Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 91: Commitment Exchange

Jingyu slightly uses the perception of deliberate convergence.

The next morning, after knowing that Suixiang and Shizuku got up, he also got up.

Even in the same school, the girls’ accommodation area is separated from the boys’. However, the washing and finishing of boys is faster than that of girls. This time difference was enough for him to walk outside their room and knock on the door politely.

However, he forgot that he lived alone, and here are two.

Originally, if you continue to use perception, you can definitely know the details...he didn't do that. After the girls got up all night, they also had something to do. It's okay to perceive actions, it would be strange to perceive that kind of thing.

This made him see Shizuku in pajamas.

Shizuku's face is usually spirited even though it is expressionless. In front of him, he was sleepy.

Counting her childish figure, she is still a child.

Jingyu smiled for it, ‘I do feel that she has sat up... Did she fall asleep again? ’

Shizuku blinked his big eyes twice when he saw Jingyu, enough to be sober enough to understand what was happening in front of him.

She lowered her head, "Could it be...the beginning of'that' last night?" asked in a low voice.

I looked back at a closed door... It seemed that Suixiang was there.

"I waited a little outside." Jingyu nodded and said actively.

Shizuku felt that this was more appropriate, and he would agree now. However, she immediately thought that all the girls lived here. If you let him stand outside the door, it would be too conspicuous... Although he doesn't mind, pointing so clearly will definitely affect Suixiang and her.

"Come in and wait." She said, seeing Jingyu raised her eyebrows, "We are not wearing invisible clothes."

"Are you sure?" Jingyu still asked once.

"...Sure." Shizuku thought it strange to ask him, but he still didn't think why.

Jingyu entered the room.

As Shizuku walked back to the twin bed area, he could see the quilt on a bed still messy. On the other side, the same folded clothes are placed beside the folded quilt... the top is underwear.

This... Jingyu thought Shizuku had noticed. For no reason, she didn't help Suixiang put away.

The spike in the bathroom was questioned.

"Shizuku, did Deep Snow come to us for breakfast?"

"..." Shizuku paused for a moment, and quickly looked at Jingyu... She saw Jingyu smiled slightly, and she knew that what he had just asked was really here. However, since it has already happened, there is no need to regret it. "No," she answered Suixiang first. "It was sixteen nights. I let him enter the room. So..."

"Hey--?" Suixiang made a panic sound in the bathroom.

Frustrated, I didn't know what had been knocked down, and it fell again on the ground.

This action made Shizuku frown a little and remembered a little. So, after a little appeasement for Suixiang, she approached Jingyu... such a distance is convenient for whispering.

"I regretted doing that last night." she said bluntly.

"Why?" Jingyu sat with an expression of interest.

"I will let you know that Sui Xiang likes you. If you took advantage of what she did to Sui Xiang...the result, it was because of me." Shizuku closed his lips and lowered his head.

To comfort her, Jingyu said: "Even if you don't do that, I know Suixiang likes me."

Shizuku shook his head, "Not the same, she was at your mouth before, and she couldn't eat it. Now, I sent her to your mouth... where delicious food enters your mouth. People?"

She looked at him in disbelief... Let Jingyu want to tap her forehead.

However, he was curious to know what she would do next, so he could bear it a little.

Not only that, "Yes," he followed the flow of her statement, "Suixiang's figure is really good among girls of the same age."

This obviously makes Shizuku anxious.

She glanced at the bathroom door again... Suixiang was probably preparing herself for coming out to face Jingyu, so even if there was no sound inside, she did not open the door. But because there was no sound, I could not grasp when Suixiang would come out.

Can't drag it anymore.

Shizuku went out and said: "Then... so. You are the kind of person who promises to make a promise, so I will exchange a promise with you."

Jingyu raised his eyebrows, "Do you mean, in the way you promised me a promise, exchange my promise?"

Shizuku focused on, "Do you agree?"

"There is no reason to refuse a girl who kindly helps friends." Jingyu said with a smile.

‘Cheater, if you really think so, I should say that you should make sure that you won’t take advantage of Suixiang. ’Shizuku thoughtlessly behaved rudely.

She said: "You are not allowed to do anything to your girlfriend except the handle, except for the handle. This is my request... Tell me about you."

"Mine, it's simple." Jingyu stood up, "touching his head."

Touched Shizuku's head.

"Once?" Shizuku's face was filled with displeasure...she thought the other party was treating her like a child.

"As long as your request continues for me, I will do it for you. Of course not every time, but when I want to do it, you must not refuse." Jingyu withdrew his hand.

Almost at the same time, the door of the bathroom opened the door.

Suixiang reached out her small head from the inside.

There was a little shame on her cheek.

It's Jingyu's ability to eliminate her shaking.

"Sui Xiang, I will make you feel unsuitable here...I can go out and wait." Jingyu Zheng Se said to her.

Quickly from ridiculing Shizuku's state to coping with Suixiang with ease, let Shizuku dim in his heart. However, she could not object to Jingyu's follow-up request, so she acquiesced.

What made her slightly relieved afterwards was that Jingyu never touched her head when there were others.

This also made her find a way to think she could avoid being touched.

Suixiang certainly won't let Jingyu go out.

"No, it's okay." She hurried out of the bathroom and pointed in the direction of the bed. "No, but I'm going to the bathroom to change clothes..."

Then she tried to walk towards her clothes without squinting. As a result, when I noticed the top underwear, I felt dizzy.

Was it seen...

This kind of thought made her cheeks red, and her eyes accumulated tears.

She ran into the bathroom with her clothes, and came out after a quarter of an hour. ..


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