Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 186: Far-sighted

For the rest of the day, most of it was in the division of military affairs with Asada. As suggested by Jingyu, Sheng Tianzi showed that he was not good at commanding the army to fight, and did not want the command of those high combat units.

Asada got the result of the distribution and was relieved. At least, this Holy Son did not come to seize power.

He quickly passed the news to the lieutenant general at the headquarters of the Self-Defense Forces and the two major generals in the navy and air force, so that they all felt relieved.

And this is what Jingyu wants to see.

From the headquarters, Sheng Tianzi and Jingyu returned to the RV first. After closing the RV door, she invited Jingyu to sit down and poured a drink for him.

"Mr. Jingyu, things have happened as you expected." She sat opposite him. "I want to ask, why would you think that Asada would be happy to get the command of those units?"

It stands to reason that the SDF’s thinking is the main attack. Not only to defend against gastrointestinal attacks, but also to chase down gastrointestinal animals and expand the territory of the Tokyo area. In this way, is it more popular with Asada than the ground troops that can move freely than placing all high combat units on a small giant stone monument?

Sheng Tianzi had always thought so, and he had even done it. When Zhaotian protested, he used the status of supreme commander to oppress the other party... but Chaotian did not raise any questions.

"Did you let Kawasaki build a trap? This time, Kawasaki will definitely complete it. Even if Asada commands the ground troops, you must avoid those traps to be able to pursue smoothly. That is to say, the immediate pursuit cannot be achieved. ... In this way, he might as well get the soldiers, any time can attack." Jingyu replied.

In the wild, you must rely on heavy armors such as tanks to cooperate with infantry. However, the existence of traps prevented the tank from passing. If the infantry is the only one, chase it out, the casualties will be great.

Rather than killing one more gastrointestinal animal, it really made a limited number of soldiers alive.

"That's what it is." Sheng Tianzi sighed. "Unexpectedly, he hasn't given up attack yet."

"However," Jingyu took a sip from the glass. "After the victory, it is not impossible to push the border."

Noting Sheng Tianzi's surprised expression after hearing such a speech, he smiled, "Isn't this time the new metal blocks can be produced and transported on the tenth day? Put them on the 32nd After the original position, the small boulders already built on the inside will be dismantled. But, will they be sent back to the original boulders? No, stay here for the offensive use.

Now the Self-Defense Forces and the convened civilian police forces are still there. And I will make them suffer as few casualties as possible in the next war. With such power in your hands, you will not use it to expand, but you will be complained by the people and criticized by the media. "

Sheng Tianzi thought about it and smiled bitterly, "You can always think so far. I'm really afraid that I will follow you and gradually develop dependence on you."

"Did I leave you room to think?" Jingyu blinked at her.

Sheng Tianzi bowed his head helplessly...expansion, it was in line with the self-defense force. Originally, the Self-Defense Force was very vocal about her because of Sheng Tianzi's conservative strategy. If she aggressively attacks, she will win back the self-defense force.

At the same time, it is also diverting the attention of the senior self-defense forces. Sheng Tianzi got the soldiers in the third Kanto War. Since he is not the main unit, the Tokyo area needs to defend. In the absence of danger, they will be assigned back to each post.

Those forces that are not under her control will be invested in external expansion. Such a battle is accompanied by sacrifice. Although it was not what the Holy Son wanted to see, it was sooner or later to retake the territory.

Well, let's let the power out of your control pass away like this... Jingyu means that. Because it was contrary to Saint Tianzi's compassionate heart, he didn't say anything.

Holy Son only needs to understand.

Drink the rest of the glass in one breath, "Don't you want to take a bath? Go ahead." Jingyu stood up, "I'll go to the command tent next door, look at the list of troops sent, help You draw up a command plan."

Seeing his thoughts, Sheng Tianzi's face was reddish, and he whispered, "Well, I'll work for you."

Jingyu went out and Sheng Tianzi sat for a while before adjusting his mood.

‘You must cheer up. The path I’m going to take is full of thorns. If anyone should bear sin, I am willing to bear it. ’

And...she held her hands that were intertwined with Jingyu not long ago, ‘I’m not alone. ’


Jingyu walked into the command tent beside the RV. A staff member said to him: "Mr. Camio, Commander Asada has sent people to send over half of the troops' information. Are you looking at it now, or..."

Sheng Tianzi is the head of state and a young girl. No one had thought that she would come to the front to direct her. Therefore, her staff are good at handling government affairs, but not good at military affairs.

In this way, when Sheng Tianzi pointed out this masked boy as adjutant, the staff had no objection. In other words, they do not have the qualification to object... Of course, this is based on the fact that they do not know that the true body of the masked teenager is Jingyu.

"Look now." Jingyu walked to an empty table. "Bring it over."

The two staff members each held a 20 cm thick stack of documents and placed them on Jingyu's desk. They had planned to turn around and leave, and continue to deal with the affairs at hand. However, Jingyu's next second action made them stunned and stood on the spot.

I saw that Jingyu set a stack of documents in front of him and scrubbed the floor, just like a bank worker quickly flipping through banknotes. Soon after, he turned to the bottom, pushed it away, and took another pile.

With two stacks of documents, Jingyu spent ten minutes.

"Uh..." One of the staff couldn't help it. "Excuse me, you are counting pages, not reading, right."

"Huh?" Jingyu, stroking his chin in contemplation, turned to look at him. "I've finished reading it."

The staff's mouth widened and his chin almost fell to the ground. He glanced at the two stacks of documents again, and even if it was a computer scan, it wouldn't be completed in ten this person better than a computer?

The same surprise was manifested in the Holy Son who came back here after taking a bath. In such a short time, she got the command plan Jingyu wrote to her, and listened to him telling him:

"I'm going out tonight, and if it goes well, I expect to return tomorrow morning. The people of the Self-Defense Force have already divided your work with each other, and understand that you are not here to seize power. You will certainly not take the opportunity to do something can be at ease."

Seeing that he was going out, Sheng Tianzi finally reacted and stopped him.

"You, you are not doing dangerous things."

With his abilities, what would it take to complete one night in this moment? All Saints can think of can only be related to gastrointestinal animals.

Jingyu waved his hand smartly, and said without looking back, "Naturally, it's not dangerous."



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