retreat, which indicates that the attack has been completed.

After Sandia and Ducker went to the laboratory, they were already empty. Some of the dead bodies left seem to be only guarding the troops. The experimenters were all taken away.

At this time, the garrison in District 11 came nearby, and Sandia was responsible for negotiating with it.

In the Tokyo area, on the evening of the second day, Lulu gave instructions to the three of Inoue in the image of zero. Does not contain specific task details, one is that she does not trust the three, and the other is also afraid to scare the three.

Of course, when Inoue told Jingyu, Jingyu only said the latter to her.

Since this task involves Lulu, Karen and Inoue. Among them, Inoue has already gone to bed with him, and he can't really ignore him.

On the night Lulu wanted to act, he put on the suit that Lulu gave him that matched zero. Killed a pure-blooded driver in advance and got on the driver's body.

Soon afterwards, four bodies, including this one, escorted the vehicles escorting the Tsugaru Suzaku and drove out of the Governor’s Mansion to the court where the Suzaku Suzuki was tried.

In front of the Governor's Mansion, there is a straight and wide road.

Jeremy is worthy of being a guy who shows his strength. Not only is he not afraid of someone robbing the Kuzuki Suzaku, but he has also let the media mobilize the people to gather along the **** and be able to watch the entire **** process up close.

Jingyu's listening to the sound of all things spread once. He first found Veretta, who was in a nearby command car disguised as a news car. Next to her are all the women who control the equipment. They should be members of the Valkyrie team.

In addition to this car, there are several trailers parked at different locations on the road, their interior is knightmare, and the drivers are all women.

Farther away, almost at the end of the straight road, Fang Jie found Lulu. She was dressed in zero and stepped on the top of a broken car. Behind her is a closed steel jar. This is the kind of ‘poison gas’ jar that Karen and theirs had robbed.

Now, what seemed to be installed inside was not poisonous.

Kalian drives Lulu in the cockpit.

Below this straight road, a fan controls a knightmare for industrial operation in standby.

Inoue is not here.

Jingyu knew it when he thought, ‘Lulu, this is to let Inoue use the VIP status I gave, to hold Bartlett. ’

Batlle knew that it was not poisonous gas in the steel jar. If Jeremy was contacted by him, Nalulu's plan would collapse.

On the way, Jereya raised her hand at the front of the **** car, and the **** team stopped.

From the front of the travel route, a vehicle that imitated Clovis's vehicle with a broken vehicle drove over.

Lulu started her official debut and performance as zero.

The development is roughly the same as Jingyu's memory. Jeremy was successfully grounded by her, and he ordered the release of Kumaki Suzaku.

In the command car, Veretta, who knew this, stopped speaking:

"Jeremiah, this is not the same as what we said, please act according to plan! Catch zero immediately!"

Jeremy was controlled by Gease and was completely confused. "I said, I want to release the Kuzuki Suzaku and let them run away. No one should stop, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

He sat in the cockpit and pointed the gun around him.

At the sight of Veretta, he ended the communication with him and ordered the Valkyrie: "Suppress Geremya, arrest zero!"

"Yes, mylord!" Several female drivers responded in unison. The trailer's steel plate opened, and knightmare slowly stood up.

Veretta again communicated with the other members of the pure blood school. "Now, it belongs to the Valkyrie mission. If you follow Jeremy's order to stop me, the Valkyrie will condemn you!"

Under the threat of Jeremya's muzzle, the two soldiers at the top of the **** vehicle have let go of Suzuki.

When Suzaku got out of the car, Zero also came near him. Behind zero, is Karen, who is wearing a white driver's uniform, wearing a driver's cap and mask.

The two sides are very close.

Jingyu watched through the knightmare sensor. If he finds that Suzaku is going to do something, he will immediately use a knightmare's abdomen machine gun to fire at him.

However, Suzaku did not start. This makes Jingyu a little surprised. He again focused on listening to the sound of everything on Suzaku. In his hair, a small electronic device was found under the skin of his arms and thigh. What's more, there are even in his belly.

‘Viretta can really do it. Jingyu smiled.

"Zero!" Kallen reminded Lulu that there were other knightmares nearby.

"I know." Lulu said so, and the remote control that had been clenched in her right hand was activated by her.

The steel cans left on the broken car released colored gas.

At first glance, the crowd fled around in a panic. This caused the difficulty of advancing the Valkyrie Valkyrie force.


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