Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 57: Bewitching

Tatsuya is also a bit surprised by this application!

Not that he didn't think of it, but that he believed that activating the ability at the stage of shooting would achieve the effect...and it was the best judgment on the spot! That is to say, the burning of gunpowder needs to reach a certain temperature. Using magic to interfere here, the opponent's bullets cannot be shot out of the gun barrel.

As for the phenomenon of bullets stagnation in the air, Da also believes that it includes two cumbersome parts.

One part is to freeze the power that propels the bullet to fly... This is done before the bullet pops out of the barrel; one part is to freeze all the air molecules from the position where the bullet stops flying to the ground, making it a naked eye The invisible pillar!

‘The bullets from three guns can be accurately stopped on a flat surface. While completing the above two operations, the process of the operation has not been seen by anyone... The control of the BS magic of sixteen nights is too strong! ’

However, if you don't arrive, you have any other praise... In Tatsuya's opinion, even if he is confident that he can complete such an operation, he should not take the companion's life risk. Because once he missed, his companions would be shot!

In particular, the reason seems to be really irrelevant to Tatsu.

He looked over to Jingyu... I could see Chiba Elika scorning Jingyu, which is why the phenomenon in front of him would be formed... Tatsu can judge here, but could not understand what Elika did What is the meaning of that performance.

"Sixteen nights!" Erica grabbed Jingyu's arm and said angrily: "Really, if you can use magic, say it sooner! My heart almost jumped out of my nerves."

She patted her chest with the other hand...the heartbeat hadn't dropped back to normal level yet.

Jingyu patted her hand with soothing meaning, "I have to remember it next time, you are brought by me, how could I hurt you."

The four intruders in front of them saw that the weapon was useless, "Monster!" issued such a scream, turned around and ran.

"How dare you say that!" Jingyu stretched his palm in their direction.

The four immediately became four ice sculptures on the flat ground! The magic formed so fast that they could not respond to Erica.

Then, there was a surprise on his face.

Several people know that magic can be activated without CAD. However, if magic can be launched directly so quickly, does CAD still have any meaning?

"Sixteen nights, is your magic...BS magic?" Leo said the answer, but shook his head.

The reason is simple, "Is it BS magic? Impossible..." Erica said: "BS magicians cannot use modern magic, which is common sense!"

"Hum..." Jingyu really lifted his chin proudly like a teenager, "I'm used to breaking common sense!"

Erica and Leo stared at him shoulder hung down, the other stroked her forehead... and suddenly became weak.

Meiyue is like them, with a wry smile. After glancing at the ice sculptures, she suddenly thought of something.

"Sixteen nights, doesn't it matter?" she said. "Remember that the student president said that not using self-defense but using magic on others is not only a violation of school rules, but also a crime." "Mizuki, you have too much heart." Leo said: "Those guys shot us. If we don't use magic for sixteen nights, shall we die?" "

"Leo, I think Meiyue means that using too strong magic when they run away will be regarded as defensive." Da Ye said calmly.

"This..." Leo also hesitated.

"It's okay..." Jingyu took out the Fengji Commissioner's armband from his pocket and put it on his left arm. "I'm not self-defense, but a proper arrest! The other party is a terrorist... I never talk about human rights with terrorists. "

Everyone in the room was thinking, not you, not school rules, but laws. But compared to speaking on the subject of vomiting bad things, seeing the impact of the commission of the Commissioner for Discipline is even greater.

No, it's not like this... If any student in the front suddenly wears this armband, it won't let them do that. The problem is that the young people in front of them are the same as the second-class students.

They had never heard of another second-year student serving as a discipline commissioner.

"Wait, sixteen nights, where did you find it? Really?" Erica questioned the armband suspiciously. She noticed that there were students nearby who were attracted by the ice sculptures and gunshots, and was running towards him, leaning close to him and whispering, "This is not a joke. If it is false, take it down quickly!"

"It's rude, of course it's true!" Jingyu knocked her forehead.

"Then you said, when did you get it, why don't we know?" Erica muttered holding her forehead.

"An explanation is fine, but there are terrorists in the school..." Jingyu smirked. "Rather than wasting time on explanation, now, Erica, I'll accompany you to get the CAD... together. Make a fuss, cough, no, catch terrorists together!"

"...Oh, is this the funny thing you said?" Erica suddenly suddenly smiled as she opened her eyes. "Sure enough it's funny... what are you waiting for, let's go."

She took the initiative to pull Jingyu's sleeves and ran together.

Leo waved at them, "This, this... isn't she afraid of being kidnapped as a co-criminal by Sixteen Nights?"

"Leo, remember you said that you are friends with Sixteen Nights?" How can you be suspicious now? Tatsuya poked facelessly.

"Uh, this..." Leo looked away and saw Jingyu and Erica running away. "Taya, let's catch up first than this."

He also ran away... No, it was run away!

Tatsu also thought that he still had to "chase" him later, and turned to Meiyue who hesitated to catch up: "Mizuki is not good at fighting, so stay and explain to the teachers... Don't mention sixteen nights The name of the classmates, just say that it is a committee of style discipline... I believe that far away, they did not open whether it was the first or second student wearing the armband."

Just mentioning the style committee members, the preconceived idea will make the uninformed people immediately think of a subject student, thus omitting explanation.

Meiyue knows, "Student Tatsuya is also going... Please be careful with Shili Yejun and them."

Tatsu nodded and walked toward the school gate where CAD was stored. In fact, he was really reluctant, thinking about ‘Miss is so worried, that would make me secretly help... Sixteen nights, they only wanted to play around.’

This must be told to the young lady, please ask her to consider more next time. ..


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