Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 163: Katagiri brothers and sisters

(The picture shows Gongyue)

Four people are walking in the alley... Jingyu is in the middle, Xunzi and Xia Shi are on his left and right, and Yixiong will carry the giant sword behind the three. He rubbed his cheeks from time to time. A piece of bulge under the triangle scarf embroidered with skulls; there are also many bruises on the muscular body in the vest.

Because he was beaten by Jingyu fat.

"Mr. Jingyu, who are we looking for." Xia Shijian's surroundings became more and more remote, and he could not help asking.

High strength means high income, which is the law of the police industry. Therefore, it is difficult for her to imagine that people who live in places with such dilapidated buildings close to the slums will be policemen who meet the requirements.

"IP ranked 1850, brother and sister Pian Tong, have you heard of it?" Jing Yu said.

"I have heard of it before, and I really saw it at the commissioning briefing meeting last time... It turned out to be the case." Xia Shi ended his expressionless expression.

Jingyu smiled.

Xunzi had just entered the security club to work. He didn't know much about the combination of police, so he couldn't understand Xia Shi's sigh. As for the general, this kind of person even has muscles in his brain, which is even more impossible.

The group finally stopped in front of a small Japanese-style wooden building. Next to the sliding door on the first floor, there is a sign with the words "Piantong Civil Security Club" written on it... But the super-informal feeling makes people think it is more likely to be a children's play.

Xia Shi and Xun Zi couldn't help but look at Jingyu with suspicion. He raised his hand and planned to knock on the door. But at this moment, behind the girl's wicked words in a lively voice-

"Ah, it's a bad guy who grabs people's business."

As soon as the four people turned their heads, they could see that on the side street, a girl who was pointing at Jingyu was standing.

She was carrying a small red school bag. In terms of time, maybe it was just after school. But that dress, put on the 10-year-old pupil, is too avant-garde.

The hair dyed in gold was divided into two strands, and the tall ones were **** behind the head. There is a slave collar on the neck. Wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt and a black suspender skirt. This skirt is still split on both sides and tied with a cross. The interior is like Xia Shi, wearing black tights.

In addition, the dress on the legs is also very special. The right leg is a knee-high garter, and the left leg is a striped sock.

When Jingyu and others looked over, she stared at Jingyu with vigilant eyes and walked carefully to him.

"What do you want to rob others today?"

Jingyu smiled and reached out and rubbed the top of her head, "Gongyue, still so cute."

"Don't touch me, villain." Everyone could see that she clearly had a cat-like expression of enjoyment for a moment. Jingyu opened her hand quickly, blushing and saying something against her.

"I helped you choose a beautiful collar. I'll bring it to you next time." Jingyu showed a kind smile like she wanted to abduct a little girl. "And, don't call me a bad guy. Although I robbed you as a The target gastrointestinal animal, the remuneration received is indeed transferred to your account. You must not forget it."

"People are not puppies, so I don't want your collar." Gongyue twitched out her little tiger's teeth and resisted. What seemed to be paid was finally true, making her unable to refute. After hesitating, she asked carefully: "So, what are you doing here?"

She noticed that Jingyu's partner Yan Zhu was not there. Instead, it was General Yi Xiong, who had a bad reputation, and his starter. As for the training child, at this moment, she was ignored.

"Is Yushu there?" Jingyu asked without answering.

Katayuki knew that he was a child who could not be the master, and he did not want to say. Therefore, he grunted disapprovingly and walked to the sliding door, using the key hanging on the collar to open the door. Turned his head and looked at him, said:

"come in."

She went in first.

Jingyu, who immediately followed her, shook her head at the "world" behind the door. In a nutshell, this is a junkyard... piles of disposable disposable food boxes and instant noodle cups, dirty clothes thrown away, potted plants that have dried up without watering, dusty sofas and scattered Magazines, comics...There is no sitting position at all except for standing in the center.

In other words, in this environment with the smell of garbage, no one wants to sit down.

"Supervisor, you follow me in. Xunzi, you and Xia Shi are waiting for us outside." Jingyu commanded at the entrance.

Xun Zi glanced inwards, probably understood the sentence before Xia Shi... This pair of siblings are very strange, even if they have the strength, there are not many people who are willing to partner with them.

The general, somewhat reluctant, was unable to drag his head against it and followed him. This big guy is already thinking, ‘hope that kid refused, so that I can find him out. ’

Kata Takizuki walked to the end of the room and pushed the man who slept with his legs on the table behind the desk.

"Brother, there are guests."

When Jingyu walked to the entrance without taking off his shoes, the man picked up the photo magazine covering his face and glanced at the door. Seeing Jingyu, he almost fell from his chair in fright.

"Oh, MY_SWEET, did our family break into the gastrointestinal animal." After jumping from the chair, he asked with an exaggerated tone, "Otherwise, how did I see him."

"Hey, you kid, please pay attention." Jiang Jian just found an excuse, waiting for Jingyu to speak, he showed his body from behind his side and stomped heavily. "Want to be repaired?"

Katong Yushu only now saw General Yi Xiong, and he frowned. After looking back and forth on the faces of the general and Jingyu, I understood the relationship between them.

"Humph," he pouted scornfully, "has he become his follower since he was taught last time? Your guts can't be compared to your size."

"This bastard!" The supervisor will furiously pull out the black sword behind him.

Jingyu raised his hand and stopped him.

"There is nothing wrong with the general supervisor's approach. Bowing to the strong is not without self-esteem, but with respect and politeness." He said: "Katagi Yushu, I look at the face of this kid, Gongyue, so I didn't care about you. . Now, I ask you once, do you want to join my auxiliary force?"

This issue of Jingyu is based on the fact that Katsuragi Yushu already knows the current state of affairs. In fact, if Kikunojo really wants to guard the Tokyo area, he will surely contact high-ranking people like Katyuyushu.

Katagi Yushu glanced at his sister. Gongyue was a little flustered by Jingyu's words, and she blushed. Repeatedly waved hands: "I have nothing to do with that bad guy." After that, Chong Jingyu also made a grimace with a small tongue.

However, she used the word ‘bad guy’ in this place and it was a bit ambiguous.

Katsura Yushu grunted his tongue and spread his hands together, "You want me to join, but don't say anything? What can the government give us? How many enemies do we have to face? When will the stone monument collapse... I don’t care, but I don’t want Gongyue’s death to be unknown.”

"If I said, you wouldn't die?" Jingyu chuckled and smiled.

"...Are you serious?" Pian Tong Yushu and Ping Tong Gongyue both widened their eyes.

"My woman Tian Tongmu will also join me on the battlefield, and Sheng Tianzi will come to the front to direct the battle, you said, do I have to joke with you?" Jingyu turned around, "Today, to the 40th district Let's gather."

Go straight out.

The supervisor gave Yushu a **** and followed. The remaining brother and sister looked at each other.

"We haven't agreed yet." Kata Tung Yu-shu grabbed his hair dyed into blonde hair.

"But, brother, if you don't have to die, you can take advantage of this battle and get a high salary and improve your ranking. Isn't that good?" Gong Yue persuaded: "Let's go."

"No way..." Yushu glanced at his depressed office and sighed helplessly.



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