Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 184: trust

On the convertible military off-road vehicle, from time to time, Sheng Tianzi will move the light blue eyes to the right corner of the eye, focusing on the man with the white ball mask.

"Anything you want to say?" Jingyu finally asked her.

Sheng Tianzi was suddenly exposed, his body tight. Then, his naked shoulders relaxed.

Well, she responded softly, her lips closed, and whispered in the rumbling car engine: "The one I just said, if there is a mass extinction in the Tokyo area, I will stay at the, you will Stay with me?"

She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she said something like this. And after the words were spoken, her blushing face turned completely red. He quickly turned his face to the direction without him, hands in long lace gloves, tightly clasped on his thighs... pretending not to care about the look he saw.

Sheng Tianzi only felt that at this moment, time passed so slowly. Or maybe it's her illusion, a long time has passed. In short, she gradually became anxious, not knowing at all, what should she do if what she heard was not the desired answer.

But, his hand silently covered hers. That warmth and tolerance tolerated the uneasiness of the Holy Son.

She glanced forward at the driver. I don't know where to get courage, maybe it's impulsive. She let go of one of her hands and turned up, interlocking with Jingyu's fingers.

For the next ten minutes, neither of them spoke again.

Pass through the noisy hillock group construction site of big trucks and forklifts. Further forward, the construction of the two black ‘tall walls’ — small giant stone monuments that were generally guarded towards the gates — was very rapid. Instead, it took time to remove the metal blocks from the full version of the giant stone monuments.

Jingyu also learned recently. In order to prevent the boulder from being blown down by wind, special adhesives stronger than the metal parts of the aircraft and spacecraft are used between the metal blocks-most of the time is spent on decomposing them.

Today these two small monoliths are only 50 meters high. The magnetic field emitted by it can prevent the gastrointestinal animals below the third stage from approaching, and is unable to do anything above the third stage.

The team stopped here. According to Jingyu's design, the fan-shaped interval formed by these two giant stone monuments is the trap range...the field of battle, including two parts, above the small giant stone monument, and the small hill group behind.

Sheng Tianzi and Jingyu walked off the off-road vehicle. Looking far away, the widest fan-shaped part can be seen, and the sky is dusty...that is the best evidence that nearly a thousand soldiers like small black spots are fighting against the solid ground.

The Self-Defense Force is working hard to dig the trap. If it wasn't for Jingyu then, Sheng Tianzi had sincerely admired it in his heart.

Commander Asada and a colonel staff officer came here early.

Now, they led several officers to welcome them.

"Master Sheng Tianzi, let me introduce you." Commander Asada pointed to a major said: "The on-site commander of the trap supervision is this Kawasaki battalion commander."

The major stood upright saluting respectfully.

"Please take a rest." Sheng Tianzi said: "Mr. Kawasaki, can you show me the traps? I want to say hello to the soldiers at the forefront."

"Yes." Kawasaki raised the map with the other hand. "Sir Son, the specific records of the trap are here. If you can," he glanced at Asada, "please come with me."

Asada nodded her head and transferred the final decision authority to Sheng Tianzi.

"Then trouble you." Sheng Tianzi gave instructions.

Considering the size and intensity of the traps, Kawasaki asked to reduce the number of people as much as possible. In addition to Sheng Tianzi himself, there are Jingyu and several staff members wearing suits.

The accompanying secretary, Qing Mei, originally wanted Sheng Tianzi to wear a parasol, which was rejected by Sheng Tianzi. A group of people started walking forward. Only one minute passed--

"Sir Son of Heaven, please see." Kawasaki pointed at the loess-like open area, and compared with the map in his hand: "Ten meters forward from this direction, there is a trap."

Holy Son looked at it and saw nothing.

Kawasaki smiled with a smile, "In order to prevent being seen by gastrointestinal animals, we made a cover-up. If you allow, I will take it apart for you."

Kawasaki uses the word ‘see through’, not because he thinks gastrointestinal animals are smart. Ordinary animals will also detour when they see places with potholes. This is just an instinct.

Sheng Tianzi nodded. Without her explanation, two of the staff walked with Kawasaki. Kawasaki lowered her body at the predetermined position and gently moved the soil on the ground, and soon a wooden board appeared. He sighed with strength and lifted the board up.

A clatter of clumps of soil fell, and a dark hole appeared one foot in front of Kawasaki's foot. He lifted the board diagonally and turned his head to say to Sheng Tianzi:

"This hole has a diameter of ten meters and a depth of five meters. Although there are wooden planks on it, for the normal size of gastroenterids, it will definitely break them when stepped on. Once they fall, they will touch A high-explosive mine that touches the bottom of the cave triggers a violent explosion... In order to increase the lethality, the inside of those exploding mines has metal fragments that are sufficient to kill gastrointestinal animals.

Saint Emperor came to Kawasaki's side one meter. But because of her image, she couldn't bend down and drill under the board to check the hole.

It was the staff who did this for her. After they watched it, they nodded to the Holy Son.

The surprise on Sheng Tianzi's face flashed by. She glanced at Jingyu in a subtle way...As a result, under the mask, she could not see anything at all, which made her annoyed.

She did not doubt what Jingyu said. Just guessing, is it true in the false traps?

The more I think, the more I feel that this is the trap that Kawasaki pointed out, and it is up to him to determine the true and the false.

After making this judgment, Sheng Tianzi said to Kawasaki: "Please show me the map."

Kawasaki was not surprised. After putting the board down, he patted the soil on his hands. Then, he took out the map in the military leather bag carried around his waist and handed it to Sheng Tianzi.

After looking at it, the latter said nothing and walked out in the original direction of travel. Everyone keeps up. After walking for a minute, Sheng Tianzi suddenly stopped and pointed in front of him:

"There is a trap here one meter forward, to help me prove that this judgment is correct."

Her tone is very relaxed, like some mood with a game.

After the staff retreated, she moved forward one meter from the position where she stood, and she really reached the board in the soil. Lift it up, lean over to look at it, and nodded again to Sheng Tianzi.

‘Is it such a coincidence that I let them see it, is it really a trap? ’

Sheng Tianzi was a little unbelieving. In the next few minutes, she randomly pointed to several traps, and the answer was the same... This time, her confidence was shaken.

Looked back and forth on Jingyu's mask and the staff. Finally, there was the trap that had not laid down the board, and she resolutely walked towards it.

"Master Sheng Tianzi, you are..." The staff members panicked.

And Jingyu, with a smile on her lips.



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