Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 225: Jingyu's answer

"You, what are you doing?"

Once hugged by him, Lulu immediately felt a sense of panic under the control of others. She pressed her hands against his shoulder nervously, preventing her from approaching him.

"What to do?" Jingyu said with a smile: "You are 17 years old, don't you really think it's like a kiss?"

"Then, then let me go." Lulu felt at ease when he heard this. She pursed her lips. "We can do it again."

After saying so, her face finally turned red.

"You have to figure it out! It’s ‘I want’, not ‘you give.” So

Jingyu pressed her hard. Appreciating the shame she looked back to avoid, then smiled broadly, and kissed her unavoidably. Feeling that her chest was beaten unwillingly, she later unconsciously used girl-style pinch pain to stimulate him to conquer her more hard.

Lulu knew that he could not escape, and if he was not satisfied, he would get nothing while the kiss was lost. She finally resisted the urge to bite him.

At the same time, it was because she remembered what she had promised.

It took a minute, until Lulu felt that the air in his chest was running out, and he let her go without letting Lulu down and gasped on his shoulder.

He continued to hug her soft body with full satisfaction, and smiled and tempted in her ear:

"If you give me your body, I can allocate one million troops to you."

‘I’ll take away all your troops sooner or later! ’

Lulu made this determination resentfully at this moment.

After regaining some strength, she wiped her lips in disgust, pushed his shoulder away from him, and sat back on the seat.

"Speak, your answer." Her face didn't look in his direction as much as possible, so as not to see his compliment, which would prompt her brain to conquer the absolute command of risking his blood.

"I said that nature will do it. If you let me meet Karen once, I won't stretch out her hand for the time being. If you solicit her, I will provide you with the seventh generation suitable for her. knightmare. Is this okay?"

To say that Jingyu would want to kiss her, the purpose of testing her character is even greater. The phrase ‘sure enough’ is exactly what that means. After Lulu agreed to come down, his purpose had been achieved.

The kiss behind is simply the fun.

He is really in a good mood today.

"What about the first one?" Lulu asked.

"Agree with the Japanese. Except for a limited number, you can use the rest as you please. I will not leave the Japanese island for the time being. There is nothing I can tell "Camille". "He" will help you as appropriate. ."

Lulu's eyes lit up, ‘that is, will I have a strong combatant for a while? ’

She just turned her head back, looking at Jingyu's face and thinking, ‘I thought about what kind of gease can be given to him. ’

Her mood was inexplicable again.

"Huh, your words really want the Japanese to hear them too." Ironically, ‘send me back, I’m done talking about it’, and I plan to keep silent.

"But I still have something I want you to know. Do you not want to listen?" he said with a regretful expression on his face.

Luluden was appalled. But as soon as she looked at his face, she forced herself not to answer the call. Because she knew that as soon as she spoke, he would ask her.

Like the kiss just now, she never made it with him again.

Seemingly seeing through her thoughts, he laughed at himself and started the car.

"I went to Clovis in the morning. Within a few days, there will be huge changes in the political arena in District 11, and it should be carried out as I arranged. In addition to this, there is one more thing that you really don’t want to hear? Maybe it has a great influence on what you want to do."

He kept throwing bait.

Lulu closed his eyes stubbornly, covering his forehead with his hand. "Speak now, say what you want."

She regretted that she didn't gease him just now.

Jingyu smiled, "Well, don't make me seem to force you. This time, half of it will be given to you for free, and the other half will wait for you to think about it in the future. I will ask you again."

He didn't wait for Lulu to respond, first of all, he told the plan he told Clovis.

Lulu was really smart, and immediately understood his intentions.

"You are really insidious!" She gave him this evaluation, but began to wonder how she could use this matter.

At this time, Jingyu talked about the second thing, "Cornelia knows that you and Nana Li are still alive."

Lulu's thinking stopped suddenly. She turned her head froze.

"What did you say? She knows"

Jingyu nodded.

"You told her? How can you tell her?" She also took his arm and shook it a few times regardless of Jingyu's driving. This caused the black car to be crooked. But she totally ignored his accused eyes and muttered to herself: "No, Nana Li will be in danger."

At first, the purple eyes were full of anxiety, and then gradually turned into sharp colors.

"I warn you!" Jingyu's icy voice came into her ears, causing her to hit a spirit, "If you hurt Cornelia, you never want to see Nana Li again!"

"Then tell me how to solve this matter!" As he threatened her with Nanali, Lulu shouted angrily: "Cornelia told this to the Emperor of Brittania , Nana Li"

Jingyu interrupted her. "She wouldn't do that. She knew it five years ago. Are you okay now? And, do you really think Charles didn't know you were alive?"

"He, he knows?" A trace of fear and vigilance flashed in Lulu's eyes, and even the voice was a bit harder.

Jingyu stretched out a big hand and rubbed the top of her head, "You are my collaborator now, very useful to me. Rest assured, I won't stand by. I'm waiting to see you bring Brittania There are countless troubles."

Lulu took his hand away, "I don't need your comfort, and don't treat me like a child!"

Only this time, although she was angry at his behavior, she could not resent him.


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