Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 37: Details three years ago

It is much more spacious than the average home, but it is not beyond the ordinary range.

In the two-story house in a detached house, a maid looks like a beautiful and childish maid, holding a cup of coffee, and came out of a closed door. Before reaching out to knock on the door, I saw a small sign hanging on the door handle. The words "Don't Disturb" were written on it, and the maid looked at the door of the room in disbelief, and left here without a word.

In the room, Spoda also quietly looked at the door. When the maid did go away, she picked up the phone... No, in this era, you should put your hand on a terminal device like a touch screen computer.

After tapping a string of numbers with your finger, a beeping waiting tone sounded. Clicking softly, the other side connected.

"The encryption level is the highest! This is the Great Black Dragon Special Commander, the identification code is 50X..." Tatsuya also said a character string with a combination of more than 20 digital symbols.

On the opposite side, a mechanical sound sounded, "The encryption has been completed, and the identification code has been passed, and it will be transferred to manual service."

The voice of a male operator rang immediately, and at the same time, a picture appeared on the large screen inlaid on the wall in front of Tatsuya.

The picture shows a young man in a white military uniform.

He also respected the military salute to Xiang Da, "Special Officer, what's the matter?"

"Help me get in touch with Major Feng Jian." Da also said after returning a military salute.

"Please wait." The youth's picture disappeared, a beep sounded again in the room, and the progressive string symbol of "..." appeared on the screen. Ten seconds later, it changed into a picture again.

This time, the man in the white military uniform is still a middle-aged man with a surprised expression.

"You came here, but it really surprised me... Is it the Queen who put you on leave?"

The so-called "Adult Queen" actually refers to the four-leaf true night with the nickname "Queen of the Night", the deep snowy aunt, who is currently the head of the four-leaf house. At the same time, he is also the first-hand creator of Taya's current state.

Zhenye wouldn't be happy that Tatsuya contacted Fengjian, so Fengjian used this to tease Tatsuya.

Tatsuya was still expressionless, "Please don't make fun of me, Major. I haven't asked her for advice... However, the lady has agreed, I believe she can't say anything even if she knows it."

"Oh? It was approved by the princess..." Major Kamama thought about it, "Well, gossip is here so often, Captain, what is the call this time."

"Someone... I hope the major can help me investigate." Da also said: "I also asked the master to help me investigate a little, and I also know some from the lady...Now transfer the information to you."

His finger was operated on the terminal device, and a progress box for transferring files appeared on the screen. Major Kazama just said "receive", no other action... It should be that someone completed it for him and the document was successfully received.

Tatsu also quieted for a while, "Two BS abilities... And, freezing also has this effect..." It can be seen that the major's face that became dark leather-colored after being baptized by sunlight and gunpowder, little There were real surprises.

The major looked at Taya.

Taya also said: "So far, only two BS capabilities have been found, superb kendo standards, and his family is the former Russian sniper... Major, I think he has hidden a lot of things."

"I think it's unsafe to stay with the princess by such a character of unknown strength, background, and purpose?" Major Feng Jian nodded slowly. "I understand, Xiangzi, You know it."

A slightly smaller dialog box pops up in the lower left corner of the screen, which is full of beautiful women in every sense.

She said with a smile: "To be correct, I know more than Tatsuya...Major, I closed the circuit so that only the three of us are connected. Please approve."

"Approved." Major Kazama said.

A woman named Xiangzi, who combed her long black hair into a ponytail, looked at Taya again.

"This matter is not a secret within the digital family... When three years ago, when Japan became a subsidiary of the Dragon Empire, there was an edict from the empire side-the main idea is that there will be a Exchange students are sent to Japan to study, and they will choose marriage partners from women of digital age.

Rao Shida has always been shocked and unhappy. At this time, he couldn't help but open the mouth with the major.

"... there is such a thing." The major sighed with a wry smile.

Da also knows that he will only show this helpless expression when talking about matters related to the suzerain country, this man who will not flinch even in the face of a landslide.

He pretended not to see it, but said to Xiangzi: "If you say that, the young lady should know...but, as far as I can see, the young lady seems unaware." "Maybe it was forgotten. The child was only 12 years old when he was three years ago. It was too far for her to marry or something... About the sixteen nights of retrograde Yes, because I heard that an exchange student entered school this year, I arbitrarily investigated it." Xiang Zi smiled troubledly.

She didn't tell her story... If she got married three years ago, there would be no restrictions now... Even if she is much older than an exchange student, she is still choosing Ranks.

That's why I went to investigate... Tatsuya and the major both responded.

Xiangzi ignored the sympathetic gaze that the two wanted to hide deliberately, and continued: "Apart from him, he has not found anyone else who can be the object of suspicion."

"That is to say, Xiangzi thinks that he was sent by the overlord...?" Major Feng Jian sighed, "Perhaps, such a powerful BS magic is also a hint."

Tat also showed a momentary confusion.

Xiangzi probably wanted to explain, "Tatsuya, do you still remember the situation three years ago? The attack you used "mass burst" was transferred to the sky above Mount Fuji by the other party..."

After the silence spread for three seconds, Tatsuya nodded. "If it wasn't for the Dragon Emperor to make up his hand, Mount Fuji, as a symbol of Japan, and the surrounding towns will all disappear...I will be the sinner of Japan's destruction of the country. "

"This...cough, I didn't mean to say this." Xiangzi quickly emphasized, "That's just the enemy's means and fierceness beyond expectation."

Spoda also attacked like a nuclear bomb as a **** dragon, and it would not produce enough damage to destroy Japan. However, the right-wing guard of the Dragon Emperor easily transferred the explosion to the sky above Mount Fuji.

Theoretically, the exploded Mt. Fuji will exert the effect of a scattered bomb to the surrounding hundreds of kilometers, causing radiation damage.

By then, important cities and government agencies in Japan will be destroyed.

It was just before the explosion occurred that the Emperor Tianlong moved the explosion vertically another 100,000 meters.

Therefore, those who knew the inside story at that time had mixed feelings about the emperor who had included Japan as an affiliate.

Xiang Zidao said: "From the situation at that time, right-wing guards can use space to move, and others can use flying stagnation... All countries in the world believe that these are magic independently developed by the Tianlong Empire... The empire sent countless spies in order to discover these magics. But... none succeeded!"

Major Kazama also said: "Every country is also studying the magic of the space department, but there is no progress... We have made an inference-that the Dragon Emperor and the right wing guard used, maybe it is BS magic!"

"Is it..." Da also understood what they meant, "If it is BS magic, modern magic technology can't do it, can it be understood?"

"The right-wing **** probably has some kind of blood relationship with the Emperor Tianlong, and this name goes back to the 16th night... No, it should be said that this young man who used the disguised name to go back to the 16th night might have been a descendant of the Emperor. "Xianzi told her conclusion."

‘So do you have the power to select people from all digital families? ’Da also understood what they meant, “In this case, he’s not dangerous anymore.”

"It can be said that." Xiangzi smiled bitterly: "With that person, there is no need for the Dragon Empire to play tricks on us... No, even if the whole world, if the person wants, it can be included in one day. Take control."

She personally feels that Emperor Tianlong may be a bit of a disgusting person...Obviously with such absolute power, he issued a ban on Japan, prohibiting the disclosure of details of Japan as a subsidiary country.

This led to the fact that, apart from the few parties on the Japanese side, not many people really knew that he had shot.

All countries just think that he has a powerful strategic magician. Countries that try to compete with the Dragon Empire for world hegemony still exist.

Spodar also received information from Fengjian and Xiangzi. After the two parties made a promise that they would further exchange information about the "reverse sixteen nights", the call was ended.

After sitting in the room for a while, Tatsu also walked out of the room and reported to Shenxue the information he had just received.

"Sixteen Yejun turned out to be a person from that country." Shen Xue just sighed like this, his face as usual.

Tatsu also deliberately concealed the fact that "Return to Sixteen Nights will have the right to choose you as the contractor". Originally, I just didn't want to cause embarrassment to Deep Snow... Now it seems that this lady may not be aware of it.

It's just that he was not good at saying this.

After thinking for a while, I thought it would be good to get new information next time, and then I would tell her, and Tatsuo retired temporarily.

After he left, Shen Xue said to himself: "Then, my ability should have nothing to do with his..."

She was a little disappointed, but a little bit happy again.

Disappointed, she understood. But why are you happy? Deep Snow pressed her heart incomprehensible...


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