Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 59: Shocking speech

"The game ends here!"

The speaker said in a painful tone: "Now, let me talk about our point of view...I don't think that I say that the second student is a wrong student of the weeds. Without punishment, it can't be explained by the Commission of Discipline; the same What we deplore is that the students of the second department cannot bravely defend their self-esteem!

Coming to this school to become a second-class student does not mean that the label is inferior! However, if you think from the bottom of your heart that you are inferior, how can others respect you?

However... I can't blame you!

Remember the opening ceremony? It is also in this lecture hall that students of the first class sit in front and students of the second class sit in the back...not a stipulation, no one has stipulated... but this class of seats is taken as a ‘tradition’ for granted!

Don’t think this is the cause of all problems?

In the decades since the establishment of the first high school to the present day, we did not want to pursue this kind of distorted tradition that violates school regulations. However, since we have seen it, we will challenge it!

It is okay to be praised as a brave man or to be called a stupid.

Not only for our own self-esteem, but also for all the second-subject students who are forced to withstand the humiliation brought by this twisted tradition, and the first-subject students who mistake this tradition as a creed... more than The three grades in front of us now, and the future, one year, two years, ten years, and even longer!

If you are not here today, challenge them! If you don’t come now, break it!

Think about many people will exercise the error and how many people will suffer the humiliation it brings.

They may be your brothers and sisters, or may be descendants of your children.

Even if you are a freshman now, it seems to be good. However, who of you can guarantee that your future children will still be a student?

Want them to bear the scorn and ridicule of their peers like the second-class students today? "

After a loud geological question, it was a high-pitched arm, "we, today, challenge all the twisted traditions in the school!"

After Hong Liang's announcement ended, for a while, the lecture hall was silent.

Everyone kept half-opened, staring blankly at the podium.

Until the speaker bowed, he walked back to his seat from the podium. The sound made by the chair when sitting down awakened the people nearby.

Mayumi first applauded.

The whole lecture hall was driven...First, the students of the second subject vigorously applauded; a small part of the students of the first subject looked around and saw that many students of the first subject were applauding, and also applauded.

On the side of the stage, "Sixteen nights... is really amazing!" Ling Yin sighed while applauding, "After proposing the kind of battle like a children's play, I thought about what he would do, or how to propose The argument creates a situation that is beneficial to oneself... I didn't expect it to be like this, I didn't expect to be able to achieve this level!"

She looked at Jin Yumi and smiled slightly, "The president who has never failed in the debate will admit defeat this time."

"Huh, that kid is cheap." Morley agreed with the ring tone judgment, referring to the fact that he could not make any requests to Jingyu...that is to say, the weeds are fighting against the Corolla, which is basically here First, it was successful!

However, the Corolla girls are not unhappy.

Later, Yumi expressed her willingness to join the ranks of challengers as the current student president with a tone of approval.

And, a promise-every time the president of the student union is re-elected, the general student union will be held. If there is any need to modify the current system, it must be proposed at that time... with more than half of the students’ support, then Can pass.

Mayumi promised that he would propose a system modification measure during the election period after his term expires.

The current student union is only allowed to select from one subject. She will propose to relax this selection to any student in the whole school.

Even...not stated, she very much looks forward to Jingyu becoming the next student president.

When he looked at the speaker with this expectation, he found that the other party was heading in the direction of the audience seat, with a meaning of guiding the direction.

Mayumi to the audience seat... No, I looked at it farther away. At the entrance and exit, stand him!

The fake name is the exchange student of "Reverse Sixteen Nights", which may be her or a future husband of a digital family.

The teenager waved his hand to this side, and then made a ‘OK’ gesture.

This shows that the terrorists outside the lecture hall have all been controlled.

While making such a wonderful speech, and being able to seize all the terrorists at the same time, Yumi really can only praise him for being amazing.

Such a talent, ‘deservedly claimed by the suzerain, can be worthy of any marriageable woman in the digital family. ’

She nodded gently to him, but at the same time cast a rather profound sight, ‘Weeds against the Corolla battle made you successful, but I didn’t plan to let you go like this. ’

In order to grab one of his handles, she tilted her lips.

Soon after, the students in the lecture hall wearing'white wristbands with red and blue lines' frame, have not waited for the hands-on is a bomb used for detonation, which has been frozen by discussion At the time when the meeting was announced, they were subdued by the ethics committees arranged earlier.

The students who walked out of the lecture hall only realized that there was such an intruder in the school as if they were in a dream.

The intruders were gathered together, temporarily supervised by teachers who were magicians, and later handed over to the police station.

As for the students participating in the school, the tripartite committee, the student union, and the league of associations are invited to be placed in the school based on the testimony of Rensheng Sayaka.

At this time, Jingyu was called to the past by Mori... In the face of other members of the Disciplinary Committee, the head of the Societies Union, Shi Wenke and others, Mori helped him make a formal introduction. And explain that this incident can only be resolved so smoothly under his arrangement.

Not to mention the reaction of all the members of the Association of Leagues, who is recommended by the teachers on the style discipline committee, it is clear at a glance.

Jingyu smiled playfully at one of them, the boy who was suspected of being'arrogant' at first... Jingyu smiled at him. ..


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