Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 84: arrival

With the joint efforts of the three people, the accident was instantly quelled.

Then came the summary.

Mayumi praised the cross-country people who blocked off-road vehicles and the deep snow that extinguished the fire...

There is no mention of Jingyu's use of magic.

The reason is very simple, "It's deliberately bad or bad in this kind of thing, but it's a bit excessive." Zhen Yumei after sitting down whispered Jingyu's bad thoughts when she voted for Mori to choose the line of sight.

Jingyu pretends to be stupid, "What are you talking about, I don't understand."

Really whitened him, "You, if Morley was shaken at that time, and chose to freeze the off-road vehicle directly by you, the traces of your magic will definitely be exposed..."

In addition to the girls who have actually seen Jingyu and the Ministry of Service's Criminal Department, only the party and the ten-character know the special effects of Jingyu's BS magic.

Almost all of the students sitting here are students. If they don't know yet, if they suddenly know at this time, it must be a huge blow... Maybe they will not be able to return to their normal state of mind until the game starts.

The battle of Nine Schools in the High School ended before the start of the game, and as a person in charge, Yumi really wanted to avoid it.

I was exposed in person, "Oops," Jingyu raised his hand to surrender, "lost to Sister Xue!" There was a pause. "However, I didn't think of that kind of thing...just teasing the degree of Sister Morley Never mind."

This, he said, really Yumi would like to believe.

It's just that he is the "return to sixteen nights" that he does his own way.

Just a mischief to a person can be accompanied by this instinct to cause serious problems; and to the serious problems caused by the incident, but want to get the character that does not care at all... Once again, the "incidental" can produce a crushing subject The pride of the students is powerful... Both are very nerve-wracking.

'More importantly,' Zhenyou glanced at Jingyu with a plain expression.'The students who hold a proud attitude can't arouse his sympathy at all... let him understand their feelings... Ugh……'

She sighed and felt that she should communicate well with Ringtone and Morley about these. In fact, this kid who looks harmless to humans and animals at first glance is not something she can do alone.

****Reminder line of "Time and Space Devil"****

The large bus restarted after half an hour, and the police took over the scene of the accident.

The team arrived at the hotel near the nine school battlefield before noon.

At this point, Jingyu returned to his duties as a'technical staff'... meeting with seven other technical staff to move the equipment used to calibrate the CAD.

When he put his share on the cart and pushed it into the hotel lobby, he saw the deep snow still in the lobby, and...'I thought I wouldn't encounter it, I didn't expect them to come now' Allie Card and Meiyue.

Jingyu, who was really surprised, seemed to be interested in Erica, who was betting her gaze at the door... After looking at each other, the latter smiled and raised her bare arm high.

Jingyu pushed the cart and walked over.

Compared to Erica, who showed her enthusiasm, Meiyue even strayed her eyes to Jingyu for some reason...and didn't say hello. But because she is usually a quiet type, she will not expose her friends to this degree of strangeness.

Jingyu knew her reaction well, smiled secretly, and would not break it. His attention is on wearing a cool Alika... a vest with exposed shoulders, shorts with bare thighs, this girl always seems to wear this type of clothes.

Of course, this impression of Jingyu is still within the normal range...It is only a rare thing in this world that there is such a strange rule of ‘avoiding naked skin in public places is etiquette’.

However, this dress is in line with her lively and active character.

After the two greeted each other, "I heard that this is a military facility, shouldn't it be open to ordinary guests...have you used your family relationship?" Jingyu asked her.

"Correct solution!" Erica didn't have any shame about this. "You know much better than Deep Snow in this respect. You must do this often."

Jingyu was uncomfortable and smiled slightly. "You came two days in advance, but I was very puzzled... If you don't watch the game, what will you do in these two days to pass the time? Even if you look beautiful, I can't possibly I have been dating you forever...I have to prepare CAD for Shen Xue. If you want to come with me..."

"Stop it! It's so stinky, who wants to date you! I won't go with you!" Erica, who was praised casually for being'very beautiful', was a little bit shy. However, he uttered tiger teeth and cast a fierce look at him, "I should call Saya too. I dare to tease you when I see you in front of her."

"I'll pull Sayaka to tease you together." Jingyu hummed proudly.

Let Erica grow weakly...

After that, there will naturally be protests and sparring.

Beside them, Mizuki watched this scene quietly, ‘sure enough, the goal has always been Erica. ’

The beauty of the friend is second only to the deep snow of the first beautiful girl in the school, the character is also very attractive, and Meiyue is conscious. I am just an ordinary person, not to want to be his goal, just...

After all, it was suddenly kissed.

Thinking of that kiss, Meiyue's cheeks turned slightly red.

Why do you do that? She wanted to ask him more than once. Can't tell if I hold the blame... No, maybe I know! Compared to being angry with a strong kiss, first of all was startled.

Later, when she realized her feelings in her arms, this unexpected discovery made her have to wonder-is it because she is always sexually harassed by him, so she has a certain awareness of similar situations?

If this kind of consciousness was really established, it would be really nerve-wracking.

Meiyue was distracted by thinking about the problem and looked at him unexpectedly.

It was also at this time that Jingyu glanced.

That made her tight, and quickly looked away.

Jingyu and Erica also finished speaking, pushing the cart away... and there was deep snow that also used the elevator.

As they walked away a few steps, Mizuki suddenly heard his voice.

"Mizuki, what you wear today... attracts me."

This voice frightened Meiyue... She waited for three seconds and didn't hear Erica's vomiting and making fun, before she recovered.

Realizing that it was only for her alone, only letting her hear it alone, there was a trace of ripples in her heart. ..


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