Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 44: Need to add energy

During school, Erica habitually patted Jingyu on the back.

"Sixteen nights, do you still go to the Kendo club to help?"

"Why...I'm not a volunteer."

He didn't even look back. Erica grunted her lips and stood to see what attracted him more than a beautiful girl.

"Huh?" she exclaimed in surprise. "The mail sent by Mr. Ono... the content is, will you go to the consultation room? To be honest, have you done anything we don't know yet?" "

She didn't even have Jingyu's permission, she read the mail for him personally. And, he also supported the table with his elbows, half lying on the floor and teased Jingyu.

The two were close together, causing Jingyu's nose to smell the fragrance from her from time to time.

As soon as Jingyu looked back, his face was twenty centimeters away from Erica. There was a bad smile on that bright and beautiful face. From the pink lips, breathe the sweet smell.

"I really want to kiss, don't move." He said, leaning in.

"How can I make you kiss!" Erica, who had never been expected to say so suddenly, froze for a second. It was this second that almost made Jingyu succeed and shocked her... Shame soared to the highest point since her.

As she pushed her away, she quickly jumped to the side of Mizuki... Good fellow, even the martial arts instinctively used.

"No..." Jingyu showed regret.

"Reflect on me!" Erica said shamefully.

Jingyu shrugged and pulled out the terminal device. "As you can see, I'm going to find Teacher Ono. I will continue next time."

Then he ran away swiftly... Anika was so angry that she could catch up.

"That bastard, run really fast!"

"... He seems to say, continue next time." Even if he is unrelated, Mizuki's cheeks are a little red.

The details she pointed out froze Erica.

"It won't make him happy. Miyazuki, too, be careful... especially when I'm away, don't be too close to him. Maybe it will be hugged right away." Ali Kasha intervened.

Mizuki was stunned and stunned, her face even more red.

The two girls didn't speak for the time being, and they looked at the door in unison, with a trace of incomprehensible complexity, and expectation...don't get me wrong! It was by no means expecting him to come back and do bad things to them, but it was expecting Haruka Ono, a teacher in the counseling room, to help correct his bad character that had troubled the girls.

If Erica and Mizuki are so looking forward to seeing the current dress of Ono Haruka, it may be dumbfounded!

Knocking on the door of the consultation room, Jingyu stayed a little when he saw Ono Haruka.

Ono Haruka does have a tender chest that goes far beyond the face, and a mature body with a sensual touch. However, the whole is still a cute and petite.

She has just improved her sexiness now-she unbuttoned two buttons with her shirt and exposed it to the edge of her underwear, which is a traditional hot combination with short skirts and stockings.

Sitting at the corner desk, she put one leg on top of the other and ignored her face. It was really a bit of an elder sister... Then she calmly smiled at Jingyu who entered the room with a dull expression.

"Sorry, suddenly came to you."

"……It's nothing."

Jingyu walked in and sat down in the seat she designated...that is, two steps away in front of her.

Facing him, Yao still said kindly: "How is it, have you adjusted to life in high school?"

"No." Jingyu didn't hesitate.

Surprisingly far away, I slowed down and then asked... To be honest, as far as she knows, the teenager in front of me is more comfortable than most of the students... but he said that he did not adapt .

Very strange.

I want to know what he can say.

"Did something bother you?"

"how to say……"

Jingyu appeared hesitant, as if unwilling to say.

In order to shake him, Yao deliberately made a gesture of alternating feet towards him.

I felt that my eyes were induced under the short skirt, and I was shy in my heart, but I endured it with my enthusiasm for work...I told myself that the tights I wore are absolutely impenetrable, so nothing will be seen. .

She persevered, maintained her smile, and watched the teenager.

And said, "You can talk about it no matter what."

The teenager finally raised his head, "Can it really be said?"

"Of course, it is my job to listen to the troubles of the students." Yao smiled.

This time it is much more natural than just now...she looks forward to the success of the first job of the year. To be honest, this student's troubles were revealed at the time of enrollment. In order to ask something from him, I tried to do such a dress and unskilled lure... It seems that the effect is not bad.

"I think..." Jingyu said with a serious expression: "I have recently lacked female energy."

"...Hey?" Yao thought that he had heard it wrong, and it seemed that words that were beyond the scope of common sense appeared. "Female, female energy...Yes?" "Does Ono know where I lived before?" Jingyu asked.

"Yeah." With a confused heart, he manipulated the terminal devices around him and called up Jingyu's information. "You came to Japan from USNA. You are currently living with a single aunt... that's it. ."

"Yes." Jingyu sighed, "I, from childhood to big, are all over there. The living environment is very open. It is common to greet girls with hugs and kisses on the cheeks. …I have to do it many times every day! I met this in the morning and I would do it in the afternoon after school. However, after coming here, I haven’t done it once..."

He glanced at Ono Haruka's chest and thighs under his short skirt.

Showing a little longing, but not based on the meaning of pornography... even, there is a sense of purity.

Seeing it from a distance, but was not induced by the instinctive resistance of women.

However, what she was talking about still made her a little bit shy.

And, she thought, wouldn't she be so wrong in her dress today? A good boy who had no problems may be stimulated to lose his mind.

Thinking this way, unfortunately, Jingyu is being finely induced.

Jingyu continued to be "depressed" and said: "I can't help it anymore... Teacher Ono, what do you say I should do?" His weak eyes that he really wanted to get help from his youth, "If I suddenly hug the girl If they do, will they call me sexual harassment?"

"Yes, yes, definitely." Harshly said: "So don't do that."


Seemingly helpless, Jingyu lowered his head.

Haruka knows that if he goes on like this, he will fail... Did the first tutoring this year fail?

But I even tolerated my shame and did such a dress up and seduced... Hey? She suddenly stopped here!

I looked down at myself, ‘Am I not a woman? Just a hug...’

"Then, that, sixteen night classmates, do you think... the teacher can do it?" Ono asked with anticipation.

Jingyu swears that he almost laughed at this moment...

I got the supplement of "female energy" from the consultation room, and I made an appointment with Ono Haruka, and I can supplement it every day... Jingyu finally couldn't help laughing when leaving the consultation room.

At this time, he received a text message from Erica.

When I opened it, it said: "Sister Rensheng came to you! She seems to have some troubles. Isn't that why Ono asked you to go?"

"Still asking! Teacher Ono just asked me if there is anything I need to help." Jingyu replied: "I have come out from Teacher Ono and will look for Sayaka."

Erica’s text message came back quickly, “You need help... Teacher Ono must have made a mistake!”

"Disrespectful! I must hold you tomorrow." Jingyu edited.

"Dare you!" Erica sent again immediately.

After texting, Jingyu got here, smiled, and determined the location of Sayaka with a sense of sensitivity, and walked towards there.

Sayaka probably heard that he went to Mr. Ono and waited near the exit of the teaching building.

When Jingyu approached, she could have discovered it, but she was in a daze without knowing what she was thinking... Seeing this, Jingyu knew that what Erica said about ‘what’s troubled’ is that it’s inseparable.

He approached deliberately without saying a word, ‘ah’, and shouted, frightening Sayaka.

Saye looked at the past angrily, and found that it was him, and his expression became a little pleasantly surprised. Then he pretended to be annoyed again: "Sixteen nights is really true, it will be fooling."

"So, what is Sayaka thinking? Is it because I didn't come, is thinking of me?" Jingyu said with a smile.

"No..." was originally a nonsense that could provoke the girl's shame, but Sayaka's denial was a bit lacking in momentum. Moreover, she stopped halfway, and she avoided her look once, "It's not's about you."

With his lips pursed, a very complicated expression appeared on his face.

She handed over the neatly folded paper she had just held in her hand to Jingyu.

Because of her poor spirits, Jingyu didn't make fun of her with ‘this is not a love letter’ or something.

He unfolded the paper, and after looking at it once, looked up at Sayaka.

"You were asked to convince me?"

Sayaka sighed and nodded.

"I want to hear first, what do you think about this..." Jingyu asked.

Sayaka couldn't see anything on his smiling face, she lowered her head again, and said lowly: "I... I think the boss will do this too much."

"and then?"

"Sure, then?"

Sayaka looked up unclearly.

Seeing Jingyu frown.

The piece of paper sandwiched between his **** suddenly froze into ice, and then turned into ice chips.

Sayaka felt his anger. ..


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