Infinite Replacement

Vol 7 Chapter 7: "Scared" and left the school sister

Jingyu asked Mori Watanabe to guide the campus tour, but not to visit the buildings marked on the map.

Rather, it requires an introduction-from the perspective of the third-year students in the school for two years, let’s talk about where the coffee is delicious and the food is delicious, where the scenery is pleasant, which places can be lazy to sleep and not found, and which places are suitable Make an appointment with a girl...

"Wait for me!" Mori, who was used to stop him from asking questions, was so angry that the volume was increased, apparently from the school sister to the chairman of the discipline. She stared at the unconscious, innocent face, but the problematic new born imp, "Come, tell me, how many times are you provoking Chairman Feng Ji today?"

"Newly born kid" really like a child, lip-cutting his lips, "Chairman Feng Ji is too cunning, always quietly borrowing the identity of Xuejie to listen to other people's secrets..."

"Hello!" Morley thumped his arm gently. Having been said about this, it really made her helpless, "lost to you! This time I will not pursue your speech about breaking the school rules, but..."

She smirked, "Even if she is just a school sister, she won't indulge you! Give me consciousness, and I will stare at you."

Jingyu shrugged but suddenly smiled... This expression is different from all the impressions he has given to Mori so far, and has a sense of maturity above the age... and charm.

When Morley sensed it, she found herself staring at him in a daze.

He smiled and said, "Your thoughts are not dealt with after they happen, but blocked in advance. I think it's great."

He praised her.

"Ah, um..." According to his usual temperament, this Molly should be borne boldly, because of the fluctuation of the heart, only such a voice was made.

Suddenly thinking that the other party was just a first-year student, she repeatedly warned herself in her heart that it was too bad.

With a dry cough to cover up the embarrassment, she pulled the conversation towards the topic, "Except not telling you where to sleep lazy and date with girls, you can tell you...look over there..."

She pointed her left hand in the direction of travel... Jingyu was standing on her left. He turned his head to the side, and could not see her at all.

"There is a welfare club over there. When you need to buy something, you can go there. The one next to it is a restaurant... but it is not the only restaurant on the campus. Which restaurant is more delicious, I haven't eaten it myself, so Can't advise you."

"Huh?" Jingyu looked at her with a little surprise. "You didn't mean it, is it..."

"Hello!" Morley learned what he was going to say and issued the second accent today, "Your eyes are rude! Yeah, I brought my own bento, and I made it myself, is it okay? ?"

With one hand on her hips, she pretended to be angry and asked.

If you can’t say it’s impossible, that’s impossible... Jingyu just didn’t expect it-she didn’t think she had a bento, and she could still make her own.

The reason is very simple. Although the young girl Mori is also a beauty, she has clean, short hair, and she tends to be neutral.

On the whole, it is a type of strong woman.

He didn't expect her to have such a girlish side, so she looked at her up and down with some surprise.

'Oops! ’Mr. looked at him secretly, Mori yelled secretly in his heart, as if he could not bear to look back and stroked his forehead... Where to say ‘worse’, not to be afraid of being seen by him, but, ‘what do I attract him to do! ’

She felt that it would not work, and continued, it would only make him more and more interested in her.

This is contrary to her original intention. I pretended to think of something, and hurriedly said goodbye to Jingyu and left from him on the grounds that I forgot to go to the office of Commissioner Feng Ji.

Jingyu, who stayed, looked at her back and thought, ‘It’s a good girl, but I’ve booked all the digital families, I’m not afraid that you will escape...’

Right now, he intends to look at non-digital families, are there any girls with relatively high qualities... If so, he will start from here.

When I think about it this way, the "Sister Rensheng" who had been in contact before comes to my mind again.

‘Kendo’s should be on the side of the preparatory building. Ah, I've already walked by, forget it, go and see it later. ’

When there is no one to accompany him, his interest in continuing to shop is greatly reduced. Anyway, on the first day of the opening ceremony, the school did not arrange a course, he walked towards the direction of the school...

****The dividing line of the new book "The Devil of Time and Space"****

In fact, Mori Watanabe did not go to the office of the Commissioner for Discipline, but decided to go to Zhen Youmei to tell his discovery...Unexpectedly, immediately after meeting with Yumi, she was asked in a hurry:

"I heard that the retrograde student has a perspective...Yes, is it true?"

Looking closely at her expression, you can see that she is shy in her reddish eyes... Ah, Mori reacted all of a sudden, and Yumi also stood before him.

If there were no other students in the student union, especially the male Fan Zang’s younger brother, she wouldn’t mind playing a joke about Yumei... Since there were men present, she thought ‘this time it’s cheaper for you’, and said with a wry smile:

"Is this already the case? It’s all rumours, go on, no girls dare to come to school tomorrow. Really beautiful, let’s send a joint statement from your student council and our discipline committee... He’s not a perspective, it’s based on his own swordsmanship She’s good at the muscle structure judged...not seeing the human body."

"This, this..." Yumi's shoulders relaxed. After this little action was made, she noticed Morley's smile-like eyes, a little embarrassed in her heart, but pretended not to see the authenticity on her face: "Then, let's go quickly... There are already a few girls who are crying to find, He said that he had been seen by him and would not get married!"

"It's so serious?" As soon as Zhenyou said, Mori's expression came down seriously and nodded...the two walked side by side in the direction of the student union room... Mori didn't notice, and it was relieved.

In general, after the two of them came forward, the commotion caused by Jingyu was suppressed. However, when Jingyu came to the school the next morning, he saw some seniors in the second and third grades waiting for him. ..


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