Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 235: Accomplice

On the other road leading to Clovis's residence, a senior officer with a gorgeous cloak, obviously a nobleman, was blocked by four guards.

"What?" The thirty-year-old, dark-blue-haired man asked in a loud voice, unable to conceal his surprise. "Bartley will not let me Jeremy go to see His Royal Highness, but he leads the people of the Chinese Federation?" "

His emotions became more and more excited, and there was a tendency to break through.

The four guards looked at him nervously, and one of them was careful: "Jeremiah General, General Batlle said it was a very distinguished guest. We are here to stay here, please don't embarrass us."

"Then tell me who is the other party? I want to see who in the Chinese Federation can be treated so special!" Jeremy stared at the soldier arrogantly and angrily.

"This" soldier thought for a while, "It's a woman I haven't seen before, we don't know it, nor did the general say."

"Did you even give your name?"

"Yes, it is."

Jeremy couldn't help it anymore, he rushed forward. This was blocked by the guards, and the guards also called their companions to come over, and finally sent the impulsive border uncle and lord, the governor, into uniform.

Jeremy returned to her office, and the young officers of the same school all gathered.

Jingyu took off the brown glasses and came to the coffin. Bartley opened the coffin for him, allowing him to see the corpse of Clovis sealed inside.

"His Royal Highness was shot in the head. He had been dead for a few minutes when we found out." Bartley said: "I'm really sorry. Your Royal Highness has cheered up after you came two days ago. I didn't expect this to happen. unfortunately."

"When are you going to release this news to the outside world?" Jingyu asked, looking at the corpse, back to Batlle.

"I don't have your Excellency, don't you know what you think?" Bartley asked him for an answer.

"Don't announce it for the time being, otherwise it will be as the wish of the person named zero, so that the people of Brittania will be afraid, and the Japanese in the 11th district will respect him. Edit the video of Clovis's speech in the past and use TV The speech will be broadcast. In addition, the news that Clovis has died can be reported back to Brittania."

Jingyu turned around, "Shonezer and Cornelia, who has Clovis contacted recently?"

Listening to the first half, Batlle felt right. He listened to Jingyu's inquiry again, and although he didn't know what he meant, he replied faithfully: "His Royal Highness, both His Highness Clovis contacted him."

"Really." Jingyu grinned at the bottom of his heart, and said flatly: "Before reporting back to China, let Schneizel know about this. Bartley, you can show him that you did your best and ask for forgiveness. .. I think he will do something for you. If Cornelia comes first, you must not ask her for forgiveness. Otherwise you will die."

"Yes, thanks for your advice." Bartley bowed.

Jingyu nodded, "Before the instructions are passed, the arrangements should be made. What will happen, I can’t give you a guarantee that I will not have the "Come" 11 area, which is more inconvenient. Come here. Do your best."

"Even so, you have given me great favors."

This is where the two of them spoke. Bartley sent Jingyu and Inoue personally.

On the way back, Inoue asked Jingyu in a puzzled way: "Why do you not only help zero but also teach Bartlett to arrange measures to deal with zero?"

She thinks this is contradictory.

If Jingyu really stands on the side of zero, it is entirely possible not to go to the governor’s office during this period. Not to mention that Bartel was instructed as to how Jingyu taught Bartel to survive. Inoue did not express dissatisfaction with him because he was a Japanese and a member of the resistance organization.

This point is also very satisfying Jingyu.

He told her: "I went to Bartlett for other reasons, but I was there and said nothing, that is suspicious. My enemy is not Bartlett, but someone else might What do you see in it?"

One of the so-called ‘other reasons’ is to let Inoue know that zero actually killed Clovis. Once Inoue knows, the resistance group will know. Regardless of whether Britannia officially announces the news, Lulu will negotiate with them easily.

The other reason is for the information about the secret research of gease, which was hosted by Clovis and Bartley.

Jingyu knew about Nemo and the Rangers. He felt that it was necessary to prevent Gease of unconventional forces. Like the ability to eliminate the gease that Jeremia had in the later part of the original book, he wanted people to research it.

In any case, at least be on your own.

He did not explain Inoue. Inoue also knew that he didn't ask much. But she also has something to ask.

"Who is the enemy you are talking about?"

She felt that as a woman, even if she might not be able to help him, it would be strange not to ask.

"I'm talking about Schneizel here, that guy is a rare genius in both military and political terms."

Emperor Charles of Brittania said that he was not born equal. This is not entirely wrong. Mediocre is mediocre, and genius is genius, and this difference will not be shortened by just one sentence because of the same person.

It can only be said that mediocrity has mediocrity, and genius has genius.

Birth and death, this is equality.

There are empty words in the middle.

‘Genius? "Inoue glanced at Jingyu, "You are a genius!" ’

After all, Schneizel has the status of a prince, and it is not uncommon for him to get that status. But Jingyu, with his own help, step by step to today.

No one in the world can compare with his experience.

Jingyu didn’t know what Inoue was thinking, listening to her silently, he said:

"I will send you to the vicinity of Saitama District. Later, I have something else to see at night."

"Well." Inoue responded, "Ah, yes, park a car in front, I want to sit next to you."

"This can be there." Jingyu smiled.

After more than half an hour, Jingyu dialed Lulu's phone with Inoue. Tell her about leading him up to see Clovis's body.

After Lulu heard it, he talked triumphantly about the real purpose of letting him assassinate Clovis, "Now, you are already on board with me. If you tell Connelly about me and Nana Li, If Ya, I tell her, you killed her brother."

‘I knew you would say that! "Jingyu smiled and shook his head in a sigh when Lulu couldn't see it, "That is to say, are we accomplices?"

Lulu on campus thought the term was quite general. With thin, white fingers, she gently wrapped around her hair, looking at the window and smiling faintly.

"Yes, accomplice."


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