Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 94: Treasure is the little holy grail

Einz Belen’s annex castle in Dongmu City——

After the meal, Lorella, who had a separate conversation with Jingyu, walked out of the study room where the two had just stayed. Some unexpected, but expected, a blonde woman named Daisy, with slender eyes like a fox waiting outside the door.

She had just received Jingyu's order, otherwise she would have to listen to the conversation between the two in the study.

Appearance is about 16 years old, Lore Laiya's young and delicate face is a little playful. She ignored Daisy's gaze, as if ignoring her existence, and wanted to walk past her.

Leaning on the wall of the hallway, Daisy finally stopped her, "Hello!" Then, he paused.

Lorella still hasn't stopped.

Daisy was a little angry, holding back: "Tell me, my origin and real name."

There is no one else here, Dai Qian has a hunch, if you hear it, you may be able to restore your memory immediately.

Lorella is about to pass Daisy. But she stopped and glanced sideways at the dangerous woman who had only faced a few times, and smiled happily.

"Your plan, I can roughly guess it. I have to say that if it goes on smoothly, it might really make you kill everyone in this castle. But what?"

Lorella turned her head back, "You lost his strong luck, and even lost yourself." She started to move forward again, "So, what do you mean by knowing the past again? It would be better to stay here and continue to be your'Dai Si'."

Daisy's eyes followed Lorelia, "That's my business. You don't have to worry, you just tell me."

"Humph," Lorella said with a sneer. "It's my business to say or not. If you want to hear it, you have a better tone."

"You" Daisy automatically followed, "Do you want to die once?"

"Aren't you ordered by him that he can't attack me?" Lorella didn't care.

"Damn it!" Dai Qian gritted her teeth, "I'll let you know how powerful I am."

"Then I'm looking forward to it." Lorella was very angry with her, just thinking of never giving up, said lightly.

Daisy fiercely blasted a wall in the side of Lorella's station into a broken hole

On the other side of the'D' shaped corridor, Alice Phil is also waiting here. Listening to the conversation between the two of them, she shook her head with a smile. After the two of them walked away with their mouths together, ‘I hope they wouldn’t damage the castle too much’, and with this in mind, she walked outside the door of the study where the two doors were closed.

Pushing it gently away, she saw her husband leaning on a sofa, holding a glass of red wine in her right hand and shaking it gently.

There are no lights in the room, only the cool colors cast by the moonlight. The husband sat with his back to the window, and the daylight in the hallway. Alice Phil didn't see his expression clearly, only knowing that he closed his eyes as if thinking about something.

Alice Phil walked in and closed the door again. She came to his side, crouched beside his knee, and wrapped his big hand with her own hands. In this way, leaning on his thigh with his cheeks together.

Jingyu put down the glass and stroked her hair with her hand.

"Are you upset?" he asked.

"Uh." She closed her eyes and nodded slightly.

He squeezed her hand and raised it slightly.

Ten years after the couple, Alice Phil immediately understood. Standing up, he sat sideways on his thighs, allowing him to touch his hands softly throughout her body. There was also a longing in her own heart, and he gently touched his lip line, and then gradually deepened her breathing, and he wrapped his neck with both hands.

After being intimate for a while like this, he would hug her lazily and beautifully all over her body. Just when she thought that what was waiting for her would be a storm, "Before going to bed, I will show you a place."

The silver-eyed young woman's squinted eyes opened a little, and her burgundy eyes revealed curiosity. He looked down and kissed her beautiful eyes. Not to mention, stride toward the door.

Along the way, all the doors that passed by, as if they were already waiting, all opened automatically.

Alice Phil noticed that the two came to the basement of the castle. She had long known about the existence here, and her husband had arranged it for the past ten years. However, she recalled her mind and found no difference.

The spiral staircase extended downwards, and a golden light was transmitted. Alice Phil raised her head from leaning halfway against Jingyu's generous chest, and after a few more steps, he was surprised to see a large magic array floating above the center of the empty space underground, one was floating, it should be A golden cup that has just been formed but is not yet stable.

The light is what it emits.

"But" how is that possible? Alice Phil was so sleepy that she couldn't say a word when she looked up at her husband's handsome smile with an unpredictable smile.

As an artificial figure of Einzberen, she is a woman. Spiritually, because of his contact with Jingyu, he is no different from human beings. However, this cannot change the essence of her existence-as the guardian of the little holy grail.

Alice Phil is conscious. When the holy grail war began, her life could already be counted down. If a hero is not dead, the little holy grail will save its soul and affect her.

That's why she was depressed tonight-among the seven heroes, the first hero finally died. Soon after, she may not be able to maintain this appearance, and can no longer be his wife.

However, the little holy grail appeared in front of her, that is, the floating golden cup had no difference in her body.

It must be what the husband did. He said it earlier, and she should have believed it earlier.

"I should have told you earlier, but this method will not work. I can only wait to try it." Jingyu hugged her and approached the little holy grail. "Remember, You’re Alice Phil, my wife’s little holy grail, it’s just your treasure, with the ability to hold souls.”

Now, the power of the little holy grail is only to detain the killed heroes, the kind of souls that are sleeping. Jingyu intends to complete the holy grail war, and then it will use its power to upgrade the quality of the small holy grail.

There is also an increase in Alice Phil’s own magic reserves.

He concealed these for the time being, because this is just his thoughts.

"My treasure?" Alice Phil looked into the Golden Cup.

The little holy grail seemed to respond to its owner. The mouth of the cup silently raised a layer of water, and after calm, it showed another space where it was connected with a quietly floating white light.

So, is it the soul of the caster who has been killed?

"You can familiarize yourself with these two days first, how to manipulate this treasure. Although I made it, only you, the master, can really show its skills." Jingyu said.

"Do you need to do anything about the soul of the caster?" The husband would not ask her to get acquainted immediately for no reason. Alice Phil guessed wisely and asked.

Jingyu blinked at her, "It's nothing, just look at his memory."


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