Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 192: Anger

At the gate of the Self-Defense Forces, two sentries armed with automatic rifles stood.

It is the daytime, although the giant stone monument in front is bleached, as long as it does not fall, it still has the effect of releasing the magnetic field. There are also two 80-meter small monoliths that have just been constructed, and more than 1,000 soldiers digging traps. The gastrointestinal animals can never reach here.

Even if it is here, there are 6,000 armed soldiers in this camp, and there are 500 groups of good-looking civilian police two kilometers away...

Under such a lineup, the outpost is actually a kind of decoration, just a form.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if you yawn ‘ahh’.

One of the soldiers, because of this behavior, caused tears in his eyes. He was facing the direction of the road, and suddenly saw a shadow approaching. Then she wiped her tears and stood straight.

The man was getting closer and closer, and the soldiers saw clearly. It was a policeman who had been there once in the previous two days. At that time, a major was politely led in, so he did not dare to salute his companion with the companion, and wanted to routinely ask him why he came here today.

However, the two soldiers were so respectful until the man walked over and said nothing.

After a while, "Uh, that, just now, why didn't you ask?" the companion whispered.

"This soldier" lowered his arm, "What about you?"

"Always, I always feel terrible." The companion replied.

‘This soldier’ just shivered all over now. The sun almost 10 o'clock in the morning did not make them feel warm.


Jingyu used to listen to the sound of everything, judged the position of Sheng Tianzi, and walked directly towards it.

It is the front line headquarters of the Self-Defense Forces. The two soldiers standing guard outside the gate, just like the two men at the gate of the camp, only looked at his face and dared not move in silence.

Therefore, when Jingyu lifted the curtain and walked into the tent, the senior officers who seemed to be discussing something stayed together.

"Who are you, what are you doing here?" an officer asked.

Sheng Tianzi naturally also saw Jingyu, but she looked at Jingyu's face incorrectly, and greeted her a step slower.

Jingyu looked coldly at the officer.

Teng Teng Teng... The officer stepped back several times, bumped into the tent before stopping, and vomited like a shrimp. His face was pale and unreasonable, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

This can't blame him. Just a moment ago, he saw a **** picture of him being torn apart by freehand.

"Mr. Jingyu!" Sheng Tianzi finally shouted, and hurried to his side, "... what's wrong with you?"

"I went to the undetected area last night and killed the gastrointestinal animal that shot down the fighter jet and the missile." Jingyu said.

Sheng Tianzi and E, the other senior officers looked at each other... But with a precedent, no one dared to speak out. This is now revealed, they are much weaker than the same embarrassed Holy Son.

No, maybe they are not afraid of death, but they lack commitment. Sheng Tianzi felt bad. She knew the man to a certain extent. What a happy thing he said in his mouth, with such an expression and attitude, he might say a worse and terrible situation.

However, he is willing to tell himself that it shows that he has not lost his mind.

Holy Son understands what he should do. She told herself secretly that she would follow him as much as possible whenever she heard anything later.

"I also played against Bi Suwu, knowing that it has at least level 4 regeneration ability."

Jingyu also gave out intelligence that was very beneficial to the war.

Correspondingly, the heart of the Holy Son also hangs higher.

"But," he finally came... He held the phone in his hand and held it in front of Sheng Tianzi. "Is this what returns me?"

Sheng Tianzi saw at a glance, where was that...she had been to that place. Its front door has now changed, collapsed, like the ground, scorched black.

Sheng Tianzi quickly took the phone, looked at the picture carefully, and looked up at Jingyu in amazement. She saw ‘1/10’ on the number shown, knowing that there were other pictures, and quickly turned back a few pages.

The gates and courtyard walls were all damaged by high-explosive bombs. On the playground in the courtyard, some people threw bombs, leaving craters. Behind, there are many little girls, making people look like they are crying.

Sheng Tianzi knew what had happened, and she felt indignant.

"This group of bastards!" She cursed rude words for the first time in her life.

Fortunately, there is no body in the photo that she least wants to see. Things are not at their worst.

Sheng Tianzi calmed down and asked, "Mr. Jingyu, you said, what do you need me to do."

"If there is no one from me to stop, there will be a massacre, there are more than a thousand dead, and the largest is only a 10-year-old child.

My people, torture the attackers, I will know, who provided them with bombs... It may not be shown in the photo. In order to increase the killing power, there are a lot of metal fragments in the bomb. It was specially modified to deal with the cursed child.

I will also know who instructed them and how many other companions they have... I don’t care if they lost their minds only during such a chaotic moment; I don’t want to care if they are used. As long as they die, whoever participates will die. "

The eyes of the two people meet at a distance of only one meter. Sheng Tianzi read the meaning from those dark eyes: even if you don't do it, I will do it, and after that, don't want me to help you and the Tokyo area.

She understood thoroughly. He did not come to seek her help, he just hoped that she could stand in line with him.

"I am now, as the head of state, authorizing Mr. Long Jingyu to eliminate all traitors in the Tokyo area."

Yes, dragging the front legs of capable soldiers is to hinder the Tokyo region from winning this war, which is treason. Sheng Tianzi gave Jingyu an excuse for being justified. If someone later wanted to pursue it, she could push it on her head... she took it for him. But at the same time, she begged and smiled bitterly:

"At least, please don't spread too much."

She understood what the order represented... Jingyu did not report her to the list now, so that any traitor he identified could be slaughtered under the order, not just for this matter.

Jingyu's tense expression has been relaxed by this time.



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