Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 188: Suddenly realized

Snake body ape face, gastrointestinal animal with four limbs, expanded its throat. It may be a bellow of warning... This is close to the perch of the gastrointestinal legion. If it succeeds, it will increase fearlessness for this trip.

Judging this, Jingyu pulled out a **** sword and split the monster's head in half.

At the same time he shot, there is Hiruko Xiao Binai. The girl in a black lace umbrella skirt jumped up and used two black knives to pierce another gastroenter's head at close range.

Two sentinel-like gastrointestinal animals were simply slaughtered.

After Xiaobinai withdrew the knife, she muttered: "You are too weak, so you will die."

Hiroki Yinyin walked to the center of the two, pointing at Xiaoqiu in front of him and saying to Jingyu: "Then below, that's it."

Jingyu nodded, throwing away the blood from the sword, and walked forward. Ascending to the top of the hill and looking down, I saw a huge open area in the forest... Maybe the terrain itself was not like that. Many large and heavy gastrointestinal animals gathered and destroyed the original trees.

It was late at night and the gastrointestinal army was sleeping. Stretching to the end of the line of sight, it was actually a shadow.

Huh...Huh...Huh...Hah...the breathing sounds constitute a frightening croak.

To move in the dark, Jingyu has already adjusted her eyesight, and her eyes are not affected by light. He saw very clearly that some of the gastrointestinal animals were as big as the wild wolf before, and some were as big as a hill.

Obviously it is the stage of the original biological enlargement of the earth, gathering with the same kind. After the second stage and above, because of the different shapes, they all stay alone.

Some gastrointestinal animals have wings, which are about air units. However, there are some who have wings but are too bulky and unlikely to fly.

Not to say that the volume of stage two must be greater than that of stage one, and the volume of stage three must be greater than stage two... After the gastrointestinal animals gathered in groups, what Jingyu showed was the multiple nature of evolution .

Among them, there is no lack of evolutionary mistakes. They are bound to be eliminated in natural selection.

At this moment, Jingyu suddenly thought of something. If the gastroenteritis virus can control the direction of biological evolution, wouldn't all the creatures in this world be able to develop in the ultimate direction?

Even if there are real dragons and phoenixes, these legendary creatures, Jingyu will not be surprised.

However, on the other hand, maybe at that time, it may be necessary for him to reshape the world as a plane manager.

"That's it." There was a voice of Zhizi Yingyin next to him. Jingyu looked at him and saw that he was holding a telescope with night vision effect, observing the gastrointestinal fauna, and pointing with his finger in one direction.

Jingyu looked down. There was an evolutionary error in front of the sixty or seventy meters. Its height and width were ten meters. The hands and feet were too small compared to this huge body, and it was not enough to drive it to walk, even if It is impossible to pass the food to the mouth.

However, the bulging, like a particularly inflated abdomen, was trembling with breathing, and it was clearly alive.

The head of this gastrointestinal animal has a funnel-shaped beak several meters long. On the whole, it can be fully imagined as... squeezing the abdomen, ejecting something from that tiny beak, causing killing.

It can only be it!

Jingyu knew...without evidence. However, being as smart as Bi Suwu will bring a gastrointestinal animal that is useless, does not rely on other gastrointestinal animals, unable to move or eat by itself... Isn't that weird?

Conversely think about it again, when did Bi Suwu start to confirm the value of this gastrointestinal animal?

That determined Bi Suwu's mind and how advanced he was.

Jingyu's emphasis on gastrointestinal animals had to be upgraded. "When will you attack?" Hiroki Yingyin saw Jingyu without answering or denying, and couldn't help but say, "Is it using your last trick? Throw the Epee over, It is indeed enough to kill it safely."

Abandon a sword and complete your mission while ensuring your own life is guaranteed. Most people will do this.

Although this is a bit boring.

"I suddenly wanted to see Bi Suwu." Jing Yu said.

Hiroki Yinyin froze for a while, ‘Aren’t you serious,’ he almost asked. After seeing Jingyu's face with almost unshakable expression, this guy was obviously much crazier than me... he thought.

"Do you know where Bi Suwu is?" Jingyu has seen Bi Suwu's photos. However, after looking back and forth in this camp where the gastroenterids rested, they did not find any one similar to the photo.

Hiroki Yinyin shook his head, "That guy must be in the densest area of ​​gastrointestinal animals."

He said this to remind the teenager next to him, ‘Have you heard? It’s the densest area, and it’s not easy to run in and get out. ’

Yingyin likes to kill and fight, but he will not challenge him without knowing if he knows he will die. Especially this kind of situation that can be avoided completely is even worse.

"In the middle, um, I know." Only Jingyu said: "After killing the fat guys here, you can go. Go back to the police camp first and find the other people in the team to join."

"..." Yingyin looked at him quietly and said coldly: "Do you know that without you, the auxiliary force is meaningless to me. Not only that, but maybe it was me who killed them." ."

"These words sound really awkward." Jingyu rolled up his sleeves and brushed away the goose bumps that he heard when he heard the man's expected words. He said in a straight voice: "I know what I'm doing."

Hiroki Yinyin gave up persuasion, "That's good."

He did not intend to participate, nor did he think of leaving immediately. One is to see what the young man can do... If he exceeds his expectations, he can’t save himself when he is in danger.

Jingyu stood up from the hill and walked towards the colony of gastrointestinal animals below. His footsteps were silent, and even his presence had decreased a lot. As if in the dark night, that lurking peerless killer.

The leech shadow on the hill was staring at Jingyu. In general, humans should at least feel a little fear when facing so many enemies and dangerous situations. But he couldn't feel it from this boy...the boy probably didn't even increase the heart's beating rate.

The walking of the teenager looked so relaxed. Just like here is inside a bustling urban area, no artificial cover is necessary.

Hiroki Yinyin couldn't help but look forward to it. Want to see the scene said by the teenager, how he faced with Bi Suwu.

Keeping staring at Jingyu's back, Xiao Binai, who has barely said anything since she met him, said suddenly:

"Dad, that person is so strong, I can't beat him."

It took only a second for Hiruko to be stunned for a second before she realized that her daughter was talking head-to-head, not being suppressed by some unknown power contained in the blood.

"Is it." There is nothing wrong with her daughter's judgment, and Zhizi Yingyin has already made a judgment. However, just after he responded so lightly, he suddenly turned his head and stared at Xiao Binai.

Why has it always ignored a fact. Ten milliliters of blood in a teenager’s body is enough to completely suppress the gastrointestinal animal virus carried in Xiao Binai... Well, is he with a total of about 5000 ml of blood, enough to suppress virus carriers more than 500 times the size of Xiao Binai? ?

Stage five!

Yingyin's hand covered the face with the white mask, and felt the spine cool for this hair.



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