Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 235: Ashamed of my kindness

After the first time, the latter will be released.

This simple and easy-to-understand truth may be right for Meiling today. In short, she also enjoys shopping in a strange city and shopping, but it really meets the theme of what she said at the beginning is traveling.

The one I bought for myself was put in a skirt bag, and he and Shenxue chose a product for them as a gift.

It can be seen that Deep Snow does not want to accept it. He took it from her and directly explained to the merchant that he would deliver the goods to an address...the address, which was the shipping address where he had purchased three dresses for Shen Xue.

In this regard, Shen Xue did not object.

Meiling could not help knowing that Shen Xue was very accommodating to him. This made her wonder again, why both of them denied saying ‘not a boyfriend/girlfriend’... While Jingyu left to pay the bill, Meiling asked Shen Xue quietly.

Knowing the answer, Jingyu was baptized by Meiling's cold eyes when she returned.

Then, this imposing expression suddenly turned into a tense direction... She quickly opened the women's bag she carried and took a look at the phone from the inside.

Deep Snow stood on the side of Meiling. Now she walked back to Jingyu. One is to avoid being mistaken for Meiling to peek at the text messages, and the other is to discover the strangeness of Meiling-generally, if it is ‘finally waited’, wouldn’t it be reassuring? Meiling's performance is obviously different.

Seeing that Jingyu didn't ask again, she cast doubts of'Doesn't matter' to him.

Jingyu smiled slightly and said to Shenxue:'I probably can understand... It was a girl who had nothing to do with the criminal syndicate, and was suddenly taken as the leader. ...She is already pretty good. ’

Meiling no doubt has no foundation inside the headless snake.

According to the information learned by Jingyu, the head of the previous generation of the headless snake controlled the subordinates by means of terror and high pressure. After the former leader died, it was impossible for the living subordinates to recommend his daughter as the new leader out of loyalty.

I'm afraid Meiling understands this point. So she was wary of people who were supposed to be subordinates.

Imagine a situation in which you are in danger but have no means of self-preservation.

Shenxue began to feel a little sympathy for Meiling.

Meiling raised her head at this time, "I said to let you go under the viewing deck, there will be a boat waiting there." There was a pause, "I heard in the dressing room before, you told Shen Xue ...A part."

Half of what she said to Jingyu felt the pressure from Shenxue... Without any reminder, she miraculously understood why Shenxue was like this, and added three words at the end.

Facts have proved that this works... the pressure disappears from the body.

Meiling pretended not to notice the blaming eyes that Deep Snow had cast on him.

"Anyway, no one is following? The viewing deck is not too far from here. I can go by myself."

"turn down!"

Jingyu refused even without hesitation, so Meiling couldn't close her mouth.

In contrast, Deep Snow smiled.

"Miss Meiling, please give up, his willfulness is notorious among us who know him."

"That's it."

Jingyu straightened his chest. ‘Don’t be proud of this kind of thing, you, I don’t think she’s boasting of you! "Meiling gave him a white look and sighed and shook his head... How could there be such a person in the world, and this kind of person was accidentally encountered by himself." Before that, she had never imagined such an unfolding today.

However, since the girls who seem to be their girlfriends have no opinions, and the beneficiaries are themselves, there is nothing to oppose.

Meiling came to his left and walked to the destination side by side with them.

According to her understanding of the city map, it would be closer to walk the road without chasing soldiers. But when he walked to a park, he proposed to enter the park.

Meiling recalled it in her mind and determined that walking in the park was definitely not a short walk and would not say it, but instead would go around—


Even if you are self-willed, I don't necessarily want to accompany you to play tricks.

She held such a mentality and intended to refuse after he could not speak.

"The magic props you carry, I want to help you deal with them." He said lightly: "That thing will emit something called'Thousand Waves' that can be felt by the magician from a long distance... that is Say, even if it's not in the line of sight, the other party can track you."

"You mean... maybe someone is following?" Meiling glanced back in surprise.

"Is it all said that it is not within the range of sight? Is it useless for you to see?" Jingyu gestured toward the park.

But Meiling didn't move. "In this case, isn't it better to drop the necklace directly?"

Seeing what he meant, he was going to a place with few people... wouldn't it give the other party a chance to attack?

Meiling couldn't agree with the practice of tempting the other party to attack.

In this regard, Jingyu seemed to be a little troubled to touch his forehead. "As for me, I really don't want to say the true meaning now... It will hurt you." He looked from the lower edge of the hand. she was.

Meiling was tense again, but she was brave... No, after knowing that the other party was actually a high school student, as an elder, she would not be allowed to flinch in front of the high school boy.

"Then I really want to listen."

With a deliberately relaxed expression, the smiling face looks slightly reluctant.

"...I want to turn your necklace down to make it impossible for even the magician to find your self-protection prop after wearing it." Jingyu looked directly at her, "I hope you will be able to leave us after leaving Peaceful."

The unabashed concern did not make the brave Meiling look away. However, shyly still climbed up her cheek uncontrollably.

‘Well, suddenly said this in front of the deep snow that even if you know you have a girlfriend...’

It will be me who bothers me.

Meiling didn't know how to respond to him for a moment.

Because she is not a magician and lacks knowledge about modern magic, she has not noticed what Jingyu said to subvert the common sense of modern magic.

Shen Xue didn't wonder if he could do it. As a result, she did not have any anger or jealousy about the kindness he showed to Meiling... did she reveal such important content to her, did it not even explain his trust in her?

Deep Snow felt very satisfied and smiled with a lip corner.

After a few seconds, Meiling finally squeezed out the word "thank you" and followed him into the park with Shenxue. ..


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