Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 200: Beat back

In front of Jingyu and Yanzhu, there are more than a dozen gastrointestinal animals left. Among them, two more are stage four.

A dinosaur looks like a huge body over ten meters. His hind legs are thick and strong, supporting his body. The front claws became very small, growing under the neck like a Tyrannosaurus rex. They are more likely to grab food than attacks.

It also has a pair of wings, but it is too heavy to fly.

The other is a huge snake more than thirty meters long. It combines the characteristics of worms, earthworms, centipedes and other creatures. The body is as thick as a subway train, and there are many infiltration steps.

They are the first to attack. "Dinosaur" sprinted from the front. It lowered its neck and opened its mouth with fangs. From a few tens of meters away, it poses to devour Jingyu.

The giant snake slides quickly on the ground and turns to the side... This is a strategy to deal with Jingyu's range of attacks. Moreover, Bi Suwu saw Jingyu's other trick, that is, punctured many gastroenterological animals in the woods...It deliberately arranged a ladder on the attack.

The giant snake is just the second run. The third stage is the three-stage gastrointestinal animals that should not be noticeable relative to them. Instead, they are the protagonists of this series of attacks.

‘Using two stages of four as bait to attract my attention, you’re doing really well. However, tactics and the like have no meaning to me... I have already met countless times among human opponents. ’

Jingyu thought, "Yanzhu, deal with the snake on the side first." He shouted, Yanzhu, which was running at the same speed as him, immediately accelerated, and Jingyu followed.

After approaching the giant snake, Yanzhu jumped out to the right, avoiding the front of the giant snake. At this moment, the giant snake almost instinctively chased Yanzhu's body to bite her. Such a move would expose its neck to Jingyu who had arrived later.

He wielded a sword and cut it from the key position of ‘Seven Inch’ with his head.

The smelly blood splattered, and the giant snake twisted a few times, hitting the ground freely, and stopped moving.

'Dinosaur' also turned with Jingyu and the two. After killing the giant snake, Jingyu turned to use his left hand, holding the desert eagle towards one of its legs, especially the knee joint, and even shot seven shots...even seven shots hit the same position.

The dinosaur's leg was shattered and fell sideways. Yanzhu jumped up and met his head from the side, hoping to kick it. However, before she was about to kick, Jingyu suddenly appeared next to her, hugged her around the waist, and jumped a few meters to the side.

Yanzhu just wanted to ask what happened to him-


A thick whip fell from the air, shattering the head of the gastrointestinal animal. The whip hit the ground again, and the huge force made Jingyu and Yanzhu several meters away feel the shaking.

Moreover, the whip was shocked by the wind pressure and the dust swayed so that the two could not open their eyes.

Jingyu held Yanzhu again and withdrew a dozen meters.

Look at the past, where is the whip, clearly a tentacle of Bi Suwu... it is thrown out a hundred meters away.

It is conceivable that if Jingyu does not take Yanzhu away in time, she may be like the stage four gastrointestinal animal, and she will be drawn so that she can no longer look like a human.

Moreover, Bi Suwu used the sacrifice of his own personnel in exchange for this attack. The poisonous means makes it difficult to imagine that it is a creature other than humans.

"Jingyu." Yanzhu glanced at the gastrointestinal animal whose head was smeared with meat, and then called him with a trembling voice.

"It's okay, just like Yanzhu will protect me, and I will also protect Yanzhu... We are partners." Jingyu put her on the ground, played the role of a spiritual pillar, and gave her a hug, "I want to watch here Am I fighting, or will I go with me and kick the bastard?"

"... Hee hee, of course it is about to kick it, and the concubine is also very angry." Yan Zhu summoned her spirit.

At other stages, the three gastroenterids witnessed Bi Suwu's atrocities and stayed together for a while. Afterwards, they wanted to run away in fear... Bi Suwu's tentacles flew out one after another, smashing them to the spot one by one.

This horrible scene also attracted the attention of other people and gastroenterids nearby. However, the gastrointestinal animals had no time to react, and many flesh-colored holes appeared on the back of Bi Suwu. The released pheromones put the gastrointestinal animals under control again.

Jingyu and Yanzhu began to face Bi Suwu.

This huge gastrointestinal animal does not move quickly. However, it has the means to attack quickly.

The long, tapered tail on the back swept from the left.

Knowing that it jumped, it would face many tentacles dropped from the air, and the two quickly ran out to the right opposite the tail.

Bi Suwu's tail couldn't make a circle around it, and the two quickly ran out of the tail's attack range. However, the tentacle really came... It not only aimed at Jingyu and Yanzhu early, but also adjusted the trajectory of the swing with the movement of the two.

Jingyu and Yanzhu glanced at each other, and Jingyu continued to run forward, while Yanzhu stopped at the same place.

After the two separated, Bi Suwu gave priority to Yanzhu. Jingyu's attack methods already have some understanding. Now, instead of the unknown Yanzhu, it is a bit afraid.

However, Yanzhu jumped away quickly, avoiding the tentacle.

Jingyu, who had already run away for a while, turned back and jumped on the tentacle when the tentacle was about to be retracted. He also punctured the tentacles with his epee, and his feet simultaneously used the squeeze technique of ‘Qianjinhui’.

"Yanzhu." he shouted at the surprised girl.

Yanzhu saw that Bi Suwu couldn't take back the tentacle, jumped up, and ran up the path formed by the tentacle.

At her speed, he reached Bi Suwu's head in just a moment.

"It's back to you." She yelled, her legs stomped **** the tentacles, a meteor-like swift kick kicked Bi Suwu's head into a crush.

After landing, Yanzhu made a triumphant "V" gesture to Jingyu. Fortunately, she didn't forget what Jingyu said, ‘this attack can’t kill Bi Suwu’, she kept a little alert and avoided a tentacle.

He returned to Jingyu's neighborhood again, watching Bi Suwu's neck with regenerated muscles and muscles, she asked Jingyu with a whisper:

"What now?"

"To continue the attack, this time the purpose is to let it retreat early to avoid causing greater losses. Next time, when the bomb is sent over from the unwoven side, we will clean it up again."

Jingyu spoke and cut off this tentacle while pulling out his epee. He and Yanzhu got into the tentacle group that began to wave wildly, came to Bi Suwu's body, and interrupted its eight legs successively. When Jingyu even wanted to tear its back shell, it sounded like a rumble of thousands of horses running behind them.

When the two turned around, they could see that the gastrointestinal animals that had originally rushed into the small stone monument were rushing towards here desperately... behind them were the tanks sent by the Self-Defense Forces to chase and ride in the tanks. Above, or the police and self-defense soldiers who follow the tank and shoot.

The first battle seemed to end with human victory. However, for gastrointestinal animals, how much is needed in the unexplored area. The military, civilian police and weapons and materials on the human side are limited in number.

Who earns it is a question that cannot be considered.



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