Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 54: Faithful guard

Recently, Spada was also troubled with one thing.

I heard from Fujiko Ryoko that the exchange student from the sovereign kingdom had used confusion magic on his name. The effect of this magic hides the real name of the exchange student.

Dar is also worried about whether to use the magic he is best at.

Well, this part is his personal.

Because the lady he served did not know that the man had hidden his name.

And to say the cause of this trouble--

Regarding the details of the battle with the strange name, Siboda was not one of the parties, but he heard from Shenxue... Shenxue made a request to him to help Jingyu secretly succeed.

To be honest, Da didn’t know what happened in a place he couldn’t see. He felt that the young lady’s attitude was a little strange-there was a'return to sixteen nights' and the second grade of Rensheng Sayaka was very hot in the school. , And even said that they are already a couple...Miss seems to be over-concerned about "Return to Sixteen Nights".

Dar didn't know if this was a legendary "unrequited love"!

Heck, don't get me wrong... Unrequited love is not that rare. It's just that for Dah, who has been deprived of all kinds of strong feelings from a physiological point of view, this is an experience that can't appear throughout his life...For him, it can only be as ethereal as legend.

For Tatsuya, the more troublesome thing is that he cannot directly ask the young lady.

He tried to remind Miss... by telling Miss about the status of "Return to Sixteen Nights" and Rensheng Sayaka.

The lady's reaction after listening was, "Well, I know... what's wrong?"

Tatsu also opened his lips, "No, it's nothing..." He replied like this, and paused. This short period of time could be adjusted to his somewhat flustered mood.

Then he said, "I personally think that you have an internal response and the enemy is not aware of it. The students' union and the disciplinary committee are all elites. It is impossible to fail the plan to return to the 16th night."

"I think so too." The lady sat on the sofa, holding the tea cup in her hand. On one side stood Tatsuya, and on the other side stood a curious maid Sakurai Shuibo. Such an answer would only make Sakurai and Tatsuya, who do not know the exact idea of ​​Miss, both feel baffled.

However, this is a young lady, a serving person, and must not have rude thoughts.

Tatsu also discarded his distractions and listened intently to the following.

There should be the following?

When the lady was silent for almost ten seconds, Da was also a little shaken.

At this moment, the young lady said: "You know, the number of ethics commissions he has led has not been announced yet. This thing succeeded. Fortunately, if there are any bad pools, it will become a stain... Or, some people will protest him. A second-year student is an excuse to serve as a discipline commissioner."

This is possible, Tah agrees. But what does this have to do with the young lady?

As the person ordered, he wanted to know this.

The young lady looked at it, "Tatsuya, you are also a second-class student. If his goal is achieved, your treatment in the school... No, not only you, but also other second-class students, the treatment will be improved. "

Da also thought, Miss wanted to express, is this a good thing for me and my friends?

From the frost-like face of the young lady, she could not see her real thoughts.

Dah also hesitated to tell the lady, that person might become her husband-in-law in the future... Ah, when thinking of this, Dah also suddenly realized that he was the lady's guard, that person was the lady's possible husband-in-law, helping him equal It's Miss Gang.

"Well, I see." He nodded to the young lady and responded.

Now, Tatsuya was sitting in the classroom, quietly watching the teenager talking to Erica.

In one word, it is: He really doesn't seem to be performing the kind of state that is big enough to make the insiders (misses) nervous.

Looking at his fingers, he is still operating the terminal and browsing the files quickly. If you take a closer look, you will find that the content of those documents is already very intensive research in the field of modern magic.

Tatsu was also a little surprised at the progress of his knowledge.

what! Then it was time to wake up and not think about it.

In terms of the performance of "Reverse Sixteen Nights", Da also believes that he will not care about whether other people let him continue to be a commissioner of style as the young lady thought. However, this is my own judgment...Based on the point that "Miss has Miss's judgment", Tatsuya didn't mean to explain this to Miss.

When I think about it occasionally, Da also thinks this is a problem. As a servant, there is an obligation to remind the master of something. However, he can't guarantee that what he thinks is correct... In particular, he is still a half-hanger with incomplete feelings.

‘Well, next time I suggest that the homeowner choose another person with common sense to assist the lady. ’

When Da thought this way, he noticed that he was distracted again, and quickly introspected himself again.

Then, the prelude to the battle finally began!

Da also discovered from that person's inconspicuous blocking of his ears...Every classroom has a loudspeaker that connects to the school's broadcast room, which in the form of arguably loud noise noisy the entire classroom.

Tatsuya was a little surprised, ‘Is it because he sensed the vibration of the sound wave and reacted? ’

The sound is 340 meters per second, and the distance from the horn to'Sixteen Nights' is 7 meters.

It is equivalent to say, "Reverse Sixteen Nights" responded within 20ms...?

Tatsu also thought of the Kendo level of the master level of "Return to Sixteen Nights".

However, Tatsuya did not easily conclude that ‘it may also be a response from the perspective of time...because it is known in advance so it can respond. ’

He recorded both in his mind... One is the evaluation of the possible reaction time, and the other is the evaluation of the accuracy of time grasp.

Turning to this angle, Da also thought: ‘Yes, you can think of this as an overall assessment of going back to the sixteen nights... In case he is going to be unfavorable to the young lady in the future, I will respond. ’

Well, yes, Tak also affirmed his thoughts more and more. I am a escort, and I must take into account all the possibilities to ensure the safety of the lady. ..


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