Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 48: Weeds fight against Corolla

Jingyu used the student ID card to open the door of the student union room. After entering, he first looked around.

"Well, the service department is not here," he said.

The Ministry of Service and Penalty had lost to him, and every time he saw him as required by the agreement, he respectfully called him "Sixteen Nights." It must have been known that he would be called, and escaped ahead of time.

It's really nothing!

Jingyu commented on this absent second-year senior and the vice president of the Student Union, so that Yumi, who is the president, gave a bitter smile...He made it clear that he would not have to mention the service department in the future. .

The four girls except her, seeing his thoughts, Mori stroked his forehead with a headache, and the expression of deep snow and ringtones was calm; if they couldn’t see, Xiao Zi blinked big eyes like a toddler, back and forth Watching on several girls and Jingyu.

"Sixteen nights, I heard that you don't want to come because you're a girl." Zhen Yumei greets Jingyu and tries to divert his attention. At the same time, I intend to implement the plan to tease Morley together with Jingyu.

Since she was standing at the end of the long table, that is, near the door, Jingyu stood in front of her.

"Sister Xue." He looked at Zhen Yumei with a serious expression, and suddenly opened his arms and put Zhen Yumei in his arms completely.

There was a slight lag in the room. "What are you doing?" Morley shouted first, her forehead jumping with blue muscles.

Xiaozi shyly covered her cheeks with both hands. But peeking at the two from the fingers.

Even the always calm ringtones and deep snow were full of surprises...if they changed positions, they all thought what to do if he did the same to them next time.

Anyway, it is very troublesome.

And the direct victim, cough, was held, and Yumi was completely stunned.

Her strong masculine stun made her dizzy; her strong arms made her petite. In the first two or three seconds, she could only open her eyes and opened her lips halfway, but she couldn't react to the fact that she was hugged by the man.

"What are you doing?" Jingyu glanced at Mori with surprise. "Of course, I'm comforting the jealous Shinyou aesthetics sister."

"Where does Yumi get jealous!" Mori hurriedly walked in front of them. "In other words, when are you going to hug." The two separated hard, and then protected Yumi behind him.

Looking back at Yumei, what happened to Yumi, but the afterglow in the corner of his eyes found him approaching.

Seeing that he even dared to open her arms to her, the thought that he might be embraced by him, shyness, anger, anger, etc., half of the tension for the first time facing this situation... let her hit fist.

With a bang, it hit Jingyu's chest.

The weight of the move made Morley regret it immediately... but he didn't see him move at all and couldn't help but stay.

‘Even if I didn’t use magic, wouldn’t he be useless? ’Moli is not an ordinary girl. It’s very easy to calm down. ‘Sure enough, it’s true that the level of kendo is honed to the point where the physical exercise is as hard as iron. just……'

Why didn't you hone this abominable character?

Morley was angry and helpless to him.

Then, "Sister Morley is jealous?" he asked as if nothing had happened.

Morley immediately threw regrets and calmness out of Jiuxiaoyun, "Why should I be jealous! Where do you see that I should be jealous!"

Jingyu raised a finger, "Look, I hugged Zhenyou Aesthetics, and you immediately ran up unhappy to separate us... If you take apart your sentence, it's: You have held Youmei for too long , And me, I want to hug... like this?"

"Distorted, that's distorted!" Morley shouted.

"Sixteen nights," Ling Yin felt a move, and finally came out of the chaos. "Don't you just hold Zhenyoumei, just expressing that you think you really want to be with other girls, don't come to me "Do you mean "?"

"Yeah," Jingyu nodded to her and said to Morley: "Do you think Sister Lingyin understands?"

"So, you are distorted!" Morley said.

"Correctly speaking, I didn't understand... It was inverse reasoning from the results." Ling Yin said calmly, and also came over, holding Jin Yumei's shoulders, "How is it, President?"

"...No, it's okay." The blush on Jin Yumei's face hadn't receded, and he calmly said: "Don't worry, I won't lose my sense of reason because of a hug from my younger brother.

The voice was all crying, but what was said was not persuasive... Ling Yin looked at Jingjingyu reproachfully.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding." Jingyu thought about it while touching his chin, and pretended to point it to his temple with his hand. "OK, I corrected the won't be like this in the future. Please rest assured."

He folded his hands together to make a promise. Although he lacked sincerity, he finally calmed the girls.

Everyone sat at the long wooden table... The restored Yumi was sitting on the top, with two girls on each side... Jingyu was assigned to the opposite of Yumi.

The first is really Yumi speaking, "Sixteen nights, I told you last time that our student union, Mori Commission for Discipline and the ten-character association of societies will hold a meeting on the issues you mentioned...The topic has been successfully passed."

She wanted to be as proud as possible...or rather, it was planned from the beginning. Unfortunately, after being so teased by Jingyu, it is a bit unnatural to make her proud now.

Mori, who didn't prevent the issue from passing, snorted, "Since it's passed, I'll can do it. Whether it's support or manpower, in a word, I will help you deploy."

She did not look at Jingyu, expressing her still disapproving ideas with such an attitude.

After a pause, she turned her face to face Jingyu. "What was the truth about the truth you just said on the phone?"

"Well, something happened today, that part of you who was misunderstood when I was picking up girls... Actually, I spent a lot of effort to convince Sayaka to be willing to say everything."

Jingyu looked at Mori in particular.

Morley knew he was accusing her of wronging him. But because she couldn't tell the truth from his face at all, and she thought she might be teased by her, she said bravely: "Then speak first and listen."

Jingyu ‘ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh’

Mori froze with Mayumi!

"You mean, secretly tampering with the memories of Sayaka and other second-year students, trying to provoke the dispute between the first and second students in the school... The anti-magic international political group Blanche?" Instead of them, the calm ringtone was surprised Asked.

"Correctly speaking, the behind-the-scenes operation is the head of Blanche's Japanese branch, named Si Yi." Jingyu said: "I think it is his hint to Sayaka."

"Slow and slow..." Morley halted. "Remember that the master of the Kendo Society will be called Sijia? If the person in charge of this branch is Siyi, is it a relative of Sijia?"

"Brothers formed on the occasion of remarriage of their parents! However, this is not important..." Jingyu looked at Mori and Zhenyoumei's faces and smiled, "Si Jia is a third grader, indicating that he It’s been more than two years since I was lurking in the first high school activity."

During this period, no matter whether it was the student union, the discipline committee, the league of associations, or even the school, nothing was found... a little unreasonable.

Jingyu means that.

Faced with this accusation, "Woo..." Yumi and Mori whined inwardly, speechless.

Lingyin assisted them, and in order to relieve their inner doubts, he interjected again and asked: "Sixteen nights, the matter about Blanche, even Xiaozi, who is a cadre in the student union, does not know... How do you know? I still know that it is very detailed?"

"This part is my personal question. If Sister Lingyin is interested, we can find a time to talk slowly when we are on vacation." Jingyu issued an invitation.

"Then forget it." Ringtone refused mercilessly.

When dealing with him, whether it was Yumi or Mori had the disadvantage, and the bell sounded quite comfortable.

Morley solemnly said at this time: "Yu Yumei, do you still think that the issue should be passed?"

Yumi smiled bitterly.

She glanced at Jingyu's direction and said to Morley: "Even if she wants to change her mind, it's impossible for Sixteen Nights to agree."

"How can you let him..."

"That's right!" Jingyu interrupted Mori's words. "Blanche is just a small character. If I'm attentive, I can get it in minutes."

Before Morley could recover and criticize him for being too arrogant, he stood up, "Listen! I will use Blanche in turn to improve the relationship between the first and second students! Named'Weeds' Counterattack the Corolla Grand Battle', and execute from now on!"

Mayumi first applauded with applause, and of course Mori yelled against it!

"...Is it my illusion?" Lingyin touched his chin and said, "How do I think you are targeting five of us?" "

"It must be an illusion!"


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