Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 93: Fight for

Nine school battles allow each school to send the number of people, including forty players, eight technical teams, and four combat teams.

In addition, each school will also recruit the right amount of logistics personnel.

Take a high school, there are twenty volunteers who will come this morning.

Before they arrive...Some members of the technical team and the combat team must prepare for the players for the upcoming game tomorrow.

When time is tight, it is impossible for them to set aside time to arrange the headquarters tent that will be available tomorrow.

Outside of them, only a few people such as Jingyu are slightly idle.

This number is not enough to build a tent and move equipment.

This is why Jingyu will be able to accompany the two girls for breakfast on the morning of the opening.

After eating breakfast, Jingyu met with each of the girls in charge to determine their status. At 9:30 in the morning, the vehicles arrived by volunteers. After they took a short break, Jingyu mixed with them and set up the headquarters tent before noon.

After lunch is the combat meeting.

The Nine School Warfare Operations Committee is assigned to a meeting room in each school.

When Jingyu came here, there were already a few people on the scene... Zhen Yumi and Mori stood together and talked. After seeing him, "Sixteen nights, here." He waved at him with a smile.

Jingyu walked towards them, paying attention to the eyes of others looking here... The ten-character nodded to him indistinctly, beckoning; the service department's criminal department looked away awkwardly, probably to avoid being forced to speak "Sixteen Nights"; others are mostly curious.

"Sister Xue would intentionally make a compelling behavior, I felt a strong taste of conspiracy." Jingyu said.

More striking than before, it was when he took a motorcycle to pick up Yumi. However, this was initiated by him, which is different from the one in front of him.

You really whitened him... It was only because you understood what he meant by "attractive".

"Apart from the combat team and the technical team, I, Morris, Shiwen and Fan Zang, I’m the only one who is a first-year student... As a student president, I am concerned about the first-year students. Brother, what's wrong?"

"And I," Morley, with his arms folded, said, "It's your boss, even more so."

The two ‘older’ maidens voted for him one after another, ‘you are blind in places where you shouldn’t be cautious’.

Jingyu smiled perfunctoryly and whispered: "Now, there is something you need to help... Will you help the younger brother?"

They looked at him for a while.

"Sixteen nights will only surrender its identity when it asks for help." Real Yumi revealed him.

As for not asking for people, you will be teasing them big and small... This kind of words, after all, can't be said-on the one hand, it is'it would be fooled by younger students', which is very faceless; on the other hand, The president of the student council and the chairman of the style discipline are all objects that make students afraid of contact.

"I don't mean anyone will ask, not because you are school sisters." Jingyu plays the role of scoundrels. "Besides, no one can stop me if I seriously want to do something or not want to do it. No one can force me."

This arrogant--

Morley only regarded him as exaggerating the facts.

Shinyumi almost asked: ‘Even the emperor of the Dragon Empire can’t force you? 'In this case. The different expressions of the two girls clearly appeared in Jingyu's eyes.

No matter what they think, "On the first day of the rookie game, I want to be in charge of the match between Mitsui Mitsui and Kitayama Shizuku."

"I haven't given you the schedule yet, I know they will be playing on the first day of the rookie game... It seems that at least they have done enough homework."

In the time when Morley spoke, Yumi really adjusted her mind.

"Remember that the two school girls participated in different projects?" she said.

"Shizuku's speed shot in the morning, and Suixiang's surfing speed in the afternoon." Jingyu said.

"Well, just two people..." Morley nodded.

"Don't be induced by his words." Mayumi said quickly: "In addition to the Beishan school girl, there are two other school girls...the same project, he is responsible for it!"

After explaining to Mori, she said to Jingyu: "The intensity of adjusting the three school girls is high enough. I don’t agree with you considering the competition of school girls."

"However, because it is the first day of the rookie match, I have 1, 2, 3..." Jingyu emphasized the index number, "You can adjust in advance for a full three days! Just follow them on the day. At the time of the game, you can make detailed adjustments... you can get both."

Mayumi couldn't find any rebuttal for the time being, so she looked at Mori.

Morley gave up thinking about countermeasures. "It's all a semester. Don't you understand the character of this guy?"

Mayumi has to admit that Mori's statement is correct. Recall that, from the ridiculous battle of names like "weed counterattack corolla", which was planned at the beginning of the meeting, to the later bits and pieces. All this guy...cough, this student decided that no one really managed to stop it.

‘Except deep snow. ’

Still use the permissions he gave.

However, to say something that would make her compromise...

Jingyu gave a new blow.

"Let me, who was not in charge of the game the previous three days, be a little bit busy. Wouldn't it be easier for the senior girls who are in charge of the regular game? If they are not pressing, the completion of the adjustment will be higher and the results of the game will be higher. It will be even better...Sisters are going to complete the complete **** of the high school era!"

‘Woo... he, he is too good at persuading people. "Yumami's heart has completely surrendered to him.

In order to maintain the minimum face as a school sister, and effectively fulfill the role as the captain of the representative team.

Mayumi said: "Then you must ensure that there is no difference between all these projects in charge."

"Let's ask Xuejie to think about your inner expectations..." Jingyu said. After he paused a little, "I believe it has been thought of... let's compare it."

He leaned close to the ears of Zhen Yumei's ears... The volume of the words was only heard by her.

"If the grades are so good that the school sister is so happy to want to kiss me... find a place where no one is."

"I can't do that anyway!" Yumi blushed at him.

Being shy is sincere. If you are angry after being teased, you are not. Instead, it was curiosity... could he really bring miracles to Yi Gao?

She will wait and see. ..


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