Infinite Replacement

Vol 9 Chapter 97: Regrouped

In the barracks, the tents of the male company used for the meeting, 10 members moved a small stool, and sat in three rows. Jingyu, Rena and Zhixin sat on the side. The players placed a map of the country in the direction they were facing.

Reina first explained the purpose of the meeting, and then gave Jingyu the right to speak.

Jingyu came to the map and said: "This trip to space, in addition to temporarily driving away most of the gluttonous fleet from the earth, also learned some information. There is no other void in the gluttonous army except the gluttonous king. Level warrior. This means that the void warrior will not appear on the battlefield for a while."

Cheng Yaowen raised his hand.

Jingyu motioned to him.

Yao Wen said: "The possibility of Carl, the **** of death, supplementing the gluttonous void warrior, or the possibility that the gluttonous king personally appears on the battlefield?"

The Void Warrior can even suppress Reina, which means that people other than the "two and a half" who said to Jingyu have an absolute advantage. After the members of the male company were dispersed, the most worrying thing was to encounter such a void soldier.

Jingyu raised a finger.

"Any Super Warrior’s upgrade requires huge resources. The angels’ former queen Keisha mentioned in a message to me that she only made three Void Engines. I don’t think Carl, the **** of death, has more control than Keisha. Many resources. Now that he has lost two Void Warriors at a time, he should no longer replenish Void Warriors with gluttons."

But there must be a stronger void technology in the hands of the death **** Karl... otherwise the gluttonous king will not rush to Karl from the fleet for no reason. Jingyu speculates that Biting is asking Carl to install a more advanced void engine for him.

Such a guy, an aggressor, will not allow the enemy to be stronger than himself, which is easy to understand.

Jingyu raised his second finger.

"Until he is determined that he can win me or be intoxicated, I don't think he will appear on the battlefield."

This is also the previous speculation of the reverse proof... Bian Zhi knows that there is something better. If that thing is not available, he will never take it personally. And when he is about to shoot, it means that the things in his hand have been upgraded.

Confidence gained from upgrading! Proud warriors will challenge the strongest enemies and defeat them before they will gain infinite joy.

Jingyu doesn't even have to worry about biting the gun first against the male soldiers and others. It was definitely him who bite him first.

Cheng Yaowen nodded, showing no doubt.

Jingyu went down and said, "You don't need to worry about the existence of the Void Warrior, nor does it mean that there is no danger. Be careful of the killing of the enemy in the hands of the enemy, and don't fight alone... Especially, we must coordinate our operations with our Chinese soldiers."

His eyes narrowed, and the breathtaking courage allowed the players to straighten their backs involuntarily.

"I know that you have been proud for a while, and look down on ordinary soldiers. Now, just put it away for me... because of the next battle, those ordinary soldiers will protect you with life. I am grateful in my heart! Let I know who dares to despise ordinary soldiers, and I let Rena expel him from the company."

The players swallowed nervously.

Jingyu took out a silver baton. "Now talk about the grouping. First, the North Star!"

He pointed his baton at the place where the five-pointed star was marked on the map.

"As the capital of China, you can't lose it here. But you can't rely on the protection of the angels..."

"I interrupt." Rising heart stood up.

"Cold their eight angels, the combat power is enough."

She stared at Jingyu closely, as if to examine ‘Are you looking down upon our angels’?

Jingyu was secretly funny, "Xinxin, you think too much... Huaxia is our land, and the Xiongbing Company is the representative of Huaxia. Defending the capital, the Xiongbing Company does not show up, is that still ridiculous? So, I and Rena will represent Soldier company, go to fight side by side with the angels. You see our power, and let them take a look... They are allies with the earth, with China, with the company of the soldiers, not shameful!"

He looked at everyone again.

The word ‘not shameful’ made the players all proud.

All he wants is this.

"After the people in the large coastal cities migrated inland, the enemy would first divide the two main forces, aiming at the North Star and Tianhe City. In Juxia City, they had suffered a loss, knowing that the members of the Xiongbing Company were together, they could not Fight. It will definitely disperse the remaining troops so that we can be disassembled... Then the fleet will fly at low altitude to avoid being bombarded by Rena with flares."

The gluttonous ships flew low, and the anti-aircraft guns and fighter planes of the Huaxia Army could play a role.

This is why Jingyu asked the members of the male company to cooperate with the army.

He analyzes them a little bit, so that after they are grouped out, they still have enough confidence to face the battle.

"The heads of the North Star designated three inland areas as places to protect the lives of the displaced people. To the Central Plains area, Ge Xiaolun, Cheng Yaowen, Zhao Xin, Li Feifei, Wei Ying; to the southern Sichuan area, Qi Lin and He Weilan , Rui Mengmeng, Su Xiaoci, Zhao; in the direction of Huangshi City, Rose, Rena, Zhixin and I."

The group going to the Central Plains was okay. The other two groups made everyone... surprised, weird, and puzzled.

Rena tilted Erlang's legs and teased him: "Hey, if you group Qilin and Atan together, are you afraid that they will fight when you are away?"

Rui Mengmeng's little head nodded again and again, greatly agreeing. When she looked at Jingyu, she begged a bit, like a little squirrel in urgent need of rescue.

Qilin and Su Xiaoci both snorted, turning their faces to each side.

In this way, even the faces of He Weilan and Zhao showed trouble.

Others, such as Zhao Xin, pinched a cold sweat for Jingyu.

"Well, if they have time to fight, it proves that the fighting there is very easy...I will be happy." Jingyu said.

"Also... this is possible." Rena was surprised.

‘Nima, Brother Long is too witty! 'Zhao Xin's admiration is like a continuous stream of torrential rivers.

Jingyu smiled, "I thought you would be the third group that you are more curious about... I and Rena were not there often, and wanted to follow me. Once we went to the North Star to participate in the defense, the third There is only Rose left on the road... I will consider this grouping, the answer is simple-as long as I and Rena appear on this road, the gluttonous dare not send troops to this road."

There is no gluttonous army along the way, and gluttony cannot quickly learn about Jingyu and Rena.

Black armor helps Jingyu and Rena avoid being detected. Only when they appear on the North Star battlefield will the gluttony know. As long as the gluttonous commanders on the North Star are killed as soon as they appear, they are not afraid that they can deliver the news in time.

This time difference, Jingyu dare to gamble, confident bet. ..


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