Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 173: Virtual training

The soldiers of the Self-Defense Force quickly drove back to the front. Jingyu separated from them, riding a motorcycle alone, and went to Sima Heavy Industry.

"You have worked hard." In the VR training monitoring room on the fifth floor of the basement, the unwoven sitting in front of the screen turned and saw him, and smiled at him: "It is wonderful to see the program you arranged from the beginning to the end. What."

Jingyu smiled lightly and walked to her side, "How is the training here?"

"It can only be said that there has been some progress... Let's transfer the records to you and see." Unwoven said, manipulating it.

The picture divided into multiple small screens in front is organized into one. Above, there should be a certain amount of editing, Mu Geng group, Piantong brothers and sisters group, general supervision group, plus Yanzhu... a total of seven people, the picture before the battle began.

The VR training room is one kilometer in length. Considering that Tina's strongest is the sniper ability, she placed Tina alone at a farther distance, and even created a high ground for her, so that she can make full use of anti-tank sniper rifles.

In this way, Yan Zhu, who should have teamed up with Jingyu, stood with Mu even in the absence of Jingyu... They were 300 meters away from Tina. Within the remaining 700 meters, after countdown, gastrointestinal animals began to appear.

There were hundreds of them, but they didn't rush over all at once. This is just to create a tense atmosphere with oppression, so that the three civilian police groups participating in the test will be familiar with this must-tight battle.

Then, the first wave of testing began, and 10 gastrointestinal animals ranging from stage one to stage four rushed out.

They were attacked by Tina first. She was like Jingyu in the past, accurately shooting the bullets one by one from the weak links of the gastrointestinal animal's body, directly hitting the heart and brain of the gastrointestinal animal. When the gastrointestinal animals rushed to Mugen near them, there were only five left.

A distant view was placed in the picture, covering the tens of meters of the side of the three civilian police groups from above.

You can also see that there is a black dot flying back and forth, which must be Tina's fairy field. Obviously, even within this distance, Tina did not give up the possibility of sniper. If on the real battlefield, she can protect the corners of her companions like a spectator.

Now, since it is training, she needs to give her peers room to play.

Mu was the first to move. She took the position of a knife-drawing technique, poked a knife, and a faint ripple spread out horizontally. After the five gastroenterological animals entered the ten-meter range, the group paused for a moment, and were cut in half without exception.

However, real gastrointestinal animals have amazing vitality.

The virtual gastrointestinal animals in this VR training room are made based on the data provided by Jingyu...These data are collected from the pictures taken when Jingyu entered the undetected area alone and slaughtered the gastrointestinal animals. One hundred true.

Therefore, the gastrointestinal animals that were not touched by the metal did not die. Even some virtual gastrointestinal animals, the regeneration of the flesh has begun quickly.

However, the police here are more than Mugen. Generals Yixiong, Jiantong Yushu, Gongyue, and Yanzhu, these melee units, rushed up.

The fastest was Yanzhu. She used her boots to kick the head of a gastrointestinal animal and jumped to the next gastrointestinal animal.

After Gongyue, she used a spider web from her finger to fasten the head of a gastrointestinal animal. After tightening, she shredded it with a wire like a sharp steel wire.

The general and Yushu felt almost at the same time, they shouted, one punched, one slashed...

Five gastrointestinal animals that had lost their power were eliminated without difficulty.

At this time, instead of being happy, the testers cried out looking at the direction of the monitoring room.

"Hey, is it really so weak?"

"Please, you can make us train, don't waste our time."

"Yeah yeah, the concubine also wants to fight the stronger guy."


The sign that the manipulator was inflamed appeared in the next second. The remaining 90 gastrointestinal animals rushed past with a roar.

Mu Geng and others were startled. The first reaction was Tina and Xia Shi. One sniping, one blasting a long shot using an automatic rifle. Gunshots reminded others that Mugen and Yushu used their own self-defense pistols to shoot gastrointestinal animals.

Xia Shi's automatic rifle is also equipped with a grenade launcher. She glanced at the opportunity and fired a grenade to the denser area of ​​gastrointestinal animals. Two more grenades were taken out to follow up. While the gastroenteric charge over there was blocked by the blast, the team moved over there and wandered to fight.

Explosions, gunshots, roaring sounds flooded the entire training room...

"Cough, this is not our bad heart, they are not good." Unwoven Jianjingyu looked at himself, could not help twisting his small head to the other side, covering his lips with a folding fan said with a guilty conscience.

Jingyu squeezed her pink cheeks and smiled, "This scale will surely make them busy for a while, but they still cannot help them. However, it is not easy to pass without injury."

"It's almost the same as you think." Unwoven directly fast-forwarded the process and showed the result in front of Jingyu.

The 7 people, except Tina, were breathless and marked the progress bar of their blood volume, a lot less.

Here is a problem. The gastrointestinal animal has the property of injecting body fluids into humans to infect them. However, when Jingyu confronted the gastrointestinal animals, he obviously would not encounter such a situation. Therefore, the virtual gastroenterids here lack this kind of attack.

Unwoven said: "If it's a real battlefield, Mu Geng, Katagi Yushu, and Ikuma will be in danger of being infected, while Yanzhu will have the possibility of increasing the erosion rate."

She manipulated the computer again and brought up the second screen, "This is the second group of training they have conducted against the enemy."

This time because of the psychological preparation, the individual's blood volume is kept a lot more.

What Jingyu saw when she came was the third time they had played after the break.

"The number of 100 is a good choice." Jingyu said after looking at it, "On the day of the war, there are other policemen, even if the enemy has two thousand, they will be shared. Also, pay attention to it. It is this 100. After it is killed, it may be replenished, and the gastrointestinal animals will continue to flow."

"Do you mean to train their combat persistence next?" Unwoven thoughtfully.

Jingyu nodded, "I will bring the remaining two groups as soon as possible. The five groups will ensure that there is no injury to clear the customs, and then come to test this situation."

"We know. Now, let's try to replace different kinds of gastrointestinal animals to fight for them."

Unwoven just said here, the beep sound sounded, the electronic sound said: "For a hundred gastrointestinal animals, the test is over."

Unwoven brought out the current training room picture. Because of the virtuality like a game, Mu Geng and others were not really injured. However, after a long battle, they still looked a little embarrassed.

"You have worked hard." Jingyu shouted to them using an unwoven megaphone: "Good job."

"Jingyu." Mu Geng and others sat on the floor of the training room and waved at him with a smile...



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