Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 95: Pointing sword

Not being merciless is an obvious threat.

It is not of a deterrent nature.

Of course, the only person who can immediately think of this when he is being spoken out is he.

How many times has Jingyu faced women who have said so to him?

Before Erica stared at his footsteps and asked what was going on, "Well, without mercy, I'm going to start."

Reached her.

Because the meaning of the sudden answer was not immediately understood, the hand almost touched the treasured white rabbit.

After Erica screamed silently, she was like an ordinary girl instead of a capable female swordsman... jumped five meters away from him.

Well, this jump in panic also fully shows that she has hone her combat skills well.

Both stopped.

For the funny smiley face he saw, even though Erica gritted her teeth, she couldn't speak for a few seconds because the heart in her chest was beating so violently.

I was really scared.

"How can you be like that!" she complained with tears in her cheeks and shy eyes, "I still have a moment to believe that even if you are, you won't really do that... you pervert, return my trust give me."

"Ah?" He didn't have the consciousness of self-examination, but turned his head pretended. "Where's the'I'm not going to show mercy' that I'm looking forward to?"

It seems to be saying that your service is not attentive.

Erica shouted ‘babe’ and somehow took out the CAD in the shape of a baton.

"Hehehe... At this point, no one wants to stop me."

With a violent laugh like a runaway, after finishing the conversation, Erica launched a self-accelerating technique and struck Jingyu.

However, Jingyu did not evade... when the baton saw that it was about to hit his shoulder, it stopped.

Erica's arm trembling.

It was not caused by emotions such as fear and fear, but by exerting force. Inwardly, it seemed that two Erica were fighting, one letting her fight down, and the other letting her stop.

The result of the struggle of the little Erica is-

That little face was full of unwillingness, "Damn, it will use my good intentions...Damn guy."

Jingyu smiled, "Qualified." His hand raised, and he didn't know where he got a black dagger. "Now, on the way back, practice with you... I'll attack with assassination."

The use of a dagger to pull away Erica's truncheon became a sign of war.

"Then I'm welcome." Determined to vent his inner anger, Erica's baton slammed back quickly.

This time, Jingyu stepped back to attract Erica to attack, leading her towards the hotel where the nine school players lived. Along the way, Erica only counterattacks when there are flaws, and more often her attack is wiped off with a blade.

The accuracy of the unloading force, as well as the sight of any flaws, convinced Erica.

‘I’m really practicing with me. After the initial fierce attack, Erica also began to adjust her breathing pace. After Chiba Liu’s moves poured out, no, it should be said as "just one more time"... Erica was surprised to find that he was able to stand accurately on the trampoline To the right place for her to move.

It is not to induce her to make moves in sequence, but to combine!

The continuous use of a certain move and another move can achieve that effect, which Erica had never thought of before. So much so that sometimes when it comes to making moves, the continuity is not very strong, even making her feel awkward and unsatisfactory.

At this time, he will use the walking position many times, forcing her to reuse those moves... By the way, the enemy who will be in which position can attack with those moves are also demonstrated to her.

‘He is really a genius in one of the swords. ’

Erica sighed while studying hard.

In this way, the two came near their place of residence.

"Going further, there is the army's eyeliner. If we are seen as harassing by the two of us, we will probably be regarded as a troublemaker and be focused on'care'." Jingyu used Eric's dagger to hold Elika's baton , Use another trick to'stick' the baton.

Erica, holding a baton, was in a trance. Suspiciously he cast his sight on the tall building not far away, and then he recovered.

‘Really, it’s already here. "She feels a little bit unsatisfied.

However, at the same time this feeling appeared, fatigue also swept the body.

The forehead was already sweating heavily, and the close-fitting clothes were soggy...she was wearing casual clothes. Since I thought that I would walk with Jingyu very late, the upper body is considered to be conservatively wearing short sleeves without showing shoulders.

The front flap soaked in sweat reveals the traces and colors of the underwear.

She quickly covered her hands, "No, don't watch!"

Since contacting him, he hasn't teased her further, probably this time.

The left hand waved lightly, taking a thin layer of ice chips from her body. After the attention deprived by the ice chips recovered, she realized that the clothes on her body had changed back.

How did you do it? Can magic do this?

This should be asked.

But, she touched her forehead. ‘So... I always feel that if the object is his, it’s a bit redundant. ’

Forget it, she wasn't going to be surprised anymore...though she was really surprised.

Compared to these, she quickly corrected her posture. Like in the Kendokan, facing the teacher who gave him guidance.

"Thank you for your guidance." Bent down and thanked seriously.

"Chiba Flow's moves, the combinations I can think of are probably those. When you are familiar with them... No, when you are more comfortable, the moves are not important. Sword, you can use it as you want. , Whatever you want."

Jingyu tells Erica in a mature tone.

Then, the atmosphere was quickly dispelled.

"Now, the last part of the road, walk with me well." He smiled.

Lifting his head to look at his Erica, it took three seconds to judge that this was normal for him.

She also smiled, "As long as you don't think about moving your feet anymore."

When they stepped side by side, the arc flashed not far away...


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