Infinite Replacement

Vol 9 Chapter 93: Defensive strategy

This kind of attack thinking is very simple! No matter how strong the company is, the number is limited. In particular, Jingyu and Rena, as the main force, have to cooperate, and they can only appear on one battlefield at a time.

When they rushed to the north, the gluttonous fleet could see them and retreat.

When they headed south, the fleet on the south retreated and the north invaded again.

Without them, the ordinary Chinese army could not resist the attack of the advanced gluttonous regiment, and the enemy would suffer heavy losses.

And there is no communication! Even if the fastest fighter plane came to inform, Jingyu may have made half of the attack on the city when they knew the news.

Fortunately, North Star happened to have four angels waiting for Leng, while Tianhe City was near Huaguo Mountain.

The invasion of the gluttonous army in these two cities, because Leng and other angels and Sun Wukong, were forced to end in failure.

Jingyu they actually received the battle situation on both sides, half a day later.

As early as the enemy on the side of Juxia City had just retreated, he had to prevent the loss of the North Star... because cold said that there were three large fleets of enemies near the North Star... he sent Ge Xiaolun and four angels. past.

Ge Xiaolun was sent to prevent the opponent and the Void Mech from playing. Ge Xiaolun's ability is not perfect, although it is only half of the combat strength against the void warrior. But as long as he cooperates well, he has the ability to stop each other, and they will take advantage of the opportunity to kill the Void Mech, and it is not impossible to fight.

After receiving the reports on both sides, Jingyu immediately thought that defense is a big problem.

China is so huge that gluttons can invade from anywhere, but Jingyu they cannot get real-time intelligence.

They were in Juxia City and had a meeting with Qifeng and Yuqin from Juxia remotely through Qilin.

The first is to analyze the negative aspects of the status quo.

The main one is, "Untimely rescue will result in a large number of civilian casualties. Even if the rescue is timely, people will be evacuated before the time of the fight, it will also cause a lot of casualties."

That is, according to the status quo, if the fighting takes place in a city with concentrated personnel, regardless of whether the rescue force can arrive in time, there will be a large number of civilian casualties.

So this battle cannot be fought like this.

Jingyu said: "The country's strategic reserve of grain is enough for people to eat for more than two to three years when the country is not producing. In this case, we will give priority to protecting the safety of people's lives. Don't worry about production, let people first Cities that cannot be defended in time, withdraw to the inland...together to settle and protect!"

"You intend to let everyone go through this initial period first, right?" Li Feng had participated in the war, and soon read his strategic intent, "In two to three years, we can think of ways to resume communications, You can even find a way to counter the enemy. The most unlucky is to concentrate the army scattered in various places to a few points you said, and use the superior force to pressure the enemy and force them not to attack easily."

"That's right. Doing so allows the players of the male company to move around blindly instead of being gluttonous, but to defend several points purposefully... These points are not lost, and the lost land can be regained sooner or later." Jingyu's eyes are tough and authentic.

"I completely agree with your plan." Lian Feng supported: "However, why do you want to talk to us first?" She and Yuqin, although they are now superiors of the company, can play a role in the deployment of the entire China. Power is not high.

"The male company must first agree on the top and bottom." Jingyu laughed: "And, I am a sergeant, and I don't have the qualification to talk to the people above... I need the head of the wind to come forward."

"Hah..." Lianfeng's lips twitched, and he despised him from afar, ``Sergeant, you clearly know that your rank is not in the military system. Moreover, where do you respect me as the head... I saw Yuqin with the same rank as me last time, just hug it. ’

The only true message in that sentence is "I don't want to talk in person".

"I see." She agreed.

I thought this meeting could be over, but I never thought he would say: "In addition, although the South China Sea Fleet is always on the high seas, its position always changes...but its goal is too big after all. Just like a single person can I found the same by accident. There are more people dispatched. I don’t know when the gluttony will find you. Isn’t Juxia not something that ordinary carriers don’t have? Take it away early so as not to ruin it.”

Lian Feng praised him in his heart this time, ‘This is it! This advanced consciousness. ’She will pin her hopes on Jingyu after she loses Ducao as the commander. That’s all she needs.

"I'll arrange to transfer the core of De No. 3 to the "Black" Great Wall"... Do you have anything else to say?"

She began to take the initiative to ask.

"When I went to meet the larger chiefs, I told them that I and Rena would go to fight for everyone for a few days."


"Take Reina to fly directly into space, "insert" into the center of the enemy fleet, and let her launch a solar flare bombing at close range. I don't believe in gluttony and I'm not afraid. I think, when they ask their god, they are told by me They can’t stay in space for a few days before they fly.”

Taking advantage of this time, quickly rushed to the inside of China, whether it was a fighter plane or a helicopter, to uniformly pass orders to all places and coordinate the operation of various agencies.

For example, convoys transporting people from cities, and convoys escorting convoys, provide them with food and water to eat and drink.

A lot of things flashed for a moment in Lian Feng's mind.

‘China has you, and many civilians will be saved! ’She was secretly excited.

"I will report to the chiefs, everything depends on you!"

This concludes the meeting.

Jingyu glanced at the team members in the tent.

"For up to three days, we may all be temporarily dispersed. It will not be easy to meet each other. When we win another one today, let's celebrate...also as an early farewell meeting."

The team members all heard the content of the meeting, and they all knew it.

There was a brief silence in the conference room.

Reina smiled. "Aren't you going to meet again? Don't be too sad. Hey, who, Zhao Xin, you have a fast foot, go find some beer, others should get the dishes, the table chairs , All those who want to eat snacks."

"Good. Brother Long and Sister Na have spoken, and the brothers and sisters have moved." Zhao Xin shouted for a while.

Soon after, in the remote place of the military camp, three square tables were aligned and filled with food.

Everyone talked and drank, saying how to fight gluttonously, and saying what happened after the victory.

"Hey." Su Xiaoci took a can of beer and sat next to Jingyu. After clinking a drink with him, "I'm going to separate from you. You won't forget me."

"I remember "sex" is not so bad, and you are still a great beauty." Jingyu smiled.

"Then let me deepen your memory?"


Jingyu looked at her in wonder, but she suddenly moved closer and kissed her lips.

After a brief silence, "Su Xiaoci! You stole the fishy fox." Che Qilin growled in the camp. ..

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