Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 182: Military camp

The two cursed children who shared the car with Sheng Tianzi did not get off the bus following Sheng Tianzi in this moment. After all, the fact that Sheng Tianzi chose the cursed son as his guard is not an open secret.

The Lincoln car followed the team and slowly drove around the Qingmei arranged RV. The ordinary guards will live in the tent nearby, and the little girls will live in the RV together with Sheng Tianzi.

Let's talk about the Holy Son first. After the senior officers saluted, the Holy Son went towards them. Jingyu followed behind her.

The senior officers gave way to both sides. Further ahead, it is composed of lieutenant colonels, majors, and lieutenants, and there are four rows of two hundred people on the side facing the entrance.

"Welcome Lord Sheng Tianzi is here." They shouted slogans. Dada stomped up and saluted collectively.

Holy Son went forward. The commander and the colonels, as well as Jingyu, distanced her a little.

"You have worked hard." Sheng Tianzi waved his hand slightly, slowed his pace, and looked at everyone's face seriously, examining the square.

Soon after, at the front line headquarters of the Self-Defense Forces, Sheng Tianzi folded his hands on his abdomen and stood by a combat command platform about twice the size of a pool table. On her left, a combat staff officer is explaining to her.

"This is the operational map after completion... This is the map under the current construction progress."

Two electronic maps are simultaneously displayed on the combat platform, each occupying half of the space. Sheng Tianzi looked around to see the difference. In the map on the left, there is clearly a missing part in the hillock group and the trap.

The combat staff officer held a silver telescopic baton and clicked on a circle on the left side of the map, saying: "After the 30th stone monument collapsed, some traps may be destroyed. In order to avoid being discovered by gastrointestinal animals, we dare not build It’s too far ahead. This position is the limit. As for the small hill group behind, its construction is not under our jurisdiction. We just get the latest topographic map from the construction team regularly every day, and then mark it on this map. ."

He withdrew the baton. "Excuse me, do you have any doubts?"

Sheng Tianzi looked back and forth, and the map was almost the same as what she saw in the underground combat command room of the Holy Place. She nodded, "Xin..."

This voice was interrupted by Jingyu standing on the right.

"Sir Son of Heaven, don't you say that you are going to see the construction site of these traps tomorrow? The soldiers there will be very happy to see you."

Jingyu lowered his voice and even used honorifics, as if he were really just a guard. However, what he said made the commander on the opposite side look ugly.

Sheng Tianzi looked at him in surprise. She wanted to ask, ‘I didn’t say that.’ She couldn't see Jingyu's eyes, but she nodded slightly when she saw him.

She understood something and glanced at the commander. "Yes, I did intend to take a look at the front."

"This, under construction there, is neither safe nor dusty. Do you see..."

The commander's words are somewhat supportive. Sheng Tianzi, who had some unknown Jingyu, was even more determined to speak.

"I came to the front line, not to sit in a tent and drink black tea." Sheng Tianzi said: "Don't forget, from now on, I am the supreme commander here. I have an obligation to know that my soldiers are doing Something."

She paused, gestured to the officers on the right, "Forgot to introduce to you, this is Major Camio, who will be my adjutant in this battle... He also participated in the second In the Kanto War, the 7th 1987 mechanized special forces commander." "That famous mechanized soldier!" Someone shouted, and then sizzled and took a cool breath. The commander and the colonels understood why they felt so much pressure when they first met.

The other party is a hero who killed hundreds of gastrointestinal animals as a child. Mentioning his name, even now, seven years later, the soldiers of the Self-Defense Force will still talk. Presumably, many soldiers and subordinate officers will be excited if they can fight alongside him again.

It is a pity that the Self-Defense Force has tried to recruit this hero many times. Even if he was given the rank of colonel, he didn’t even succeed, he couldn’t even find him... it was hidden by the Holy Son.

When General Saints looked at Jingyu frequently, the expression of awe, curiosity, and sigh appeared in his eyes, saying, "It seems that everyone is sure of Major Kamieu's ability. So, please count here Within days, give him convenience."

The officers looked at each other with a wry smile. You took him by the side and said that you want to become the supreme commander, dare we not listen? They thought so in their hearts, even though they were not reconciled.

After making a few brief explanations, Sheng Tianzi took Jingyu early and returned to Qingmei's RV for her. Here, she was relieved after sitting on the soft sofa.

"Without you by my side, I really don't know, how to deal with those soldiers." She said.

In fact, it wasn’t that she didn’t want to talk more, but she was afraid of something wrong. Now, she wants to say hello to Jingyu first.

"Just that one, what's wrong?"

Jingyu also sat down, "What is shown on the map may not be true. It's not a coincidence that I just happened to be near the No. 32 stone monument last night. Although I didn't take a closer look, the construction of the trap was definitely not marked. That kind of progress."

He had no doubts last night. But after reading the map today, I felt wrong.

"You mean, they are lying to me?" Sheng Tianzi frowned unhappily. "How dare they do this."

"Humph, I guess, they thought... they would definitely be able to win, and then built a small monolith to supplement it. If there are traps, it is an obstacle to their own side when chasing the escaped gastrointestinal animals. Then, simply don’t build it. The hillocks in the rear do not hinder them, so they don’t care."

Sheng Tianzi listened to Jingyu's analysis and nodded suddenly, then sighed again.

"This kind of thinking is really too dangerous. Mr. Jingyu, you said, I am here, can I really command the Self-Defense Force, and let them effectively execute the order?"

She was worried that they would act like Yang again.

"Aren't I here?" Jingyu gave her peace of mind. "Tomorrow, after checking the construction of those traps, you can justify them. Then, half of the soldiers will cross them and include them in yours. Direct command."

"Half?" Sheng Tianzi wondered: "Why not all?"

"This is the number of people that can be carried on the top of the small stone monument. This part can allow those officers to command. You only need to ensure that the rest of the people don't come in disorder." Jingyu said here, unfortunately spread his hand, "Unfortunately , I have to go to the battlefield too, and I won’t be able to be by your side. But, remember the person who pretended to be me last time?"

"You mean, Retty?" More than a month passed after that. Apart from hearing the name, the appearance, age, and gender, Sheng Tianzi did not know at all, and almost forgot her.

"Yes, it's her." Jingyu smiled. "Although she can't replace the advice I gave you, she can deter others. Rest assured, everything will go smoothly."



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